MISC:Successfullyperform aFortnite dance infront of anorganizer MISC: Try afood you’venever eatenbefore MISC: Meetthree newpeople andlearn theirfavorite PopTart flavor ENG: Haveexactly 69.0percentdamage atany pointMISC: Learn aboutsomebody else’sfavorite game (thatyou haven’t playedbefore) COMM: Earnthe mostmoney in amoney-based gameCOMM: Win atext-prompt-based gamewith the phrase“we live in asociety”ENG: Play 4characters in arow whose namesstart withconsecutive lettersof the alphabet ENG: Letanother playerchoose yourcontrollersettings for onegame ENG: Surviveto the finalthree withoutdoing anydamage ENG: Get 2KOs withrangedattacks in 1gameNAV:Cross thefinish linebackwardsNAV: Win arace on atrack namedfor yourcharacterENG:Counter amove thatwould haveKOed youMISC: Findsomeoneelse who’splayed yourfavorite gameCOMM: Win3 rounds in arow in abracket-based game COMM: Earnany in-gameachievement NAV: HitBowserwith a redshell ELEC: Guessat least onewrong answerthat makes theorganizer laughNAV: Gofrom 12th to4th or abovein one lap NAV: Passanotherplayer byusing ashortcutMISC: Find acreative wayto play “TheLicc” MISC: Takea selfie withsomeone ina costume NAV: Get hitby two blueshells in onegame COMM:End agame withzero points ENG:Complete50+ taunts inone gameCOMM: Fool3+ players ina round ofDrawful orFibbage ELEC:Correctlyanswer at leastone song andgameCOMM:Have themost likes atthe end ofany game MISC:Successfullytrick someonewith “updog,”“joe mama,”etc. ENG: KOanothercharacter fromthe same gameseries as yourcharacter. NAV: Overtakeanother playerwithin fiveseconds offinishing thethird lap MISC:Survive around ofAmong UsIRL COMM: Win adrawing-basedgame using asketch of avideo gamecharacter NAV:Get aCrazy 8COMM:Overtake 3playersduring thefinal round NAV: Knockanother playeroff an edgewithout usingan item. COMM:Correctlyanswer aquestion thateveryone elsegets wrongMISC:Successfullyperform aFortnite dance infront of anorganizer MISC: Try afood you’venever eatenbefore MISC: Meetthree newpeople andlearn theirfavorite PopTart flavor ENG: Haveexactly 69.0percentdamage atany pointMISC: Learn aboutsomebody else’sfavorite game (thatyou haven’t playedbefore) COMM: Earnthe mostmoney in amoney-based gameCOMM: Win atext-prompt-based gamewith the phrase“we live in asociety”ENG: Play 4characters in arow whose namesstart withconsecutive lettersof the alphabet ENG: Letanother playerchoose yourcontrollersettings for onegame ENG: Surviveto the finalthree withoutdoing anydamage ENG: Get 2KOs withrangedattacks in 1gameNAV:Cross thefinish linebackwardsNAV: Win arace on atrack namedfor yourcharacterENG:Counter amove thatwould haveKOed youMISC: Findsomeoneelse who’splayed yourfavorite gameCOMM: Win3 rounds in arow in abracket-based game COMM: Earnany in-gameachievement NAV: HitBowserwith a redshell ELEC: Guessat least onewrong answerthat makes theorganizer laughNAV: Gofrom 12th to4th or abovein one lap NAV: Passanotherplayer byusing ashortcutMISC: Find acreative wayto play “TheLicc” MISC: Takea selfie withsomeone ina costume NAV: Get hitby two blueshells in onegame COMM:End agame withzero points ENG:Complete50+ taunts inone gameCOMM: Fool3+ players ina round ofDrawful orFibbage ELEC:Correctlyanswer at leastone song andgameCOMM:Have themost likes atthe end ofany game MISC:Successfullytrick someonewith “updog,”“joe mama,”etc. ENG: KOanothercharacter fromthe same gameseries as yourcharacter. NAV: Overtakeanother playerwithin fiveseconds offinishing thethird lap MISC:Survive around ofAmong UsIRL COMM: Win adrawing-basedgame using asketch of avideo gamecharacter NAV:Get aCrazy 8COMM:Overtake 3playersduring thefinal round NAV: Knockanother playeroff an edgewithout usingan item. COMM:Correctlyanswer aquestion thateveryone elsegets wrong

Task List - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. MISC: Successfully perform a Fortnite dance in front of an organizer
  2. MISC: Try a food you’ve never eaten before
  3. MISC: Meet three new people and learn their favorite Pop Tart flavor
  4. ENG: Have exactly 69.0 percent damage at any point
  5. MISC: Learn about somebody else’s favorite game (that you haven’t played before)
  6. COMM: Earn the most money in a money-based game
  7. COMM: Win a text-prompt-based game with the phrase “we live in a society”
  8. ENG: Play 4 characters in a row whose names start with consecutive letters of the alphabet
  9. ENG: Let another player choose your controller settings for one game
  10. ENG: Survive to the final three without doing any damage
  11. ENG: Get 2 KOs with ranged attacks in 1 game
  12. NAV: Cross the finish line backwards
  13. NAV: Win a race on a track named for your character
  14. ENG: Counter a move that would have KOed you
  15. MISC: Find someone else who’s played your favorite game
  16. COMM: Win 3 rounds in a row in a bracket-based game
  17. COMM: Earn any in-game achievement
  18. NAV: Hit Bowser with a red shell
  19. ELEC: Guess at least one wrong answer that makes the organizer laugh
  20. NAV: Go from 12th to 4th or above in one lap
  21. NAV: Pass another player by using a shortcut
  22. MISC: Find a creative way to play “The Licc”
  23. MISC: Take a selfie with someone in a costume
  24. NAV: Get hit by two blue shells in one game
  25. COMM: End a game with zero points
  26. ENG: Complete 50+ taunts in one game
  27. COMM: Fool 3+ players in a round of Drawful or Fibbage
  28. ELEC: Correctly answer at least one song and game
  29. COMM: Have the most likes at the end of any game
  30. MISC: Successfully trick someone with “updog,” “joe mama,” etc.
  31. ENG: KO another character from the same game series as your character.
  32. NAV: Overtake another player within five seconds of finishing the third lap
  33. MISC: Survive a round of Among Us IRL
  34. COMM: Win a drawing-based game using a sketch of a video game character
  35. NAV: Get a Crazy 8
  36. COMM: Overtake 3 players during the final round
  37. NAV: Knock another player off an edge without using an item.
  38. COMM: Correctly answer a question that everyone else gets wrong