What color isAbuelita(Miguel'sgrandmother)apron?What namedid Hectoruse for hisdisguise?Who couldnot cross thebridge in thebeginning?What wasthe big fruitthat dancerscame out ofin the show?Whatcolor isMiguel’sjacket?At what pointdid Miguelfigure out whowas his relativeafter all?WasMiguel'smotherpregnant?What didAbuelita use tohit the man thatlet Miguel playhis guitar? What spiritanimal didmama ImeldaRivera have? What jobdid Migueldo in thetown?What songdid Miguelsing at thetalent show?what was thereason whythe familyhatesmusic?What’sthe poolshapedas?What arethenames ofthe twins?Which familymember didMiguel bump intofirst when heentered the land ofthe dead?What color wasErnesto de laCruz guitar thatMiguel tried tosteal?What’s theRiverasfamilybusiness?What colorwas thepetals thatcovered thebridge?What did Miguelthrow at Dante (thedog) to make him goaway when Miguelwas trying to brakeinto Ernesto de laCruz tomb to steal aguitar?How manyrelatives didMiguel havein the land ofdead?What guy diedbecause hewas forgottenin the livingworld?What did mamacoco pull outfrom the drawernext to hertowards theend?How manysecurity guardscame to getmama ImeldaRivera off thestage?What songdid Hectorsing to hisdaughter?What color isAbuelita(Miguel'sgrandmother)apron?What namedid Hectoruse for hisdisguise?Who couldnot cross thebridge in thebeginning?What wasthe big fruitthat dancerscame out ofin the show?Whatcolor isMiguel’sjacket?At what pointdid Miguelfigure out whowas his relativeafter all?WasMiguel'smotherpregnant?What didAbuelita use tohit the man thatlet Miguel playhis guitar? What spiritanimal didmama ImeldaRivera have? What jobdid Migueldo in thetown?What songdid Miguelsing at thetalent show?what was thereason whythe familyhatesmusic?What’sthe poolshapedas?What arethenames ofthe twins?Which familymember didMiguel bump intofirst when heentered the land ofthe dead?What color wasErnesto de laCruz guitar thatMiguel tried tosteal?What’s theRiverasfamilybusiness?What colorwas thepetals thatcovered thebridge?What did Miguelthrow at Dante (thedog) to make him goaway when Miguelwas trying to brakeinto Ernesto de laCruz tomb to steal aguitar?How manyrelatives didMiguel havein the land ofdead?What guy diedbecause hewas forgottenin the livingworld?What did mamacoco pull outfrom the drawernext to hertowards theend?How manysecurity guardscame to getmama ImeldaRivera off thestage?What songdid Hectorsing to hisdaughter?

Coco Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. What color is Abuelita (Miguel's grandmother) apron?
  2. What name did Hector use for his disguise?
  3. Who could not cross the bridge in the beginning?
  4. What was the big fruit that dancers came out of in the show?
  5. What color is Miguel’s jacket?
  6. At what point did Miguel figure out who was his relative after all?
  7. Was Miguel's mother pregnant?
  8. What did Abuelita use to hit the man that let Miguel play his guitar?
  9. What spirit animal did mama Imelda Rivera have?
  10. What job did Miguel do in the town?
  11. What song did Miguel sing at the talent show?
  12. what was the reason why the family hates music?
  13. What’s the pool shaped as?
  14. What are the names of the twins?
  15. Which family member did Miguel bump into first when he entered the land of the dead?
  16. What color was Ernesto de la Cruz guitar that Miguel tried to steal?
  17. What’s the Riveras family business?
  18. What color was the petals that covered the bridge?
  19. What did Miguel throw at Dante (the dog) to make him go away when Miguel was trying to brake into Ernesto de la Cruz tomb to steal a guitar?
  20. How many relatives did Miguel have in the land of dead?
  21. What guy died because he was forgotten in the living world?
  22. What did mama coco pull out from the drawer next to her towards the end?
  23. How many security guards came to get mama Imelda Rivera off the stage?
  24. What song did Hector sing to his daughter?