No morethan 5peoplespeak total3 people discussan issue butprovide no contextfor anyone else soeveryone else islostSomeonetries to bringhumour in tothe meetingand it failsTalking in circlesabout an issuesomeone firstraised 2 weeksago with noresolutionOnly 3people havecameras onthe wholetimeAwkwardmeetingendingSomeone says"Anyquestions?" Andit's crickets for30 secondsminimumSomeoneasks aquestion andgets a bla blanon-answerNo morethan 5peoplespeak total3 people discussan issue butprovide no contextfor anyone else soeveryone else islostSomeonetries to bringhumour in tothe meetingand it failsTalking in circlesabout an issuesomeone firstraised 2 weeksago with noresolutionOnly 3people havecameras onthe wholetimeAwkwardmeetingendingSomeone says"Anyquestions?" Andit's crickets for30 secondsminimumSomeoneasks aquestion andgets a bla blanon-answer

Team bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. No more than 5 people speak total
  2. 3 people discuss an issue but provide no context for anyone else so everyone else is lost
  3. Someone tries to bring humour in to the meeting and it fails
  4. Talking in circles about an issue someone first raised 2 weeks ago with no resolution
  5. Only 3 people have cameras on the whole time
  6. Awkward meeting ending
  7. Someone says "Any questions?" And it's crickets for 30 seconds minimum
  8. Someone asks a question and gets a bla bla non-answer