that it has adetailed and“textured”understandingof life.FaberMildredClarisse'senjoyment of therain, dandelions,and even thesessions with heranalyst is veryunusualClarissethink deeplybut Mildredis shallowFaberclarissechangedhow montagthinksMildred pushesaway her trueemotions byfocusing onher "family".Montag asksMildred tohelp him withreading thebooksBeatty is a veryINTELLEGENT manbut uses his intellectin a negative way heis also the Fire chiefand Montags BossClarisse reveals toMontag theabsence of love,pleasure andcontentment in hislifeGuy Montag is theprotagonist of thestory also afireman who isnow beginning toquestion howsociety isClarisseClarisse isMontagsseventeen yearold neighbor whois a lover of lifeand nature alsothe foil of Mildredto putout fireMildred isconsidered SelfCentered andShallow becauseshe only cares forherselfAfter the burningof the womenMontag faces anantagonizingspiritual dilemmaof love and hatefor his jobHer curiosityand questioningis so uniquethat Montag isstruck by her.Faber was scaredof Montagbecause hebelieved He wasout to get himFaber uses alistening device tobe able to hearAnd Speak toMontag from hishomeshe madeMontaginterestedin books.Mildred courtedwith Montag inChicago whenthey were both20GuyMontagCaptainBeattythat it has adetailed and“textured”understandingof life.FaberMildredClarisse'senjoyment of therain, dandelions,and even thesessions with heranalyst is veryunusualClarissethink deeplybut Mildredis shallowFaberclarissechangedhow montagthinksMildred pushesaway her trueemotions byfocusing onher "family".Montag asksMildred tohelp him withreading thebooksBeatty is a veryINTELLEGENT manbut uses his intellectin a negative way heis also the Fire chiefand Montags BossClarisse reveals toMontag theabsence of love,pleasure andcontentment in hislifeGuy Montag is theprotagonist of thestory also afireman who isnow beginning toquestion howsociety isClarisseClarisse isMontagsseventeen yearold neighbor whois a lover of lifeand nature alsothe foil of Mildredto putout fireMildred isconsidered SelfCentered andShallow becauseshe only cares forherselfAfter the burningof the womenMontag faces anantagonizingspiritual dilemmaof love and hatefor his jobHer curiosityand questioningis so uniquethat Montag isstruck by her.Faber was scaredof Montagbecause hebelieved He wasout to get himFaber uses alistening device tobe able to hearAnd Speak toMontag from hishomeshe madeMontaginterestedin books.Mildred courtedwith Montag inChicago whenthey were both20GuyMontagCaptainBeatty

Farenheit 451: characters - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. that it has a detailed and “textured” understanding of life.
  2. Faber
  3. Mildred
  4. Clarisse's enjoyment of the rain, dandelions, and even the sessions with her analyst is very unusual
  5. Clarisse think deeply but Mildred is shallow
  6. Faber
  7. clarisse changed how montag thinks
  8. Mildred pushes away her true emotions by focusing on her "family".
  9. Montag asks Mildred to help him with reading the books
  10. Beatty is a very INTELLEGENT man but uses his intellect in a negative way he is also the Fire chief and Montags Boss
  11. Clarisse reveals to Montag the absence of love, pleasure and contentment in his life
  12. Guy Montag is the protagonist of the story also a fireman who is now beginning to question how society is
  13. Clarisse
  14. Clarisse is Montags seventeen year old neighbor who is a lover of life and nature also the foil of Mildred
  15. to put out fire
  16. Mildred is considered Self Centered and Shallow because she only cares for herself
  17. After the burning of the women Montag faces an antagonizing spiritual dilemma of love and hate for his job
  18. Her curiosity and questioning is so unique that Montag is struck by her.
  19. Faber was scared of Montag because he believed He was out to get him
  20. Faber uses a listening device to be able to hear And Speak to Montag from his home
  21. she made Montag interested in books.
  22. Mildred courted with Montag in Chicago when they were both 20
  23. Guy Montag
  24. Captain Beatty