This is localized andtends to result frompenetrating injury.Examples include astroke, tumor, or astabbing in the head.Dura mater,arachnoidmater, piamaterBrain andspinalcordTo protectthe brainalong withthe skull.After theinitial impact,as the bodyresponds toitAt thetime ofthe impactInvolves shaving aportion of the head,exposing the dura,removal of the clot,repairing the artery,irrigationTo keep the brainmoist, lubricate thebrain, and protectthe brain fromchanges inpressureTRUEACOUPinjuryACONTRECOUPAcomaUnresponsivewakefulness,withoutpurposeThe brain bounces inirregular fashionbecause the inside ofthe skull is curved, itcan twist and bonescan move.A movingobject hits astationaryobjectAn object decreasesspeed, the head isforced to an abruptstop due to a carwreck with or withoutimpact or whiplashHematomaCerebrospinalfluid (CSF)AseizureThis is damagethroughout thebrain, Someexamples includeAlzheimers, anoxia,and meningitis.The head is movingat some velocity, andthere is a suddenstop. Due to interia,the brain keepsmoving and strikesthe stationary skull.An objectincreases a rateof speed, thehead ispropelled by afish, club, or batLacerations,contusions,fractures,The brain is at restand hit by anoutside force,causing the skullto move forward,which impacts thebrainThis is localized andtends to result frompenetrating injury.Examples include astroke, tumor, or astabbing in the head.Dura mater,arachnoidmater, piamaterBrain andspinalcordTo protectthe brainalong withthe skull.After theinitial impact,as the bodyresponds toitAt thetime ofthe impactInvolves shaving aportion of the head,exposing the dura,removal of the clot,repairing the artery,irrigationTo keep the brainmoist, lubricate thebrain, and protectthe brain fromchanges inpressureTRUEACOUPinjuryACONTRECOUPAcomaUnresponsivewakefulness,withoutpurposeThe brain bounces inirregular fashionbecause the inside ofthe skull is curved, itcan twist and bonescan move.A movingobject hits astationaryobjectAn object decreasesspeed, the head isforced to an abruptstop due to a carwreck with or withoutimpact or whiplashHematomaCerebrospinalfluid (CSF)AseizureThis is damagethroughout thebrain, Someexamples includeAlzheimers, anoxia,and meningitis.The head is movingat some velocity, andthere is a suddenstop. Due to interia,the brain keepsmoving and strikesthe stationary skull.An objectincreases a rateof speed, thehead ispropelled by afish, club, or batLacerations,contusions,fractures,The brain is at restand hit by anoutside force,causing the skullto move forward,which impacts thebrain

TBI BINGO! - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. This is localized and tends to result from penetrating injury. Examples include a stroke, tumor, or a stabbing in the head.
  2. Dura mater, arachnoid mater, pia mater
  3. Brain and spinal cord
  4. To protect the brain along with the skull.
  5. After the initial impact, as the body responds to it
  6. At the time of the impact
  7. Involves shaving a portion of the head, exposing the dura, removal of the clot, repairing the artery, irrigation
  8. To keep the brain moist, lubricate the brain, and protect the brain from changes in pressure
  9. TRUE
  10. A COUP injury
  12. A coma
  13. Unresponsive wakefulness, without purpose
  14. The brain bounces in irregular fashion because the inside of the skull is curved, it can twist and bones can move.
  15. A moving object hits a stationary object
  16. An object decreases speed, the head is forced to an abrupt stop due to a car wreck with or without impact or whiplash
  17. Hematoma
  18. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
  19. A seizure
  20. This is damage throughout the brain, Some examples include Alzheimers, anoxia, and meningitis.
  21. The head is moving at some velocity, and there is a sudden stop. Due to interia, the brain keeps moving and strikes the stationary skull.
  22. An object increases a rate of speed, the head is propelled by a fish, club, or bat
  23. Lacerations, contusions, fractures,
  24. The brain is at rest and hit by an outside force, causing the skull to move forward, which impacts the brain