You'veseenHocusPocusYou're pretty sure,but not totallysure, that youcould carve abetter pumpkinthan PaulYoudislike orare afraidof clownsYou've seenHalloween,Nightmare onElm Street, orFriday the 13thYou'vedressed upfor Halloweenin the past 5yearsYou'vebeen on ahauntedhayrideYou wouldn'ttake candycorn from astrangerYou'vedone acorn mazebeforeYou'vedecorated yourhouse forHalloween inthe last 5 yearsYou've"celebrated"mischief nightat least oncein their lifeYou'vepicked yourownpumpkinbeforeYou'vecarved apumpkin inthe last 5yearsYou'regoing trickor treatingthis yearYou've seena horrormovie in thepast 3monthsYou'reafraid ofspidersYou would neveropen the spookydoor that a villainis clearly hidingbehind in a horrormovieYou'veseenHocusPocusYou're pretty sure,but not totallysure, that youcould carve abetter pumpkinthan PaulYoudislike orare afraidof clownsYou've seenHalloween,Nightmare onElm Street, orFriday the 13thYou'vedressed upfor Halloweenin the past 5yearsYou'vebeen on ahauntedhayrideYou wouldn'ttake candycorn from astrangerYou'vedone acorn mazebeforeYou'vedecorated yourhouse forHalloween inthe last 5 yearsYou've"celebrated"mischief nightat least oncein their lifeYou'vepicked yourownpumpkinbeforeYou'vecarved apumpkin inthe last 5yearsYou'regoing trickor treatingthis yearYou've seena horrormovie in thepast 3monthsYou'reafraid ofspidersYou would neveropen the spookydoor that a villainis clearly hidingbehind in a horrormovie

Halloween Question Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. You've seen Hocus Pocus
  2. You're pretty sure, but not totally sure, that you could carve a better pumpkin than Paul
  3. You dislike or are afraid of clowns
  4. You've seen Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street, or Friday the 13th
  5. You've dressed up for Halloween in the past 5 years
  6. You've been on a haunted hayride
  7. You wouldn't take candy corn from a stranger
  8. You've done a corn maze before
  9. You've decorated your house for Halloween in the last 5 years
  10. You've "celebrated" mischief night at least once in their life
  11. You've picked your own pumpkin before
  12. You've carved a pumpkin in the last 5 years
  13. You're going trick or treating this year
  14. You've seen a horror movie in the past 3 months
  15. You're afraid of spiders
  16. You would never open the spooky door that a villain is clearly hiding behind in a horror movie