A crop thatpeoplegrow tosell.A personwho makes ajourney forreligiousreasons.A list of rulesmade by thefirst colonist tohelp them getalong.The moneyleft over afterall costshave beenpaid.A form ofgovernment in whichpeople rule and arefree to make choicesabout their lives andtheir government.The practice ofholding peopleagainst their willand makingthem workwithout pay.A productthatleaves acountry.An assembly ofpeople in NewEngland townthat make lawsand electedleaders.A productbroughtinto acountry.A largefarm.A person wholeft their countryof birth to live inanothercountry.A craftworker.A person whoagrees to work foranother without payfor a certain lengthof time in exchangefor passage to NorthAmerica.A landruled byanothercountry.Wanted toremain part ofthe Church ofEngland inAmerica.A crop thatpeoplegrow tosell.A personwho makes ajourney forreligiousreasons.A list of rulesmade by thefirst colonist tohelp them getalong.The moneyleft over afterall costshave beenpaid.A form ofgovernment in whichpeople rule and arefree to make choicesabout their lives andtheir government.The practice ofholding peopleagainst their willand makingthem workwithout pay.A productthatleaves acountry.An assembly ofpeople in NewEngland townthat make lawsand electedleaders.A productbroughtinto acountry.A largefarm.A person wholeft their countryof birth to live inanothercountry.A craftworker.A person whoagrees to work foranother without payfor a certain lengthof time in exchangefor passage to NorthAmerica.A landruled byanothercountry.Wanted toremain part ofthe Church ofEngland inAmerica.

13 Colonies Vocabulary Bing - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. A crop that people grow to sell.
  2. A person who makes a journey for religious reasons.
  3. A list of rules made by the first colonist to help them get along.
  4. The money left over after all costs have been paid.
  5. A form of government in which people rule and are free to make choices about their lives and their government.
  6. The practice of holding people against their will and making them work without pay.
  7. A product that leaves a country.
  8. An assembly of people in New England town that make laws and elected leaders.
  9. A product brought into a country.
  10. A large farm.
  11. A person who left their country of birth to live in another country.
  12. A craft worker.
  13. A person who agrees to work for another without pay for a certain length of time in exchange for passage to North America.
  14. A land ruled by another country.
  15. Wanted to remain part of the Church of England in America.