Hug Me's Plank Jacks Hopscotch Jumps Jump Rope Jumps Supermans Tuck Jumps Shoulder Taps Burpees Frankensteins (opposite hand/toe) Scissor Kicks (on back) Cross Crawls (elbow to opposite knee) Squats Calf Raises Skier Jumps Mountain Climbers Sit Ups Quadraplex Hug Me's (reverse arms) Jumping Jacks Lunges Floor Twist Taps Push Ups Jumping Jills Scissor Jumps Frog Jumps Hug Me's Plank Jacks Hopscotch Jumps Jump Rope Jumps Supermans Tuck Jumps Shoulder Taps Burpees Frankensteins (opposite hand/toe) Scissor Kicks (on back) Cross Crawls (elbow to opposite knee) Squats Calf Raises Skier Jumps Mountain Climbers Sit Ups Quadraplex Hug Me's (reverse arms) Jumping Jacks Lunges Floor Twist Taps Push Ups Jumping Jills Scissor Jumps Frog Jumps
(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.
Hug Me's
Plank Jacks
Hopscotch Jumps
Jump Rope Jumps
Tuck Jumps
Shoulder Taps
(opposite hand/toe)
Scissor Kicks
(on back)
Cross Crawls
(elbow to opposite knee)
Calf Raises
Skier Jumps
Mountain Climbers
Sit Ups
Hug Me's
(reverse arms)
Jumping Jacks
Floor Twist Taps
Push Ups
Jumping Jills
Scissor Jumps
Frog Jumps