A supporter of thefrontier thesewould most likelyargue that the U.S.should do thisDevelop itsnavy toacquire newmarketsoverseasHow US foreignpolicy changedin the decadesfollowing theAmerican CivilWarThe US shifted fromplaying a relativelysmall role ininternational affairs toexpanding its role inworld affairsThe purpose ofthe RooseveltCorollary to theMonroeDoctrineAnnounced theintention of theUnited States tobecome involved inthe affairs of Westernnantions as a meansof protecting its owninterestsAn economicresult of theU.S. victory inthe Spanish-American WarThe US gaineddirect access tooverseasmarkets andresourcesPresidentWoodrow Wilson'srole in Europeanaffairs betweenlate 1914 andearly 1917He attempted tonegotiate a mutuallyacceptable peacesettlement betweenthe two sidesThe factor mostdirectlyresponsible forthe outbreak ofWorld War ImilitaryalliancesbetweenEuropeancountriesOne way the U.S.governmentprepared thecountry for "totalwar" after enteringWorld War Iorganizinga draftThe mainpurpose of theMonroeDoctrine inthe late 1800spreventEuropeanpowers fromrecolonizing theWesternHemisphereHow the USinfluencedthe outcomeof WWIIts troops wonseveral crucialbattles thathelped theAllied PowersThe event thatfollowed Austria-Hungary'sdeclaration of waron Serbia in 1914the movement ofRussian troopstoward Germanyand Austria-HungaryActions by theU.S. governmentthat resulted fromthe Red Scare thatfollowed WorldWar Ithe arrestanddetention ofsuspectedradicalsThe factor thatmost contributedto Congress'srefusal to ratify theTreaty ofVersaillesThe treaty'srequirement thatthe UnitedStates join theLeague ofNationsFree!The RussianRevolution of1917 led to theformation ofwhich newstate?SovietUnionPresidentTaft's plan toinfluenceinternationalpoliticsthrough theoffer of loansandeconomicinvestmentsThe EspionageAct, Sedition Act,and Palmer raidsall illustrate whatwartime tension?The tensionbetweenmaintainingnational securityand protectingindividual rightsA principleconsistent withthe FourteenPoints issued byWoodrow Wilsonin 1918Peaceful nationsshould eliminatetrade barrierswith each otherThegovernment'smost likelypurpose forcreating LibertyBond postersto generatefinancialsupport forthe warWhy some anti-imperialists wereafraid that USacquisition of thePhilippines wouldthreaten Americanlabor interestsThey feared thatFilipino immigrantswould take jobsaway ffromAmerican workersand reduce wagesThe comparisonof the impact ofWorld War I onEurope and theUnited StatesThe US emerged fromthe war with a powerfuleconomy and littlephysical damage, whileEurope emergedphsycially andeconomically ravagedA supporter of thefrontier thesewould most likelyargue that the U.S.should do thisDevelop itsnavy toacquire newmarketsoverseasHow US foreignpolicy changedin the decadesfollowing theAmerican CivilWarThe US shifted fromplaying a relativelysmall role ininternational affairs toexpanding its role inworld affairsThe purpose ofthe RooseveltCorollary to theMonroeDoctrineAnnounced theintention of theUnited States tobecome involved inthe affairs of Westernnantions as a meansof protecting its owninterestsAn economicresult of theU.S. victory inthe Spanish-American WarThe US gaineddirect access tooverseasmarkets andresourcesPresidentWoodrow Wilson'srole in Europeanaffairs betweenlate 1914 andearly 1917He attempted tonegotiate a mutuallyacceptable peacesettlement betweenthe two sidesThe factor mostdirectlyresponsible forthe outbreak ofWorld War ImilitaryalliancesbetweenEuropeancountriesOne way the U.S.governmentprepared thecountry for "totalwar" after enteringWorld War Iorganizinga draftThe mainpurpose of theMonroeDoctrine inthe late 1800spreventEuropeanpowers fromrecolonizing theWesternHemisphereHow the USinfluencedthe outcomeof WWIIts troops wonseveral crucialbattles thathelped theAllied PowersThe event thatfollowed Austria-Hungary'sdeclaration of waron Serbia in 1914the movement ofRussian troopstoward Germanyand Austria-HungaryActions by theU.S. governmentthat resulted fromthe Red Scare thatfollowed WorldWar Ithe arrestanddetention ofsuspectedradicalsThe factor thatmost contributedto Congress'srefusal to ratify theTreaty ofVersaillesThe treaty'srequirement thatthe UnitedStates join theLeague ofNationsFree!The RussianRevolution of1917 led to theformation ofwhich newstate?SovietUnionPresidentTaft's plan toinfluenceinternationalpoliticsthrough theoffer of loansandeconomicinvestmentsThe EspionageAct, Sedition Act,and Palmer raidsall illustrate whatwartime tension?The tensionbetweenmaintainingnational securityand protectingindividual rightsA principleconsistent withthe FourteenPoints issued byWoodrow Wilsonin 1918Peaceful nationsshould eliminatetrade barrierswith each otherThegovernment'smost likelypurpose forcreating LibertyBond postersto generatefinancialsupport forthe warWhy some anti-imperialists wereafraid that USacquisition of thePhilippines wouldthreaten Americanlabor interestsThey feared thatFilipino immigrantswould take jobsaway ffromAmerican workersand reduce wagesThe comparisonof the impact ofWorld War I onEurope and theUnited StatesThe US emerged fromthe war with a powerfuleconomy and littlephysical damage, whileEurope emergedphsycially andeconomically ravaged

Chapter 12 Review - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Develop its navy to acquire new markets overseas
    A supporter of the frontier these would most likely argue that the U.S. should do this
  2. The US shifted from playing a relatively small role in international affairs to expanding its role in world affairs
    How US foreign policy changed in the decades following the American Civil War
  3. Announced the intention of the United States to become involved in the affairs of Western nantions as a means of protecting its own interests
    The purpose of the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine
  4. The US gained direct access to overseas markets and resources
    An economic result of the U.S. victory in the Spanish-American War
  5. He attempted to negotiate a mutually acceptable peace settlement between the two sides
    President Woodrow Wilson's role in European affairs between late 1914 and early 1917
  6. military alliances between European countries
    The factor most directly responsible for the outbreak of World War I
  7. organizing a draft
    One way the U.S. government prepared the country for "total war" after entering World War I
  8. prevent European powers from recolonizing the Western Hemisphere
    The main purpose of the Monroe Doctrine in the late 1800s
  9. Its troops won several crucial battles that helped the Allied Powers
    How the US influenced the outcome of WWI
  10. the movement of Russian troops toward Germany and Austria-Hungary
    The event that followed Austria-Hungary's declaration of war on Serbia in 1914
  11. the arrest and detention of suspected radicals
    Actions by the U.S. government that resulted from the Red Scare that followed World War I
  12. The treaty's requirement that the United States join the League of Nations
    The factor that most contributed to Congress's refusal to ratify the Treaty of Versailles
  13. Free!
  14. Soviet Union
    The Russian Revolution of 1917 led to the formation of which new state?
  15. through the offer of loans and economic investments
    President Taft's plan to influence international politics
  16. The tension between maintaining national security and protecting individual rights
    The Espionage Act, Sedition Act, and Palmer raids all illustrate what wartime tension?
  17. Peaceful nations should eliminate trade barriers with each other
    A principle consistent with the Fourteen Points issued by Woodrow Wilson in 1918
  18. to generate financial support for the war
    The government's most likely purpose for creating Liberty Bond posters
  19. They feared that Filipino immigrants would take jobs away ffrom American workers and reduce wages
    Why some anti-imperialists were afraid that US acquisition of the Philippines would threaten American labor interests
  20. The US emerged from the war with a powerful economy and little physical damage, while Europe emerged phsycially and economically ravaged
    The comparison of the impact of World War I on Europe and the United States