TRUEWalk-inappointmentsmust have aPID of today.ALL OFTHEABOVEAudit activity reports show:• Number of appointmentsscheduled by a schedulero Number of appointmentrequests a schedulercreatedo Total actions taken by theschedulero All of the above TRUEVSE displaysinformation fromacross clinics and willalert a scheduler ifhe/she is trying toschedule anappointment at a timethat conflicts withanother appointment.TRUEConsult requests inVSE are basedupon the consultorders thatproviders enter inCPRS. True orFalseTRUEThe Reports taballows users withthe required key togenerate variousreports. True orFalse ServiceConnectedWhat doesthe acronymSC standfor?MultipleReturn toClinic(MRTC)What is the termdescribed as a“return to clinic formultipleappointments in aseries”?SSN; Last name followedby first name, separated bya comma; First initial of thelast name and the last fourdigits of the SSN; Spacebar + search to bring up thepatient in focus in VistA orCPRSA scheduler can search for apatient by searching thepatient’s: (select all that apply)o Birthdayo SSNo Last name followed by firstname, separated by a commao First and last initialsfollowed by the last four digitsof the SSNo FirstImprove theexisting VISTAschedulingsoftware andVeteranexperienceWhat is thepurpose ofVISTASchedulingEnhancements?PatientCenteredschedulingor RecallUpon check out thepatient is given theoption to make anappt on the spot orbe reminded at alater date. This iscalled?TrueSpecial Needs and/orPreferences and Flagsare saved &associated with aspecific patient. Aremark notes and/orcomment is onlyassociated with aspecific request.Using VistAaccess andverify codes;Using PIV cardand associatedPIN numberLogging into VSE requires:(Select all that apply)o Obtaining new accessand verify codeso Creating access andverify codeso Using VistA access andverify codeso Using PIV card andassociated PIN number VA OnlineSchedulingRequest(VAOS)RequestWhich of the following isNOT a request type inVSE?o VA Online SchedulingRequest (VAOS) Requesto APPT (Appointment)o CONS (Consult)o RTC (Return to Clinic) RequestManagement(RM) Grid. A list of appointmentrequests includingAppointment, Consultand Patient-CenteredScheduling is calledthe:RequestManagement (RM)Grid; ClinicSchedules; PendingAppointments;SpecialNeeds/PreferencesThe Tasks tab includeswhich of the following?(select all that apply)o Request Management(RM) Grido Clinic Scheduleso Pending Appointmentso Scheduler Activityo SpecialNeeds/Preferenceso Clinic Profiles TRUEA scheduler canschedule anappointmentfrom a consultrequest.True or False ALL OFTHEABOVEWhen a scheduler needs todisposition an APPTRequest, which reasonoptions are listed?o Deatho Removed/No LongerNecessaryo Entered in Erroro Removed/Non-VA Careo All of the above PatientIndicatedDate (PID)from therequestWhen selecting aRTC Request toschedule, theSchedule Grid willauto-populatebased on whichdate?TRUESchedule Viewoptions includeClinic, Providerand Clinic Group.o Trueo False All oftheaboveA benefit of VSE, as ascheduler, is being able to:• View multiple clinicschedules at onceo View all requests in aconsolidated request listo Schedule appointmentsin less timeo Schedule multipleappointments easilyo Easily identified VPatient’sPID(PreferredDate)When rescheduling anappointment that has beencancelled by the patient,the PID used is:o Todayo Original PIDo Patient’s PID (PreferredDate)o Whenever the patientwalks in FALSEThe Systems taballows users with therequired key todesignate privilegedusers, create clinicgroups, and edit clinicnames in VS GUI. Trueor False  Adding orremovingprivilegedusersThe System tab allowsmanagers to manageprohibited clinics by:o Changing the defaultprovidero Editing the length of theappointmento Adding or removingprivileged userso Changing the number ofoverbooks allowed TRUEOn the Tasks tab, ascheduler can searchfor a patient, edit apatient’s demographicinformation andscheduleappointments.True or False TRUEWalk-inappointmentsmust have aPID of today.ALL OFTHEABOVEAudit activity reports show:• Number of appointmentsscheduled by a schedulero Number of appointmentrequests a schedulercreatedo Total actions taken by theschedulero All of the above TRUEVSE displaysinformation fromacross clinics and willalert a scheduler ifhe/she is trying toschedule anappointment at a timethat conflicts withanother appointment.TRUEConsult requests inVSE are basedupon the consultorders thatproviders enter inCPRS. True orFalseTRUEThe Reports taballows users withthe required key togenerate variousreports. True orFalse ServiceConnectedWhat doesthe acronymSC standfor?MultipleReturn toClinic(MRTC)What is the termdescribed as a“return to clinic formultipleappointments in aseries”?SSN; Last name followedby first name, separated bya comma; First initial of thelast name and the last fourdigits of the SSN; Spacebar + search to bring up thepatient in focus in VistA orCPRSA scheduler can search for apatient by searching thepatient’s: (select all that apply)o Birthdayo SSNo Last name followed by firstname, separated by a commao First and last initialsfollowed by the last four digitsof the SSNo FirstImprove theexisting VISTAschedulingsoftware andVeteranexperienceWhat is thepurpose ofVISTASchedulingEnhancements?PatientCenteredschedulingor RecallUpon check out thepatient is given theoption to make anappt on the spot orbe reminded at alater date. This iscalled?TrueSpecial Needs and/orPreferences and Flagsare saved &associated with aspecific patient. Aremark notes and/orcomment is onlyassociated with aspecific request.Using VistAaccess andverify codes;Using PIV cardand associatedPIN numberLogging into VSE requires:(Select all that apply)o Obtaining new accessand verify codeso Creating access andverify codeso Using VistA access andverify codeso Using PIV card andassociated PIN number VA OnlineSchedulingRequest(VAOS)RequestWhich of the following isNOT a request type inVSE?o VA Online SchedulingRequest (VAOS) Requesto APPT (Appointment)o CONS (Consult)o RTC (Return to Clinic) RequestManagement(RM) Grid. A list of appointmentrequests includingAppointment, Consultand Patient-CenteredScheduling is calledthe:RequestManagement (RM)Grid; ClinicSchedules; PendingAppointments;SpecialNeeds/PreferencesThe Tasks tab includeswhich of the following?(select all that apply)o Request Management(RM) Grido Clinic Scheduleso Pending Appointmentso Scheduler Activityo SpecialNeeds/Preferenceso Clinic Profiles TRUEA scheduler canschedule anappointmentfrom a consultrequest.True or False ALL OFTHEABOVEWhen a scheduler needs todisposition an APPTRequest, which reasonoptions are listed?o Deatho Removed/No LongerNecessaryo Entered in Erroro Removed/Non-VA Careo All of the above PatientIndicatedDate (PID)from therequestWhen selecting aRTC Request toschedule, theSchedule Grid willauto-populatebased on whichdate?TRUESchedule Viewoptions includeClinic, Providerand Clinic Group.o Trueo False All oftheaboveA benefit of VSE, as ascheduler, is being able to:• View multiple clinicschedules at onceo View all requests in aconsolidated request listo Schedule appointmentsin less timeo Schedule multipleappointments easilyo Easily identified VPatient’sPID(PreferredDate)When rescheduling anappointment that has beencancelled by the patient,the PID used is:o Todayo Original PIDo Patient’s PID (PreferredDate)o Whenever the patientwalks in FALSEThe Systems taballows users with therequired key todesignate privilegedusers, create clinicgroups, and edit clinicnames in VS GUI. Trueor False  Adding orremovingprivilegedusersThe System tab allowsmanagers to manageprohibited clinics by:o Changing the defaultprovidero Editing the length of theappointmento Adding or removingprivileged userso Changing the number ofoverbooks allowed TRUEOn the Tasks tab, ascheduler can searchfor a patient, edit apatient’s demographicinformation andscheduleappointments.True or False 

VSE Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Walk-in appointments must have a PID of today.
  2. Audit activity reports show: • Number of appointments scheduled by a scheduler o Number of appointment requests a scheduler created o Total actions taken by the scheduler o All of the above
  3. VSE displays information from across clinics and will alert a scheduler if he/she is trying to schedule an appointment at a time that conflicts with another appointment.
  4. Consult requests in VSE are based upon the consult orders that providers enter in CPRS. True or False
  5. The Reports tab allows users with the required key to generate various reports. True or False
  6. What does the acronym SC stand for?
    Service Connected
  7. What is the term described as a “return to clinic for multiple appointments in a series”?
    Multiple Return to Clinic (MRTC)
  8. A scheduler can search for a patient by searching the patient’s: (select all that apply) o Birthday o SSN o Last name followed by first name, separated by a comma o First and last initials followed by the last four digits of the SSN o First
    SSN; Last name followed by first name, separated by a comma; First initial of the last name and the last four digits of the SSN; Space bar + search to bring up the patient in focus in VistA or CPRS
  9. What is the purpose of VISTA Scheduling Enhancements?
    Improve the existing VISTA scheduling software and Veteran experience
  10. Upon check out the patient is given the option to make an appt on the spot or be reminded at a later date. This is called?
    Patient Centered scheduling or Recall
  11. Special Needs and/or Preferences and Flags are saved & associated with a specific patient. A remark notes and/or comment is only associated with a specific request.
  12. Logging into VSE requires: (Select all that apply) o Obtaining new access and verify codes o Creating access and verify codes o Using VistA access and verify codes o Using PIV card and associated PIN number
    Using VistA access and verify codes; Using PIV card and associated PIN number
  13. Which of the following is NOT a request type in VSE? o VA Online Scheduling Request (VAOS) Request o APPT (Appointment) o CONS (Consult) o RTC (Return to Clinic)
    VA Online Scheduling Request (VAOS) Request
  14. . A list of appointment requests including Appointment, Consult and Patient-Centered Scheduling is called the:
    Request Management (RM) Grid
  15. The Tasks tab includes which of the following? (select all that apply) o Request Management (RM) Grid o Clinic Schedules o Pending Appointments o Scheduler Activity o Special Needs/Preferences o Clinic Profiles
    Request Management (RM) Grid; Clinic Schedules; Pending Appointments; Special Needs/Preferences
  16. A scheduler can schedule an appointment from a consult request. True or False
  17. When a scheduler needs to disposition an APPT Request, which reason options are listed? o Death o Removed/No Longer Necessary o Entered in Error o Removed/Non-VA Care o All of the above
  18. When selecting a RTC Request to schedule, the Schedule Grid will auto-populate based on which date?
    Patient Indicated Date (PID) from the request
  19. Schedule View options include Clinic, Provider and Clinic Group. o True o False
  20. A benefit of VSE, as a scheduler, is being able to: • View multiple clinic schedules at once o View all requests in a consolidated request list o Schedule appointments in less time o Schedule multiple appointments easily o Easily identified V
    All of the above
  21. When rescheduling an appointment that has been cancelled by the patient, the PID used is: o Today o Original PID o Patient’s PID (Preferred Date) o Whenever the patient walks in
    Patient’s PID (Preferred Date)
  22. The Systems tab allows users with the required key to designate privileged users, create clinic groups, and edit clinic names in VS GUI. True or False
  23. The System tab allows managers to manage prohibited clinics by: o Changing the default provider o Editing the length of the appointment o Adding or removing privileged users o Changing the number of overbooks allowed
    Adding or removing privileged users
  24. On the Tasks tab, a scheduler can search for a patient, edit a patient’s demographic information and schedule appointments. True or False