"Weeddefinitelyhelps withmy anxiety.""Is it normalwhen*somethingentirelynormal*?""I never seem tomake a realconnection withpeople I meet ondating apps.""Yes, I drink lotsof caffeine. Whatdoes that haveto do with mehaving anxiety?""I don't geton well withmy family,how couldyou tell?""No, I didn't dothe thing I leftthe last sessionsaying I woulddefinitely do.""I wasdiagnosedwith ADHDwhen I wasin school."Surprise that lowwages andunfriendly workingenvironment mightimpact on mentalhealth."I havemultiplepersonalities.""I'm inlove withmytherapist.""I can quitwheneverI want.""I realizedmy problemafterwatching thismovie...""Sorryabout themess."Overcomplicatingvery simpleproblems."That's justthe kind ofperson Iam.""I knowwe're overour time,but...""I thoughtmedicationwould be apermanentsolution.""I can't affordto pay thisweek, can Icatch upnext time?"Shock athearing thething they justtold merepeated backto them."I'll getback ontopic rightafter...""You wouldn'tunderstand,my emotionsare verycomplex."Morecoherent withbodylanguage thanwith English.Visibledisappointmentat therapist'slack of shock."I really likeSigmundFreud'swork...""Weeddefinitelyhelps withmy anxiety.""Is it normalwhen*somethingentirelynormal*?""I never seem tomake a realconnection withpeople I meet ondating apps.""Yes, I drink lotsof caffeine. Whatdoes that haveto do with mehaving anxiety?""I don't geton well withmy family,how couldyou tell?""No, I didn't dothe thing I leftthe last sessionsaying I woulddefinitely do.""I wasdiagnosedwith ADHDwhen I wasin school."Surprise that lowwages andunfriendly workingenvironment mightimpact on mentalhealth."I havemultiplepersonalities.""I'm inlove withmytherapist.""I can quitwheneverI want.""I realizedmy problemafterwatching thismovie...""Sorryabout themess."Overcomplicatingvery simpleproblems."That's justthe kind ofperson Iam.""I knowwe're overour time,but...""I thoughtmedicationwould be apermanentsolution.""I can't affordto pay thisweek, can Icatch upnext time?"Shock athearing thething they justtold merepeated backto them."I'll getback ontopic rightafter...""You wouldn'tunderstand,my emotionsare verycomplex."Morecoherent withbodylanguage thanwith English.Visibledisappointmentat therapist'slack of shock."I really likeSigmundFreud'swork..."

Therapist Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. "Weed definitely helps with my anxiety."
  2. "Is it normal when *something entirely normal*?"
  3. "I never seem to make a real connection with people I meet on dating apps."
  4. "Yes, I drink lots of caffeine. What does that have to do with me having anxiety?"
  5. "I don't get on well with my family, how could you tell?"
  6. "No, I didn't do the thing I left the last session saying I would definitely do."
  7. "I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was in school."
  8. Surprise that low wages and unfriendly working environment might impact on mental health.
  9. "I have multiple personalities."
  10. "I'm in love with my therapist."
  11. "I can quit whenever I want."
  12. "I realized my problem after watching this movie..."
  13. "Sorry about the mess."
  14. Overcomplicating very simple problems.
  15. "That's just the kind of person I am."
  16. "I know we're over our time, but..."
  17. "I thought medication would be a permanent solution."
  18. "I can't afford to pay this week, can I catch up next time?"
  19. Shock at hearing the thing they just told me repeated back to them.
  20. "I'll get back on topic right after..."
  21. "You wouldn't understand, my emotions are very complex."
  22. More coherent with body language than with English.
  23. Visible disappointment at therapist's lack of shock.
  24. "I really like Sigmund Freud's work..."