A drug thatcauses thekidneys tomake moreurine.BIMSThe mental processof thinking learning,remembering, beingaware of yoursurroundings andjudgment.Which pathwayasks aboutdifficultyswallowing,slurred speech ,weakness, andseizures?Whatinformationshould beobtained priorto starting theAssessment?An involuntaryrhythmic shakingmovement in oneor more parts ofthe body.A Pt withCOPD wouldhave thispathway in anassessment?I don't alwayshave enoughmoney to buythe food Ineed.HIPPAWhich pathwaywould you ratenew orabnormal pain?Open wounds,bruising, rashand erythemaare discussed inwhich pathway?Which pathwayhas aninterventionregarding a Pt'sability to preparefood?A drugthatinducessleep.to act onimpulse or toact withoutthinkingWhat is apain reliefmedicinecalled?A nerve problem thatcauses pain,numbness, tingling,swelling or muscleweakness in differentparts of the body.Any abnormalredness of the skincaused by dilationand irritation ofsuperficialcapillaries/Difficultinitiation ofurine stream isdiscussed inwhichpathway?What is thename of adrug thatreducesseizures?A collectionof pus filledinfection inthe tissue ofthe body.A pain in theside and backof the torsobetween thepelvis and therib cage.A blurry spotthat seams todrift in front ofthe eyes butdoes not blockvision.The loss ofmusclefunction inpart or all ofthe body.The studyandtreatmentof tumors.What is thecondition inwhich stoolbecomes hard,dry and difficultto pass?Extreme tirednessresulting frommental or physicalexertion or illness.The branch ofmedicineconcerned with thecause, prognosisand prevention ofdiseasesDrugs thataffect aperson'smental stateA drug thatcauses thekidneys tomake moreurine.BIMSThe mental processof thinking learning,remembering, beingaware of yoursurroundings andjudgment.Which pathwayasks aboutdifficultyswallowing,slurred speech ,weakness, andseizures?Whatinformationshould beobtained priorto starting theAssessment?An involuntaryrhythmic shakingmovement in oneor more parts ofthe body.A Pt withCOPD wouldhave thispathway in anassessment?I don't alwayshave enoughmoney to buythe food Ineed.HIPPAWhich pathwaywould you ratenew orabnormal pain?Open wounds,bruising, rashand erythemaare discussed inwhich pathway?Which pathwayhas aninterventionregarding a Pt'sability to preparefood?A drugthatinducessleep.to act onimpulse or toact withoutthinkingWhat is apain reliefmedicinecalled?A nerve problem thatcauses pain,numbness, tingling,swelling or muscleweakness in differentparts of the body.Any abnormalredness of the skincaused by dilationand irritation ofsuperficialcapillaries/Difficultinitiation ofurine stream isdiscussed inwhichpathway?What is thename of adrug thatreducesseizures?A collectionof pus filledinfection inthe tissue ofthe body.A pain in theside and backof the torsobetween thepelvis and therib cage.A blurry spotthat seams todrift in front ofthe eyes butdoes not blockvision.The loss ofmusclefunction inpart or all ofthe body.The studyandtreatmentof tumors.What is thecondition inwhich stoolbecomes hard,dry and difficultto pass?Extreme tirednessresulting frommental or physicalexertion or illness.The branch ofmedicineconcerned with thecause, prognosisand prevention ofdiseasesDrugs thataffect aperson'smental state

H3C Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. A drug that causes the kidneys to make more urine.
  2. BIMS
  3. The mental process of thinking learning, remembering, being aware of your surroundings and judgment.
  4. Which pathway asks about difficulty swallowing, slurred speech , weakness, and seizures?
  5. What information should be obtained prior to starting the Assessment?
  6. An involuntary rhythmic shaking movement in one or more parts of the body.
  7. A Pt with COPD would have this pathway in an assessment?
  8. I don't always have enough money to buy the food I need.
  9. HIPPA
  10. Which pathway would you rate new or abnormal pain?
  11. Open wounds, bruising, rash and erythema are discussed in which pathway?
  12. Which pathway has an intervention regarding a Pt's ability to prepare food?
  13. A drug that induces sleep.
  14. to act on impulse or to act without thinking
  15. What is a pain relief medicine called?
  16. A nerve problem that causes pain, numbness, tingling, swelling or muscle weakness in different parts of the body.
  17. Any abnormal redness of the skin caused by dilation and irritation of superficial capillaries/
  18. Difficult initiation of urine stream is discussed in which pathway?
  19. What is the name of a drug that reduces seizures?
  20. A collection of pus filled infection in the tissue of the body.
  21. A pain in the side and back of the torso between the pelvis and the rib cage.
  22. A blurry spot that seams to drift in front of the eyes but does not block vision.
  23. The loss of muscle function in part or all of the body.
  24. The study and treatment of tumors.
  25. What is the condition in which stool becomes hard, dry and difficult to pass?
  26. Extreme tiredness resulting from mental or physical exertion or illness.
  27. The branch of medicine concerned with the cause, prognosis and prevention of diseases
  28. Drugs that affect a person's mental state