Theblessedin heavenChurchTriumphantGod's actto move usto a stateof graceJustificationhighlights thepurity andholiness thatChrist hasbestowed uponthe Church.BrideofChristthe People ofGod throughoutthe world whoare calledtogether toworship GodChurchthe 21st andmost recentecumenicalcouncil of theCatholicChurchSecondVaticanCouncilA truth aboutGod and hissaving plan thatwill always bebeyond humanunderstandingmysterytomakeholySanctifyWho isthesanctifierHolySpiritthe passing on toothers, by ourwords, actions,and the faith wehave been givenWitnessthe publicprayer oftheChurchLiturgykind acts bywhich we helpour neighborswith theireverydaymaterial needsCorporalWorks ofMercyWho is theMother andperfect followerof Church andJesus ChristMarywe are on ajourney toheaven,fighting thegood fightChurchMilitantsomething thatcan be knownbut never fullyunderstoodbecause itrelates to GodMysterya building devoted tothe worship, orregarded as thedwelling place, of agod or gods or otherobjects of religiousreverence.TempleWhat is aprayerJesustaught ustheLord'sPrayerguidelines toliving, givenby Jesus inthe Sermonon the MountBeatitudesillustrates therelationship ofindividualmembers of theChurch withChrist,The VineandBranchesthe state ofthose whoare not readyto see Godface-to-facePurgatoryAs bread doughis leavened, itpuffs up,expanding involume.TheLeavena personwho makesa journey forreligiousreasonspilgrimacts of love thathelp us care forthe needs ofpeople's hearts,minds, andsoulsSpiritualWorks ofMercyWho is thefounder andhead of theChurchJesusChristthe story ofGod's lovingrelationshipwith hispeopleSalvationHistorythe unity of all,dead, or living,who have beensaved in JesusChristCommunionof Saintsthe passion,Death,Ressurection,and Ascensionof Jesus ChristPaschalMysterythe thirdgreat religionprofessingbelief in oneGodIslam(Muslims)the 50th day afterJesus was raisedfrom the dead andwhen the Holy Spiritwas sent fromHeaven to birth theChurchPentecosta pen orshelterfor sheepTheSheepfoldTheblessedin heavenChurchTriumphantGod's actto move usto a stateof graceJustificationhighlights thepurity andholiness thatChrist hasbestowed uponthe Church.BrideofChristthe People ofGod throughoutthe world whoare calledtogether toworship GodChurchthe 21st andmost recentecumenicalcouncil of theCatholicChurchSecondVaticanCouncilA truth aboutGod and hissaving plan thatwill always bebeyond humanunderstandingmysterytomakeholySanctifyWho isthesanctifierHolySpiritthe passing on toothers, by ourwords, actions,and the faith wehave been givenWitnessthe publicprayer oftheChurchLiturgykind acts bywhich we helpour neighborswith theireverydaymaterial needsCorporalWorks ofMercyWho is theMother andperfect followerof Church andJesus ChristMarywe are on ajourney toheaven,fighting thegood fightChurchMilitantsomething thatcan be knownbut never fullyunderstoodbecause itrelates to GodMysterya building devoted tothe worship, orregarded as thedwelling place, of agod or gods or otherobjects of religiousreverence.TempleWhat is aprayerJesustaught ustheLord'sPrayerguidelines toliving, givenby Jesus inthe Sermonon the MountBeatitudesillustrates therelationship ofindividualmembers of theChurch withChrist,The VineandBranchesthe state ofthose whoare not readyto see Godface-to-facePurgatoryAs bread doughis leavened, itpuffs up,expanding involume.TheLeavena personwho makesa journey forreligiousreasonspilgrimacts of love thathelp us care forthe needs ofpeople's hearts,minds, andsoulsSpiritualWorks ofMercyWho is thefounder andhead of theChurchJesusChristthe story ofGod's lovingrelationshipwith hispeopleSalvationHistorythe unity of all,dead, or living,who have beensaved in JesusChristCommunionof Saintsthe passion,Death,Ressurection,and Ascensionof Jesus ChristPaschalMysterythe thirdgreat religionprofessingbelief in oneGodIslam(Muslims)the 50th day afterJesus was raisedfrom the dead andwhen the Holy Spiritwas sent fromHeaven to birth theChurchPentecosta pen orshelterfor sheepTheSheepfold

G8 Unit 1 Review (N0) - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Church Triumphant
    The blessed in heaven
  2. Justification
    God's act to move us to a state of grace
  3. Bride of Christ
    highlights the purity and holiness that Christ has bestowed upon the Church.
  4. Church
    the People of God throughout the world who are called together to worship God
  5. Second Vatican Council
    the 21st and most recent ecumenical council of the Catholic Church
  6. mystery
    A truth about God and his saving plan that will always be beyond human understanding
  7. Sanctify
    to make holy
  8. Holy Spirit
    Who is the sanctifier
  9. Witness
    the passing on to others, by our words, actions, and the faith we have been given
  10. Liturgy
    the public prayer of the Church
  11. Corporal Works of Mercy
    kind acts by which we help our neighbors with their everyday material needs
  12. Mary
    Who is the Mother and perfect follower of Church and Jesus Christ
  13. Church Militant
    we are on a journey to heaven, fighting the good fight
  14. Mystery
    something that can be known but never fully understood because it relates to God
  15. Temple
    a building devoted to the worship, or regarded as the dwelling place, of a god or gods or other objects of religious reverence.
  16. the Lord's Prayer
    What is a prayer Jesus taught us
  17. Beatitudes
    guidelines to living, given by Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount
  18. The Vine and Branches
    illustrates the relationship of individual members of the Church with Christ,
  19. Purgatory
    the state of those who are not ready to see God face-to-face
  20. The Leaven
    As bread dough is leavened, it puffs up, expanding in volume.
  21. pilgrim
    a person who makes a journey for religious reasons
  22. Spiritual Works of Mercy
    acts of love that help us care for the needs of people's hearts, minds, and souls
  23. Jesus Christ
    Who is the founder and head of the Church
  24. Salvation History
    the story of God's loving relationship with his people
  25. Communion of Saints
    the unity of all, dead, or living, who have been saved in Jesus Christ
  26. Paschal Mystery
    the passion, Death, Ressurection, and Ascension of Jesus Christ
  27. Islam(Muslims)
    the third great religion professing belief in one God
  28. Pentecost
    the 50th day after Jesus was raised from the dead and when the Holy Spirit was sent from Heaven to birth the Church
  29. The Sheepfold
    a pen or shelter for sheep