Has never beencalled out, byMr. B, fordisrupting class(albatros?unicorn??)Has abirthday, inthe samemonth asyou.Can pickthecorrectnumberHas beentoDisneylandCan name(accurately)all of therooms, in the"Band Room"Can SAY, withcorrect syllables, apassage of theirmusic; chosen byMr. BCanconduct, in4/4 time atleast fourmeasures.Can play anote, in tune(green smileyface), for 10+secondsCan say 1 line ofthe alphabetmaster, with themetronome,zero mistakesCan play at least4 majorscales...flawlesslyKnowshow totie a tieCan CLAP apassage, oftheir music,chosen byMr. BCancomplete theAlphabetMaster...Can play HotCrossBuns...in all12 keys!Can play #3,in That's MyJam,perfectlyHas a teacheryou've neverhear od (or atleast neverhad)Can COUNTa passage, oftheir music,chosen byMr. BWho'sfavorite coloris not strictlypart of therainbowCan correctlyplay a ConcertBb major scaleon 3+instrumentsPlays asport, otherthan BandKarateCan TOTALLYmatch pitch,with any otherplayer (min. 3seconds)KnowswhatTENUTOmeansCan play a2+ octavechromaticscaleCan playall 12majorscalesPracticesmorethan youHas never beencalled out, byMr. B, fordisrupting class(albatros?unicorn??)Has abirthday, inthe samemonth asyou.Can pickthecorrectnumberHas beentoDisneylandCan name(accurately)all of therooms, in the"Band Room"Can SAY, withcorrect syllables, apassage of theirmusic; chosen byMr. BCanconduct, in4/4 time atleast fourmeasures.Can play anote, in tune(green smileyface), for 10+secondsCan say 1 line ofthe alphabetmaster, with themetronome,zero mistakesCan play at least4 majorscales...flawlesslyKnowshow totie a tieCan CLAP apassage, oftheir music,chosen byMr. BCancomplete theAlphabetMaster...Can play HotCrossBuns...in all12 keys!Can play #3,in That's MyJam,perfectlyHas a teacheryou've neverhear od (or atleast neverhad)Can COUNTa passage, oftheir music,chosen byMr. BWho'sfavorite coloris not strictlypart of therainbowCan correctlyplay a ConcertBb major scaleon 3+instrumentsPlays asport, otherthan BandKarateCan TOTALLYmatch pitch,with any otherplayer (min. 3seconds)KnowswhatTENUTOmeansCan play a2+ octavechromaticscaleCan playall 12majorscalesPracticesmorethan you

Band Room Bingo - Find Someone Who... - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Has never been called out, by Mr. B, for disrupting class (albatros? unicorn??)
  2. Has a birthday, in the same month as you.
  3. Can pick the correct number
  4. Has been to Disneyland
  5. Can name (accurately) all of the rooms, in the "Band Room"
  6. Can SAY, with correct syllables, a passage of their music; chosen by Mr. B
  7. Can conduct, in 4/4 time at least four measures.
  8. Can play a note, in tune (green smiley face), for 10+ seconds
  9. Can say 1 line of the alphabet master, with the metronome, zero mistakes
  10. Can play at least 4 major scales...flawlessly
  11. Knows how to tie a tie
  12. Can CLAP a passage, of their music, chosen by Mr. B
  13. Can complete the Alphabet Master...
  14. Can play Hot Cross Buns...in all 12 keys!
  15. Can play #3, in That's My Jam, perfectly
  16. Has a teacher you've never hear od (or at least never had)
  17. Can COUNT a passage, of their music, chosen by Mr. B
  18. Who's favorite color is not strictly part of the rainbow
  19. Can correctly play a Concert Bb major scale on 3+ instruments
  20. Plays a sport, other than Band Karate
  21. Can TOTALLY match pitch, with any other player (min. 3 seconds)
  22. Knows what TENUTO means
  23. Can play a 2+ octave chromatic scale
  24. Can play all 12 major scales
  25. Practices more than you