Find a letterthat has a lotof crowns ontopFind apart of theJosephstory יוסףFind thename ofשרהרבקהלאה רחלFindsomethingthat Godsays………ויאמר ה׳OR וידברFind one ofthe 10plagues fromthe PassoverstoryFind agenealogy –a list of ourancestorsFind aletter thatis extra-wideFind thename of aplace in theland of IsraelFind thebeginning ofone of thebooks of theTorahFind somethingthat Mosessays …… ויאמרמשה OR וידברFind a wordthat hasdiamondsover everyletterFind thename ofMiriamמריםFind thestory ofAdam andEve אדם וחוהFind thename ofאברהםיצחק יעקבFind a versethat mentionsShabbat (orthe SeventhDay) שבתFind one ofthe pilgrimagefestivals: סכות,פסח, שבועותFind a verybig spacebetweenwordsFind a phrasethat mentionsthe people ofIsrael בניישראלFind thename ofAharonHaKohenאהרון הכהןFind thename ofJoshuaיהושעFind the letter“Nun” upside-down andbackwardstwiceFind apoemFind a wordthat beginswith the sameletter as yourHebrew nameFind thestory ofNoah’s arkתיבת נחFind a letterthat has a lotof crowns ontopFind apart of theJosephstory יוסףFind thename ofשרהרבקהלאה רחלFindsomethingthat Godsays………ויאמר ה׳OR וידברFind one ofthe 10plagues fromthe PassoverstoryFind agenealogy –a list of ourancestorsFind aletter thatis extra-wideFind thename of aplace in theland of IsraelFind thebeginning ofone of thebooks of theTorahFind somethingthat Mosessays …… ויאמרמשה OR וידברFind a wordthat hasdiamondsover everyletterFind thename ofMiriamמריםFind thestory ofAdam andEve אדם וחוהFind thename ofאברהםיצחק יעקבFind a versethat mentionsShabbat (orthe SeventhDay) שבתFind one ofthe pilgrimagefestivals: סכות,פסח, שבועותFind a verybig spacebetweenwordsFind a phrasethat mentionsthe people ofIsrael בניישראלFind thename ofAharonHaKohenאהרון הכהןFind thename ofJoshuaיהושעFind the letter“Nun” upside-down andbackwardstwiceFind apoemFind a wordthat beginswith the sameletter as yourHebrew nameFind thestory ofNoah’s arkתיבת נח

Untitled Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Find a letter that has a lot of crowns on top
  2. Find a part of the Joseph story יוסף
  3. שרה רבקה לאה רחל
    Find the name of
  4. ……… ויאמר ה׳ OR וידבר
    Find something that God says
  5. Find one of the 10 plagues from the Passover story
  6. Find a genealogy – a list of our ancestors
  7. Find a letter that is extra-wide
  8. Find the name of a place in the land of Israel
  9. Find the beginning of one of the books of the Torah
  10. Find something that Moses says …… ויאמר משה OR וידבר
  11. Find a word that has diamonds over every letter
  12. Find the name of Miriam מרים
  13. Find the story of Adam and Eve אדם וחוה
  14. Find the name of אברהם יצחק יעקב
  15. Find a verse that mentions Shabbat (or the Seventh Day) שבת
  16. Find one of the pilgrimage festivals: סכות, פסח, שבועות
  17. Find a very big space between words
  18. Find a phrase that mentions the people of Israel בני ישראל
  19. Find the name of Aharon HaKohen אהרון הכהן
  20. Find the name of Joshua יהושע
  21. Find the letter “Nun” upside-down and backwards twice
  22. Find a poem
  23. Find a word that begins with the same letter as your Hebrew name
  24. Find the story of Noah’s ark תיבת נח