Shoulddissentingviews be airedin public ordiscussedoffline?Is it betterto bereliable orflexible?What makesa good firstimpression?Or a badone?What credentialsdo you value(e.g., education,experience,connections)?Dointerruptionssignalinterest orrudeness?What wouldyou do if ateammateyelled atyou?How do youtoleratedeviationsfrom a plan?Should peoplevolunteer forassignmentsor wait to benominated?How do youexpressanger orenthusiasm?How wouldyou react ifyou wereannoyed witha teammate?What is yourattitudetowardfailure?Isuncertaintyviewed as athreat or anopportunity?What makesyou thinksomeone isrigid, pushy,or lazy?What’s moreimportant:the bigpicture or thedetails?Is a promisean aspirationor aguarantee?Are ironyand sarcasmappreciated?Howimportant arepunctualityand timelimits?Are thereconsequencesto being lateor missingdeadlines?Which ismostimportant:directness orharmony?What emotions(positive andnegative) areacceptable andunacceptable todisplay in a team?What doyou noticefirst aboutothers?Does silencemean reflectionordisengagement?Isunsolicitedfeedbackwelcome?What groupbehaviors arevalued (e.g.,helping others,notcomplaining)?Shoulddissentingviews be airedin public ordiscussedoffline?Is it betterto bereliable orflexible?What makesa good firstimpression?Or a badone?What credentialsdo you value(e.g., education,experience,connections)?Dointerruptionssignalinterest orrudeness?What wouldyou do if ateammateyelled atyou?How do youtoleratedeviationsfrom a plan?Should peoplevolunteer forassignmentsor wait to benominated?How do youexpressanger orenthusiasm?How wouldyou react ifyou wereannoyed witha teammate?What is yourattitudetowardfailure?Isuncertaintyviewed as athreat or anopportunity?What makesyou thinksomeone isrigid, pushy,or lazy?What’s moreimportant:the bigpicture or thedetails?Is a promisean aspirationor aguarantee?Are ironyand sarcasmappreciated?Howimportant arepunctualityand timelimits?Are thereconsequencesto being lateor missingdeadlines?Which ismostimportant:directness orharmony?What emotions(positive andnegative) areacceptable andunacceptable todisplay in a team?What doyou noticefirst aboutothers?Does silencemean reflectionordisengagement?Isunsolicitedfeedbackwelcome?What groupbehaviors arevalued (e.g.,helping others,notcomplaining)?

Look, Act, Speak, Think, Feel - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Should dissenting views be aired in public or discussed offline?
  2. Is it better to be reliable or flexible?
  3. What makes a good first impression? Or a bad one?
  4. What credentials do you value (e.g., education, experience, connections)?
  5. Do interruptions signal interest or rudeness?
  6. What would you do if a teammate yelled at you?
  7. How do you tolerate deviations from a plan?
  8. Should people volunteer for assignments or wait to be nominated?
  9. How do you express anger or enthusiasm?
  10. How would you react if you were annoyed with a teammate?
  11. What is your attitude toward failure?
  12. Is uncertainty viewed as a threat or an opportunity?
  13. What makes you think someone is rigid, pushy, or lazy?
  14. What’s more important: the big picture or the details?
  15. Is a promise an aspiration or a guarantee?
  16. Are irony and sarcasm appreciated?
  17. How important are punctuality and time limits?
  18. Are there consequences to being late or missing deadlines?
  19. Which is most important: directness or harmony?
  20. What emotions (positive and negative) are acceptable and unacceptable to display in a team?
  21. What do you notice first about others?
  22. Does silence mean reflection or disengagement?
  23. Is unsolicited feedback welcome?
  24. What group behaviors are valued (e.g., helping others, not complaining)?