Determine how oldour school is withyour specialperson. Discusstheir schoolexperience andyour own.Complete an"Our Favorites"sheet with yourspecial person.Take a selfie withsomething you'vedone in yourelective. Share yourexperience withyour special person.Complete partof the gratitudemural with yourspecial person.Introduce yourspecial person toone of yourteachers andshare 1 thing youenjoy in theirclass.Take a selfie withyour specialperson. You musthave a roadrunnerin the background!Complete one quickact of kindnesstogether (hold thedoor for someone,give a compliment,straighten up abookshelf, etc.).Show yourspecial personyour favoritepart of the latestschoolnewspaper.Find a painting ofour school'sfounder, Dr.Norma Hafenstein,with your specialperson.Fill out agratitude wallpost withyour specialperson.Find a cozy spot. Talkabout your favoritememory with yourspecial person. Makea plan for somethingyou can do togethersoon.Play a game withyour specialperson. Choosefrom the gamesset up in thecommons.Show yourlocker andsomething youlove in it to yourspecial person.Find the director orassociate directorand introducethem to yourspecial person.Go to thebell and tellyour personthe traditionbehind it.Determine howmany windowsare upstairs inthe school withyour specialperson.Determine howmany times yousee the word"dignity" in theupper school.Discuss why thatis important.Introduce onefriend to yourspecial person.Share what youlike to do witheach other.What is the title ofthe book on thestatue by the frontdoor? Find outwith your specialperson.Sharesomethingoutside that youenjoy doing withyour specialperson.Show yourspecial person apiece of writingthat makes youproud.Find a piece ofyour art that's upin the hallway.Tell your specialperson about it.Show yourfavorite spacein the school towork. Tell themwhy you like it.Show your specialperson a projectyou completedand tell them whatyou liked aboutdoing it.Determine how oldour school is withyour specialperson. Discusstheir schoolexperience andyour own.Complete an"Our Favorites"sheet with yourspecial person.Take a selfie withsomething you'vedone in yourelective. Share yourexperience withyour special person.Complete partof the gratitudemural with yourspecial person.Introduce yourspecial person toone of yourteachers andshare 1 thing youenjoy in theirclass.Take a selfie withyour specialperson. You musthave a roadrunnerin the background!Complete one quickact of kindnesstogether (hold thedoor for someone,give a compliment,straighten up abookshelf, etc.).Show yourspecial personyour favoritepart of the latestschoolnewspaper.Find a painting ofour school'sfounder, Dr.Norma Hafenstein,with your specialperson.Fill out agratitude wallpost withyour specialperson.Find a cozy spot. Talkabout your favoritememory with yourspecial person. Makea plan for somethingyou can do togethersoon.Play a game withyour specialperson. Choosefrom the gamesset up in thecommons.Show yourlocker andsomething youlove in it to yourspecial person.Find the director orassociate directorand introducethem to yourspecial person.Go to thebell and tellyour personthe traditionbehind it.Determine howmany windowsare upstairs inthe school withyour specialperson.Determine howmany times yousee the word"dignity" in theupper school.Discuss why thatis important.Introduce onefriend to yourspecial person.Share what youlike to do witheach other.What is the title ofthe book on thestatue by the frontdoor? Find outwith your specialperson.Sharesomethingoutside that youenjoy doing withyour specialperson.Show yourspecial person apiece of writingthat makes youproud.Find a piece ofyour art that's upin the hallway.Tell your specialperson about it.Show yourfavorite spacein the school towork. Tell themwhy you like it.Show your specialperson a projectyou completedand tell them whatyou liked aboutdoing it.

Ricks Bingo: Complete 5 in a row! - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Determine how old our school is with your special person. Discuss their school experience and your own.
  2. Complete an "Our Favorites" sheet with your special person.
  3. Take a selfie with something you've done in your elective. Share your experience with your special person.
  4. Complete part of the gratitude mural with your special person.
  5. Introduce your special person to one of your teachers and share 1 thing you enjoy in their class.
  6. Take a selfie with your special person. You must have a roadrunner in the background!
  7. Complete one quick act of kindness together (hold the door for someone, give a compliment, straighten up a bookshelf, etc.).
  8. Show your special person your favorite part of the latest school newspaper.
  9. Find a painting of our school's founder, Dr. Norma Hafenstein, with your special person.
  10. Fill out a gratitude wall post with your special person.
  11. Find a cozy spot. Talk about your favorite memory with your special person. Make a plan for something you can do together soon.
  12. Play a game with your special person. Choose from the games set up in the commons.
  13. Show your locker and something you love in it to your special person.
  14. Find the director or associate director and introduce them to your special person.
  15. Go to the bell and tell your person the tradition behind it.
  16. Determine how many windows are upstairs in the school with your special person.
  17. Determine how many times you see the word "dignity" in the upper school. Discuss why that is important.
  18. Introduce one friend to your special person. Share what you like to do with each other.
  19. What is the title of the book on the statue by the front door? Find out with your special person.
  20. Share something outside that you enjoy doing with your special person.
  21. Show your special person a piece of writing that makes you proud.
  22. Find a piece of your art that's up in the hallway. Tell your special person about it.
  23. Show your favorite space in the school to work. Tell them why you like it.
  24. Show your special person a project you completed and tell them what you liked about doing it.