What statusin VCC wouldyou use forpersonalreasons?Unavailable:BreakWhere in OneNotewould you findinformation onhow to look upEmployerInformation?Guides >EmployerLookupUnplanned latearrivals or earlydepartures fromwork should besubmittedwhere?AttendanceTrackerWhat BDGis used forActivemilitary?TPU305What stepsdo you followwhenexperiencingan IT issue?Take a screenshot,notify yourTL/supervisor,submit a ticket toIT if approvedThis is theinitial claimon which anextensionmay be filed.ParentClaimWhatdoes MCstand for?MisconductTrue or False - Ifthe claimantdoesn't signtheir DE4365FF, it mustbe disregarded.FalseWhere dowe find thewagecalculator?SharePoint >MaximusStaff Library> Subject:WGSWhat UIcode sectionis used forAble andAvailable?1253CWhere in OTECHcan you find lastemployer, last dayworked andseparationreason?Screen#4 - PayInputWhere canyou find a1296NERsubmitted byan ER?InfoImageIn what screen inCUBS can youview the claimant'sstated reason forseparation at timeof filing?View New /Additional /ReopenedClaimDetailsAre we requiredto be ready toappear oncamera for thisjob?YesWhat isC/S shortfor?ClaimantStatedIf no DE4365FF wassent, whoneed to becalled?TheclaimantWhat isTCTCshort for?TelephoneCall ToClaimantIs theclaimantALWAYS themoving partyin a VQ case?YesTrue or False - InHickory, a lessonthat is ready to bereviewed will have ablue "Study buttonnext to it.FalseWhat box onthe 2403 dowe check forclarifiedcases?InformationOnlyWhere dowe find theER PROdate used onour 2403?InfoImage> DatereceivedtabWhere canyou find theDE 4365FFsuspensedate?OTECH#11 - UINotesFalse statementsregardingseparation alwaysuse this RD andLetter Code.MI45 IWhat is the acronymfor failure by theclaimant to provideinformation to thedepartment or tofollow proceduresnecessary to beeligible for benefits?IRRWhat statusin VCC wouldyou use forpersonalreasons?Unavailable:BreakWhere in OneNotewould you findinformation onhow to look upEmployerInformation?Guides >EmployerLookupUnplanned latearrivals or earlydepartures fromwork should besubmittedwhere?AttendanceTrackerWhat BDGis used forActivemilitary?TPU305What stepsdo you followwhenexperiencingan IT issue?Take a screenshot,notify yourTL/supervisor,submit a ticket toIT if approvedThis is theinitial claimon which anextensionmay be filed.ParentClaimWhatdoes MCstand for?MisconductTrue or False - Ifthe claimantdoesn't signtheir DE4365FF, it mustbe disregarded.FalseWhere dowe find thewagecalculator?SharePoint >MaximusStaff Library> Subject:WGSWhat UIcode sectionis used forAble andAvailable?1253CWhere in OTECHcan you find lastemployer, last dayworked andseparationreason?Screen#4 - PayInputWhere canyou find a1296NERsubmitted byan ER?InfoImageIn what screen inCUBS can youview the claimant'sstated reason forseparation at timeof filing?View New /Additional /ReopenedClaimDetailsAre we requiredto be ready toappear oncamera for thisjob?YesWhat isC/S shortfor?ClaimantStatedIf no DE4365FF wassent, whoneed to becalled?TheclaimantWhat isTCTCshort for?TelephoneCall ToClaimantIs theclaimantALWAYS themoving partyin a VQ case?YesTrue or False - InHickory, a lessonthat is ready to bereviewed will have ablue "Study buttonnext to it.FalseWhat box onthe 2403 dowe check forclarifiedcases?InformationOnlyWhere dowe find theER PROdate used onour 2403?InfoImage> DatereceivedtabWhere canyou find theDE 4365FFsuspensedate?OTECH#11 - UINotesFalse statementsregardingseparation alwaysuse this RD andLetter Code.MI45 IWhat is the acronymfor failure by theclaimant to provideinformation to thedepartment or tofollow proceduresnecessary to beeligible for benefits?IRR

Maximus Bingo! - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Unavailable: Break
    What status in VCC would you use for personal reasons?
  2. Guides > Employer Lookup
    Where in OneNote would you find information on how to look up Employer Information?
  3. Attendance Tracker
    Unplanned late arrivals or early departures from work should be submitted where?
  4. TPU 305
    What BDG is used for Active military?
  5. Take a screenshot, notify your TL/supervisor, submit a ticket to IT if approved
    What steps do you follow when experiencing an IT issue?
  6. Parent Claim
    This is the initial claim on which an extension may be filed.
  7. Misconduct
    What does MC stand for?
  8. False
    True or False - If the claimant doesn't sign their DE 4365FF, it must be disregarded.
  9. SharePoint > Maximus Staff Library > Subject: WGS
    Where do we find the wage calculator?
  10. 1253C
    What UI code section is used for Able and Available?
  11. Screen #4 - Pay Input
    Where in OTECH can you find last employer, last day worked and separation reason?
  12. InfoImage
    Where can you find a 1296NER submitted by an ER?
  13. View New / Additional / Reopened Claim Details
    In what screen in CUBS can you view the claimant's stated reason for separation at time of filing?
  14. Yes
    Are we required to be ready to appear on camera for this job?
  15. Claimant Stated
    What is C/S short for?
  16. The claimant
    If no DE 4365FF was sent, who need to be called?
  17. Telephone Call To Claimant
    What is TCTC short for?
  18. Yes
    Is the claimant ALWAYS the moving party in a VQ case?
  19. False
    True or False - In Hickory, a lesson that is ready to be reviewed will have a blue "Study button next to it.
  20. Information Only
    What box on the 2403 do we check for clarified cases?
  21. InfoImage > Date received tab
    Where do we find the ER PRO date used on our 2403?
  22. OTECH #11 - UI Notes
    Where can you find the DE 4365FF suspense date?
  23. MI 45 I
    False statements regarding separation always use this RD and Letter Code.
  24. IRR
    What is the acronym for failure by the claimant to provide information to the department or to follow procedures necessary to be eligible for benefits?