$558.4614) What is thepresent value of a$500 deposit in year1, and another $100deposit at the end ofyear 4 if interest ratesare 5 percent?10.47%9.0A loan is offeredwith monthlypayments and a 10percent APR. What isthe loan's effectiveannual rate (EAR)?9Approximately howmany years does ittake to double a $300investment wheninterest rates are 8percent per year?freecashflow20) This is cash flowavailable for paymentsto stockholders anddebt holders of a firmafter the firm has madeinvestments in assetsnecessary to sustainthe ongoing operationsof the firm.Cash outflowsaredesignatedwith a positivenumber.17, This isNOT truewhendeveloping atime lineThe higher theinterest rate,the larger thefuture value willbe.18) How arefuture valuesaffected bychanges ininterest rates?1.00%6.Determine theinterest rateearned on an $800deposit when $808is paid back in oneyear.marketvalueratios7. For publicly tradedfirms, which of theseratios measure whatinvestors think of thecompany's futureperformance andrisk?assetmanagement26) Which of thefollowing ratiosmeasure howefficiently a firm usesits assets, as well ashow efficiently thefirm manages itsaccounts payable?$18,620.7810. What is thefuture value of an$800 annuitypayment over 15years if theinterest rates are 6percent?profitability21) Which of theseratios show thecombined effects ofliquidity, assetmanagement, anddebt management onthe overall operationresults of the firm?6.1%Rhonda invested$9,425 in a zero-coupon treasury bill.One year later, itmatured, paying her$10,000. What washer holding periodreturn in percent? periodicallyforever1. A perpetuity,a special formof annuity, payscash flowscommon-sizefinancialstatements28) Which of thesecan be used byinterested parties toidentify changes incorporateperformance?$4,379.3129) Compute thefuture value in year10 of a $1,000deposit in year 1, andanother $1,500deposit at the end ofyear 4 using an 8percent interest rate.0.520813, If Epic, Inc. hasan ROE = 25percent, equitymultiplier = 4, a profitmargin of 12 percent,what is the total assetturnover ratio?debtmanagementratios25) Which ratiosmeasure the extentto which the firmuses debt (orfinancial leverage)versus equity tofinance its assets?12.00%12. Determine theinterest rateearned on a$1,500 depositwhen $1,680 ispaid back in oneyear.balancesheet5. Which financialstatement reports afirm's assets,liabilities, and equityat a particular pointin time?annuities23) Level setsof frequent,consistentcash flows arecalledthe numberof yearsrequired todouble aninvestment.31) The Rule of72 is a simplemathematicalapproximationfor$1,197.814. What is thepresent value of a$300 annuitypayment over 5years if interestrates are 8percent?the higher theinterest rate, theshorter the timeperiod needed toachieve thegrowth.19) Whencalculating thenumber of yearsneeded to grow aninvestment to aspecific amount ofmoneyliquidity8. Which of thefollowing refer toratios that measurethe relationshipbetween a firm'sliquid (or current)assets and its currentliabilities?futurevalue11. When saving forfuture expenditures,we can add the________ ofcontributions overtime to see what thetotal will be worth atsome point in time.marginaltax rateThis is the amount ofadditional taxes afirm must pay out forevery additionaldollar of taxableincome it earns.The lower theinterest rate,the larger thepresent valuewill be.15. How arepresent valuesaffected bychanges ininterest rates?the interestrate that alender willoffer24) Your creditrating andcurrenteconomicconditions willdeterminecompounding30) We call theprocess of earninginterest on both theoriginal deposit andon the earlierinterest payments(550/500)^(365/15)-1=916.77%A 15-day advance ona $500 paycheckcosts $50. What isthe payday lender'sannualized return?$1,538.4616) What is thepresent value, wheninterest rates are 6.5percent, of a $100payment made everyyear forever?$558.4614) What is thepresent value of a$500 deposit in year1, and another $100deposit at the end ofyear 4 if interest ratesare 5 percent?10.47%9.0A loan is offeredwith monthlypayments and a 10percent APR. What isthe loan's effectiveannual rate (EAR)?9Approximately howmany years does ittake to double a $300investment wheninterest rates are 8percent per year?freecashflow20) This is cash flowavailable for paymentsto stockholders anddebt holders of a firmafter the firm has madeinvestments in assetsnecessary to sustainthe ongoing operationsof the firm.Cash outflowsaredesignatedwith a positivenumber.17, This isNOT truewhendeveloping atime lineThe higher theinterest rate,the larger thefuture value willbe.18) How arefuture valuesaffected bychanges ininterest rates?1.00%6.Determine theinterest rateearned on an $800deposit when $808is paid back in oneyear.marketvalueratios7. For publicly tradedfirms, which of theseratios measure whatinvestors think of thecompany's futureperformance andrisk?assetmanagement26) Which of thefollowing ratiosmeasure howefficiently a firm usesits assets, as well ashow efficiently thefirm manages itsaccounts payable?$18,620.7810. What is thefuture value of an$800 annuitypayment over 15years if theinterest rates are 6percent?profitability21) Which of theseratios show thecombined effects ofliquidity, assetmanagement, anddebt management onthe overall operationresults of the firm?6.1%Rhonda invested$9,425 in a zero-coupon treasury bill.One year later, itmatured, paying her$10,000. What washer holding periodreturn in percent? periodicallyforever1. A perpetuity,a special formof annuity, payscash flowscommon-sizefinancialstatements28) Which of thesecan be used byinterested parties toidentify changes incorporateperformance?$4,379.3129) Compute thefuture value in year10 of a $1,000deposit in year 1, andanother $1,500deposit at the end ofyear 4 using an 8percent interest rate.0.520813, If Epic, Inc. hasan ROE = 25percent, equitymultiplier = 4, a profitmargin of 12 percent,what is the total assetturnover ratio?debtmanagementratios25) Which ratiosmeasure the extentto which the firmuses debt (orfinancial leverage)versus equity tofinance its assets?12.00%12. Determine theinterest rateearned on a$1,500 depositwhen $1,680 ispaid back in oneyear.balancesheet5. Which financialstatement reports afirm's assets,liabilities, and equityat a particular pointin time?annuities23) Level setsof frequent,consistentcash flows arecalledthe numberof yearsrequired todouble aninvestment.31) The Rule of72 is a simplemathematicalapproximationfor$1,197.814. What is thepresent value of a$300 annuitypayment over 5years if interestrates are 8percent?the higher theinterest rate, theshorter the timeperiod needed toachieve thegrowth.19) Whencalculating thenumber of yearsneeded to grow aninvestment to aspecific amount ofmoneyliquidity8. Which of thefollowing refer toratios that measurethe relationshipbetween a firm'sliquid (or current)assets and its currentliabilities?futurevalue11. When saving forfuture expenditures,we can add the________ ofcontributions overtime to see what thetotal will be worth atsome point in time.marginaltax rateThis is the amount ofadditional taxes afirm must pay out forevery additionaldollar of taxableincome it earns.The lower theinterest rate,the larger thepresent valuewill be.15. How arepresent valuesaffected bychanges ininterest rates?the interestrate that alender willoffer24) Your creditrating andcurrenteconomicconditions willdeterminecompounding30) We call theprocess of earninginterest on both theoriginal deposit andon the earlierinterest payments(550/500)^(365/15)-1=916.77%A 15-day advance ona $500 paycheckcosts $50. What isthe payday lender'sannualized return?$1,538.4616) What is thepresent value, wheninterest rates are 6.5percent, of a $100payment made everyyear forever?

Intro to Finance Ch 2-5 b - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. 14) What is the present value of a $500 deposit in year 1, and another $100 deposit at the end of year 4 if interest rates are 5 percent?
  2. 9.0A loan is offered with monthly payments and a 10 percent APR. What is the loan's effective annual rate (EAR)?
  3. Approximately how many years does it take to double a $300 investment when interest rates are 8 percent per year?
  4. 20) This is cash flow available for payments to stockholders and debt holders of a firm after the firm has made investments in assets necessary to sustain the ongoing operations of the firm.
    free cash flow
  5. 17, This is NOT true when developing a time line
    Cash outflows are designated with a positive number.
  6. 18) How are future values affected by changes in interest rates?
    The higher the interest rate, the larger the future value will be.
  7. 6.Determine the interest rate earned on an $800 deposit when $808 is paid back in one year.
  8. 7. For publicly traded firms, which of these ratios measure what investors think of the company's future performance and risk?
    market value ratios
  9. 26) Which of the following ratios measure how efficiently a firm uses its assets, as well as how efficiently the firm manages its accounts payable?
    asset management
  10. 10. What is the future value of an $800 annuity payment over 15 years if the interest rates are 6 percent?
  11. 21) Which of these ratios show the combined effects of liquidity, asset management, and debt management on the overall operation results of the firm?
  12. Rhonda invested $9,425 in a zero-coupon treasury bill. One year later, it matured, paying her $10,000. What was her holding period return in percent?
  13. 1. A perpetuity, a special form of annuity, pays cash flows
    periodically forever
  14. 28) Which of these can be used by interested parties to identify changes in corporate performance?
    common-size financial statements
  15. 29) Compute the future value in year 10 of a $1,000 deposit in year 1, and another $1,500 deposit at the end of year 4 using an 8 percent interest rate.
  16. 13, If Epic, Inc. has an ROE = 25 percent, equity multiplier = 4, a profit margin of 12 percent, what is the total asset turnover ratio?
  17. 25) Which ratios measure the extent to which the firm uses debt (or financial leverage) versus equity to finance its assets?
    debt management ratios
  18. 12. Determine the interest rate earned on a $1,500 deposit when $1,680 is paid back in one year.
  19. 5. Which financial statement reports a firm's assets, liabilities, and equity at a particular point in time?
    balance sheet
  20. 23) Level sets of frequent, consistent cash flows are called
  21. 31) The Rule of 72 is a simple mathematical approximation for
    the number of years required to double an investment.
  22. 4. What is the present value of a $300 annuity payment over 5 years if interest rates are 8 percent?
  23. 19) When calculating the number of years needed to grow an investment to a specific amount of money
    the higher the interest rate, the shorter the time period needed to achieve the growth.
  24. 8. Which of the following refer to ratios that measure the relationship between a firm's liquid (or current) assets and its current liabilities?
  25. 11. When saving for future expenditures, we can add the ________ of contributions over time to see what the total will be worth at some point in time.
    future value
  26. This is the amount of additional taxes a firm must pay out for every additional dollar of taxable income it earns.
    marginal tax rate
  27. 15. How are present values affected by changes in interest rates?
    The lower the interest rate, the larger the present value will be.
  28. 24) Your credit rating and current economic conditions will determine
    the interest rate that a lender will offer
  29. 30) We call the process of earning interest on both the original deposit and on the earlier interest payments
  30. A 15-day advance on a $500 paycheck costs $50. What is the payday lender's annualized return?
    (550/500)^(365/15)-1= 916.77%
  31. 16) What is the present value, when interest rates are 6.5 percent, of a $100 payment made every year forever?