"Sparkle"and "HolidayParty" usedin the samesentenceMorepeoplethan workAt least one unicornvisual or mention,because we're inthe Silicon Valley ofthe Midwest,baybeeeeeSurprise!We wonquantiesPresentation oneveryone'sfavoritecorporatepersonalityquiz,GrossfeedbacknoisesSlide changeis doneawkwardlylate -- like,REALLY late.Nobodygetspromoted50% ofattendeeshave theircameras off"Who'spresentingthis slide? Doyou want to?Nah I'll do it."Get yourholiday PTOscheduled, orSusan and CBwill kneecapyou."We're so excited tohave the wholeteam in office forthe holiday party"and then asks allthe office regularsto WFH that weekSlidetransitions/animationsthat add nothing tothe content and makefor awkward delivery.FUN!CommitteeAnnouncementSomeone'sslacknotificationgoes off in-officeAndydoes amarketingOffice-basedpresenterconfused aboutwhich computerto talk to?Awkwardlyencouragingreturn toofficeReminderaboutPTOpoliciesJoe makes atleast one dadjoke during hispresentation,and Luke lolsAmybringssnacksGet yourRSVPs in forthe holidayparty, or Amywill kneecapyou.Brian (aka God)deliversanother updateto his timesheetbookmarkletThe growth linedoes go up, butnot enoughwork more,slackersSomeone doingthe half walkhalf run up tothe bar when itstheir turn to talkSomebodymentions theEvolyticsblog"Thanks forhanging in therewhile we'remigrating fromMavenlink toParalax"Meme that ismisfitting for thejoke being made(Boomer Humorapplicable)Parkville traingoes by duringmeeting,deafensaudience."ConcordPartnership"of somevariation"Sparkle"and "HolidayParty" usedin the samesentenceMorepeoplethan workAt least one unicornvisual or mention,because we're inthe Silicon Valley ofthe Midwest,baybeeeeeSurprise!We wonquantiesPresentation oneveryone'sfavoritecorporatepersonalityquiz,GrossfeedbacknoisesSlide changeis doneawkwardlylate -- like,REALLY late.Nobodygetspromoted50% ofattendeeshave theircameras off"Who'spresentingthis slide? Doyou want to?Nah I'll do it."Get yourholiday PTOscheduled, orSusan and CBwill kneecapyou."We're so excited tohave the wholeteam in office forthe holiday party"and then asks allthe office regularsto WFH that weekSlidetransitions/animationsthat add nothing tothe content and makefor awkward delivery.FUN!CommitteeAnnouncementSomeone'sslacknotificationgoes off in-officeAndydoes amarketingOffice-basedpresenterconfused aboutwhich computerto talk to?Awkwardlyencouragingreturn toofficeReminderaboutPTOpoliciesJoe makes atleast one dadjoke during hispresentation,and Luke lolsAmybringssnacksGet yourRSVPs in forthe holidayparty, or Amywill kneecapyou.Brian (aka God)deliversanother updateto his timesheetbookmarkletThe growth linedoes go up, butnot enoughwork more,slackersSomeone doingthe half walkhalf run up tothe bar when itstheir turn to talkSomebodymentions theEvolyticsblog"Thanks forhanging in therewhile we'remigrating fromMavenlink toParalax"Meme that ismisfitting for thejoke being made(Boomer Humorapplicable)Parkville traingoes by duringmeeting,deafensaudience."ConcordPartnership"of somevariation

Untitled Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. "Sparkle" and "Holiday Party" used in the same sentence
  2. More people than work
  3. At least one unicorn visual or mention, because we're in the Silicon Valley of the Midwest, baybeeeee
  4. Surprise! We won quanties
  5. Presentation on everyone's favorite corporate personality quiz,
  6. Gross feedback noises
  7. Slide change is done awkwardly late -- like, REALLY late.
  8. Nobody gets promoted
  9. 50% of attendees have their cameras off
  10. "Who's presenting this slide? Do you want to? Nah I'll do it."
  11. Get your holiday PTO scheduled, or Susan and CB will kneecap you.
  12. "We're so excited to have the whole team in office for the holiday party" and then asks all the office regulars to WFH that week
  13. Slide transitions/animations that add nothing to the content and make for awkward delivery.
  14. FUN! Committee Announcement
  15. Someone's slack notification goes off in-office
  16. Andy does a marketing
  17. Office-based presenter confused about which computer to talk to?
  18. Awkwardly encouraging return to office
  19. Reminder about PTO policies
  20. Joe makes at least one dad joke during his presentation, and Luke lols
  21. Amy brings snacks
  22. Get your RSVPs in for the holiday party, or Amy will kneecap you.
  23. Brian (aka God) delivers another update to his timesheet bookmarklet
  24. The growth line does go up, but not enough work more, slackers
  25. Someone doing the half walk half run up to the bar when its their turn to talk
  26. Somebody mentions the Evolytics blog
  27. "Thanks for hanging in there while we're migrating from Mavenlink to Paralax"
  28. Meme that is misfitting for the joke being made (Boomer Humor applicable)
  29. Parkville train goes by during meeting, deafens audience.
  30. "Concord Partnership" of some variation