was afraid thatEuropean countrieswould take it over,like they had done inAfrica,China, and India........... Napoleon's invasioncaused an era ofpolitical and socialunrest in the Iberianpeninsula, and theywanted to end colonialrule throughmercantilism.....Involved allEuropeanpeople, factoryworks, city,rural and urbanpeople The 3rd estatewas payinghighest taxesand making lessmoney.......a religious reformmovement thatswept throughEurope in the1500s......It has led to amassive migrantcrisis. People havehad to flee theirhomes to escape thefighting, but theyhave nowhere to go.....a policy of remainingapart from the affairsor interests of othergroups, especiallythe political affairs ofother countries.....Home workers lostjobs to factories, citygot polluted and dirty,factory workers hadpoor workingconditions/low payand long hours People had tolisten to monarchsand follow Catholicrules they didn’tunderstand oragree with....a policy ofextending acountry's powerand influencethrough diplomacyor military force growing discontent ofcreole elites (peopleof Spanish ancestrywho had been born inLatin America)...an intellectual andphilosophicalmovement thatdominated Europe inthe 17th and 18thcenturies... It began inTunisia inresponse tocorruption andfrozen economy....an economic andpolitical theory thatadvocated theelimination of privateproperty and thecommon sharing of allresources among agroup of people....economic and politicalsystem where theworkers or thegovernment own thebuildings and tools thatmake goods andservices like farms andfactories. Involved Africanenslaved by theFrenchMonarchy..........the view or belief thatthe existence of God,of the divine or thesupernatural isunknown orunknowable.....an economic andpolitical system inwhich a country's tradeand industry arecontrolled by privateowners for profit, ratherthan by the state.....The working class(liberals) andintellectuals beganto challenge thedictator ...........colonists gotfrustrated becausethey felt thatBritain was notgiving them theirnatural rights....Millions of teachers,intellectuals (smartpeople), artistsand anyone Maothought had “capitalistvalues" were killed ordriven from the country...fervent period ofEuropean cultural,artistic, political andeconomic “rebirth”following the MiddleAges...1st Estate =church leaders,2nd Estate nobles,3rd Estate =peasants...is the belief thatthere is only onedeity, an all-supreme being thatis universallyreferred to as God. was afraid thatEuropean countrieswould take it over,like they had done inAfrica,China, and India........... Napoleon's invasioncaused an era ofpolitical and socialunrest in the Iberianpeninsula, and theywanted to end colonialrule throughmercantilism.....Involved allEuropeanpeople, factoryworks, city,rural and urbanpeople The 3rd estatewas payinghighest taxesand making lessmoney.......a religious reformmovement thatswept throughEurope in the1500s......It has led to amassive migrantcrisis. People havehad to flee theirhomes to escape thefighting, but theyhave nowhere to go.....a policy of remainingapart from the affairsor interests of othergroups, especiallythe political affairs ofother countries.....Home workers lostjobs to factories, citygot polluted and dirty,factory workers hadpoor workingconditions/low payand long hours People had tolisten to monarchsand follow Catholicrules they didn’tunderstand oragree with....a policy ofextending acountry's powerand influencethrough diplomacyor military force growing discontent ofcreole elites (peopleof Spanish ancestrywho had been born inLatin America)...an intellectual andphilosophicalmovement thatdominated Europe inthe 17th and 18thcenturies... It began inTunisia inresponse tocorruption andfrozen economy....an economic andpolitical theory thatadvocated theelimination of privateproperty and thecommon sharing of allresources among agroup of people....economic and politicalsystem where theworkers or thegovernment own thebuildings and tools thatmake goods andservices like farms andfactories. Involved Africanenslaved by theFrenchMonarchy..........the view or belief thatthe existence of God,of the divine or thesupernatural isunknown orunknowable.....an economic andpolitical system inwhich a country's tradeand industry arecontrolled by privateowners for profit, ratherthan by the state.....The working class(liberals) andintellectuals beganto challenge thedictator ...........colonists gotfrustrated becausethey felt thatBritain was notgiving them theirnatural rights....Millions of teachers,intellectuals (smartpeople), artistsand anyone Maothought had “capitalistvalues" were killed ordriven from the country...fervent period ofEuropean cultural,artistic, political andeconomic “rebirth”following the MiddleAges...1st Estate =church leaders,2nd Estate nobles,3rd Estate =peasants...is the belief thatthere is only onedeity, an all-supreme being thatis universallyreferred to as God. 

Name the Revolution - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. was afraid that European countries would take it over, like they had done in Africa, China, and India. .........
  2. . Napoleon's invasion caused an era of political and social unrest in the Iberian peninsula, and they wanted to end colonial rule through mercantilism. ....
  3. Involved all European people, factory works, city, rural and urban people
  4. The 3rd estate was paying highest taxes and making less money.......
  5. a religious reform movement that swept through Europe in the 1500s. .....
  6. It has led to a massive migrant crisis. People have had to flee their homes to escape the fighting, but they have nowhere to go. ....
  7. a policy of remaining apart from the affairs or interests of other groups, especially the political affairs of other countries. ....
  8. Home workers lost jobs to factories, city got polluted and dirty, factory workers had poor working conditions/low pay and long hours
  9. People had to listen to monarchs and follow Catholic rules they didn’t understand or agree with....
  10. a policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force
  11. growing discontent of creole elites (people of Spanish ancestry who had been born in Latin America)...
  12. an intellectual and philosophical movement that dominated Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries ..
  13. . It began in Tunisia in response to corruption and frozen economy. ...
  14. an economic and political theory that advocated the elimination of private property and the common sharing of all resources among a group of people ....
  15. economic and political system where the workers or the government own the buildings and tools that make goods and services like farms and factories.
  16. Involved African enslaved by the French Monarchy..........
  17. the view or belief that the existence of God, of the divine or the supernatural is unknown or unknowable. ....
  18. an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state. ....
  19. The working class (liberals) and intellectuals began to challenge the dictator ...........
  20. colonists got frustrated because they felt that Britain was not giving them their natural rights....
  21. Millions of teachers, intellectuals (smart people), artists and anyone Mao thought had “capitalist values" were killed or driven from the country ...
  22. fervent period of European cultural, artistic, political and economic “rebirth” following the Middle Ages ...
  23. 1st Estate = church leaders, 2nd Estate nobles, 3rd Estate = peasants ...
  24. is the belief that there is only one deity, an all-supreme being that is universally referred to as God.