Refresh ourtourism andculturalstrategies forthe city.Establish a task force toidentify disused andderelict land and buildingsand help bring them backinto use, includinginvestigating the purchaseand conversion of upperfloors along Union Street.Look into whether providingcitywide Aberdeen GiftCards to low incomehouseholds across the citywould be an effective wayof bolstering theirpurchasing power whilegiving local businesses amuch-needed boost.Appoint a CityMakar topromote literarycreativity andexpression.Work with partners toexplore opportunitiesto develop heritage,museum and onlineservices with a specialemphasis on localhistory and stories ofstories of our heritageSeek tobring morecivil servicejobs toAberdeen.Agreeing that aWorkplace ParkingLevy is not wellsuited to Aberdeenand that no suchpolicy will progressedin this Council term.Promote thenumber ofapprenticeshipson offer throughthe councilReview andupdate thecouncil’s inwardinvestmentstrategyCreate a new urbangarden for our citycentre in Queen Street,with active travelroutes linking in withthe wider city centreand the improved linksto the beachfrontInvest in AberdeenArts Centre, makingthe necessary repairsto ensure the futureof this landmarkbuilding.Working withpartners to improvethe infrastructuresupporting access tothe Harbourexpansion at the Bayof Nigg.Work with partners tostimulate sustainableeconomic development,including a managedtransition to a carbonneutral economy and workin partnership with theacademic, business andother relevant sectors toensure the long-term futureof the eneSeek to gain themaximum benefits forAberdeen’s people andbusinesses from theScottish Government’s£500 million JustTransition Fund andtheir £100 millionGreen Jobs FundWork with the city’suniversities, North EastScotland College andbusinesses to increaseeducational and trainingoptions and the number ofcare experienced youngpeople and young peoplefrom deprivedcommunities, going ontopositive destinatioCampaign forAberdeen to be thehome of a new GreenFreeport and ensurethat fair workconditions and NetZero ambitions arecentral to any bid.Refresh ourtourism andculturalstrategies forthe city.Establish a task force toidentify disused andderelict land and buildingsand help bring them backinto use, includinginvestigating the purchaseand conversion of upperfloors along Union Street.Look into whether providingcitywide Aberdeen GiftCards to low incomehouseholds across the citywould be an effective wayof bolstering theirpurchasing power whilegiving local businesses amuch-needed boost.Appoint a CityMakar topromote literarycreativity andexpression.Work with partners toexplore opportunitiesto develop heritage,museum and onlineservices with a specialemphasis on localhistory and stories ofstories of our heritageSeek tobring morecivil servicejobs toAberdeen.Agreeing that aWorkplace ParkingLevy is not wellsuited to Aberdeenand that no suchpolicy will progressedin this Council term.Promote thenumber ofapprenticeshipson offer throughthe councilReview andupdate thecouncil’s inwardinvestmentstrategyCreate a new urbangarden for our citycentre in Queen Street,with active travelroutes linking in withthe wider city centreand the improved linksto the beachfrontInvest in AberdeenArts Centre, makingthe necessary repairsto ensure the futureof this landmarkbuilding.Working withpartners to improvethe infrastructuresupporting access tothe Harbourexpansion at the Bayof Nigg.Work with partners tostimulate sustainableeconomic development,including a managedtransition to a carbonneutral economy and workin partnership with theacademic, business andother relevant sectors toensure the long-term futureof the eneSeek to gain themaximum benefits forAberdeen’s people andbusinesses from theScottish Government’s£500 million JustTransition Fund andtheir £100 millionGreen Jobs FundWork with the city’suniversities, North EastScotland College andbusinesses to increaseeducational and trainingoptions and the number ofcare experienced youngpeople and young peoplefrom deprivedcommunities, going ontopositive destinatioCampaign forAberdeen to be thehome of a new GreenFreeport and ensurethat fair workconditions and NetZero ambitions arecentral to any bid.

Partnership Priorities - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Refresh our tourism and cultural strategies for the city.
  2. Establish a task force to identify disused and derelict land and buildings and help bring them back into use, including investigating the purchase and conversion of upper floors along Union Street.
  3. Look into whether providing citywide Aberdeen Gift Cards to low income households across the city would be an effective way of bolstering their purchasing power while giving local businesses a much-needed boost.
  4. Appoint a City Makar to promote literary creativity and expression.
  5. Work with partners to explore opportunities to develop heritage, museum and online services with a special emphasis on local history and stories of stories of our heritage
  6. Seek to bring more civil service jobs to Aberdeen.
  7. Agreeing that a Workplace Parking Levy is not well suited to Aberdeen and that no such policy will progressed in this Council term.
  8. Promote the number of apprenticeships on offer through the council
  9. Review and update the council’s inward investment strategy
  10. Create a new urban garden for our city centre in Queen Street, with active travel routes linking in with the wider city centre and the improved links to the beachfront
  11. Invest in Aberdeen Arts Centre, making the necessary repairs to ensure the future of this landmark building.
  12. Working with partners to improve the infrastructure supporting access to the Harbour expansion at the Bay of Nigg.
  13. Work with partners to stimulate sustainable economic development, including a managed transition to a carbon neutral economy and work in partnership with the academic, business and other relevant sectors to ensure the long-term future of the ene
  14. Seek to gain the maximum benefits for Aberdeen’s people and businesses from the Scottish Government’s £500 million Just Transition Fund and their £100 million Green Jobs Fund
  15. Work with the city’s universities, North East Scotland College and businesses to increase educational and training options and the number of care experienced young people and young people from deprived communities, going onto positive destinatio
  16. Campaign for Aberdeen to be the home of a new Green Freeport and ensure that fair work conditions and Net Zero ambitions are central to any bid.