62 - 6. What didMoses andAaron actuallydo to the rock?Answer: Struckit 63 - 6.Who savedBalaam’s life byspeaking to him?Answers:Balaam’s donkey 67 - 7. Why didJoshua want to keepthe sun up?Answer: So theenemy couldn’t hidein the dark, and hecould catch them 68 - 1. Who werethe descendants ofAbraham thatreceived thepromised land?Answer: TheIsraelites 66 - 1. What were thearmy and the priestscommanded to doevery morning for sixdays?Answer: Marcharound the city ofJericho 61 - 4. Name onefruit that the spiesbrought back fromthe landAnswer: Grapes,Figs, Pomegranates 63 - 5.When thedonkey saw theangel in the way andthere was nowhere toturn, what did it do?Answer: Laid down inthe road 64 - 3. There wasa women helpedthe spies and hidthem on her roof.Who was that?Answer: Rahab 62 - 2. Whathappened to the 250leaders who weretrying to act likepriests?Answer: Fire from theLord burned them up 68 - 5. Did Calebwin or lose hisbattle against thegiants?Answer: He won 67 - 3. Achan saw thecloak, silver and gold andwanted it for himself. Whatis it called when we wantsomething that belongs tosomeone else? It’s thetenth commandment.Answer: Coveting 68 - 2. Who wasfaithful to help theIsraelites winagainst all thesesoldiers?Answer: God 63 - 2. King Balakwant to hire Balaam,who was a falseprophet, to curse theIsraelites. Whatanimal did Balaamride?Answer: A donkey 66 - 5.What didthe army doafter the wallsfell down?Answer: Ran upinto the city. 61 - 3. There were twoof the 12 spies whohad faith in God’spromises and tried toconvince the people toobey God. Who werethey?Answer: Joshua &Caleb 63 - 4. What wasthe Angel standingbetween King Balakand Balaamholding?Answer: A Sword 65 - 4. When thepriests stepped intothe river, what didGod do so theIsraelites couldcross?Answer: Made thewater stop flowing 67 - 2.Whatitems did Achantake?Answer: Cloak,silver, and somegold 62 - 5. What didGod tell Mosesand Aaron to do toget water from therock?Answer: Speak tothe rock 62 - 3. Korah, Dathan,& Abiram were 3 menwho rebelled againstGod & Moses. How didGod punish them?Answer: He openedthe ground and itswallowed them65 - 5.What didJoshua stack inthe middle of theriver where thepriests werestanding?Answer: Stones 67 - 4. Achan stole thegold and silver when itshould have beengiven to God. Whatcommandment did hebreak? It’s the eighthcommandment:Answer: You shall notsteal 61 - 6. How manyyears did theIsraelites have towander thewilderness aspunishment fordisobedience?Answer: 40 68 - 3. Whowanted the hillcountry for hisown land?Answer: Caleb 68 - 7. What didour memory verse,what did God tellJoshua to be?Answer: Strongand courageous 65 - 6. The Israelitesput the 12 stones inthe middle of the riveras a memorial. Whatdoes a memorial do?Answer: It helps usremember 66 - 6.Who didJoshua send toget Rahab andher family safelyout of the city?Answer:The two spies 69 - 3. God sentpunishment when theIsraelites worshipedfalse gods. What didGod want the peopleto do?Answer: Cry out tohim for help 63 - 3. Someonestood in the road toblock Balaam fromgoing to King Balak.Who was it:Answer: The angel ofthe Lord 69 - 4. Were idolsonly a problem backin Bible times or dowe still have idolstoday?Answer: There arestill idol today 64 - 1. God told Moses thathe would not get to enterinto the promised landbecause of hisdisobedience. But God hadMoses go somewhere sothat he could see thepromised land before hedied. Where did Moses go?Answers: a mountain 69 - 6. What werethe 10 special lawsGod gave to Mosesand the Israelites?Answer: The TenCommandments 69 - 1. As theyounger people grewup, they were not toldabout God. Why wasthis a bad thing?Answer: They did notknow or trust God 62 - 4. When the Israelitesbecame impatient andcomplained to Moses, Godsent something through thecamp that killed somepeople. What was it?Answer: Fiery Serpents 62 - 1. 250 othermen who camewith them want tobe? Hint: It wasAaron’s job.Answer: Priests67 - 1. At the battle ofJericho, who tried tobe sneaky and tookthings he shouldn’thave taken?Answer: Achan. 61 - 1. God promiseda land to His peoplethat was flowing with“milk and honey.”What did that mean?Answer: It was goodland64 - 6. What did thespies tell Rahab tohang fromher window so theywould know where herhouse was during thebattle?Answer: A scarlet cord 67 - 5. Why did theIsraelites lose thefirst battle at Ai?Answer: Becauseof Achan’s sin 66 - 3. What didJoshua and the armydo on the seventhday?Answer: Marchedseven times aroundthe city and thenshouted 64 - 5. What didRahab believe abouttheIsraelites’ God whenshe heard about Hismiracles?Answer: That he wasthe one true God. 68 - 6. Who wasthe descendantfrom Abraham’sfamily that wouldbless all families ofthe earth?Answer: Jesus 64 - 4. How didRahab help thespies escape?Answer: She letthem down fromher window with arope 61 - 2. Howmany spies didMoses send intothe promisedland?Answer: 12 65 - 2. God said thepriests should go firstcrossing the JordanRiver. What did Godtell them to carry?Answer: The Ark ofthe covenant 69 - 5. What kinds of thingscan be idols to us today?Answer: Will vary but mayinclude watching TV,playing sports or videogames, being good atplaying an instrument,getting new clothes, toys,etc 68 - 4. Who didCaleb need tofight against toget the hillcountry?Answer: Giants 61- 5. The peoplelet _____ takeover and it causedthem to disobey.Answer: Fear 66 - 4. What did Goddo when Joshua andhis army shouted andthe priests blew thetrumpets?Answer: He made thewalls fall down flat 66 - 2. Whatelse did sevenpriests do asthey marched?Answer: Blewthe trumpets. 69 - 2. What did thepeople still living inthe land invite theIsraelites to do?Answer: Worshiptheir idols 65 - 3. When thepriests got to theedge of the water,what did they have todo to show theirfaith?Answer: Put their feetinto the water 67 -6. God helpedIsrael by making thekings and theirarmies panic. Thenwhat did God throwdown on them?Answer: Hailstones. 64 - 2. Joshua wouldlead the Israelitesinto the promisedland. How manyspies did he send tocheck out Jericho?Answer: Two 65 - 1. What didthe Israelites haveto cross to go intothe promisedland?Answer: JordanRiver 62 - 6. What didMoses andAaron actuallydo to the rock?Answer: Struckit 63 - 6.Who savedBalaam’s life byspeaking to him?Answers:Balaam’s donkey 67 - 7. Why didJoshua want to keepthe sun up?Answer: So theenemy couldn’t hidein the dark, and hecould catch them 68 - 1. Who werethe descendants ofAbraham thatreceived thepromised land?Answer: TheIsraelites 66 - 1. What were thearmy and the priestscommanded to doevery morning for sixdays?Answer: Marcharound the city ofJericho 61 - 4. Name onefruit that the spiesbrought back fromthe landAnswer: Grapes,Figs, Pomegranates 63 - 5.When thedonkey saw theangel in the way andthere was nowhere toturn, what did it do?Answer: Laid down inthe road 64 - 3. There wasa women helpedthe spies and hidthem on her roof.Who was that?Answer: Rahab 62 - 2. Whathappened to the 250leaders who weretrying to act likepriests?Answer: Fire from theLord burned them up 68 - 5. Did Calebwin or lose hisbattle against thegiants?Answer: He won 67 - 3. Achan saw thecloak, silver and gold andwanted it for himself. Whatis it called when we wantsomething that belongs tosomeone else? It’s thetenth commandment.Answer: Coveting 68 - 2. Who wasfaithful to help theIsraelites winagainst all thesesoldiers?Answer: God 63 - 2. King Balakwant to hire Balaam,who was a falseprophet, to curse theIsraelites. Whatanimal did Balaamride?Answer: A donkey 66 - 5.What didthe army doafter the wallsfell down?Answer: Ran upinto the city. 61 - 3. There were twoof the 12 spies whohad faith in God’spromises and tried toconvince the people toobey God. Who werethey?Answer: Joshua &Caleb 63 - 4. What wasthe Angel standingbetween King Balakand Balaamholding?Answer: A Sword 65 - 4. When thepriests stepped intothe river, what didGod do so theIsraelites couldcross?Answer: Made thewater stop flowing 67 - 2.Whatitems did Achantake?Answer: Cloak,silver, and somegold 62 - 5. What didGod tell Mosesand Aaron to do toget water from therock?Answer: Speak tothe rock 62 - 3. Korah, Dathan,& Abiram were 3 menwho rebelled againstGod & Moses. How didGod punish them?Answer: He openedthe ground and itswallowed them65 - 5.What didJoshua stack inthe middle of theriver where thepriests werestanding?Answer: Stones 67 - 4. Achan stole thegold and silver when itshould have beengiven to God. Whatcommandment did hebreak? It’s the eighthcommandment:Answer: You shall notsteal 61 - 6. How manyyears did theIsraelites have towander thewilderness aspunishment fordisobedience?Answer: 40 68 - 3. Whowanted the hillcountry for hisown land?Answer: Caleb 68 - 7. What didour memory verse,what did God tellJoshua to be?Answer: Strongand courageous 65 - 6. The Israelitesput the 12 stones inthe middle of the riveras a memorial. Whatdoes a memorial do?Answer: It helps usremember 66 - 6.Who didJoshua send toget Rahab andher family safelyout of the city?Answer:The two spies 69 - 3. God sentpunishment when theIsraelites worshipedfalse gods. What didGod want the peopleto do?Answer: Cry out tohim for help 63 - 3. Someonestood in the road toblock Balaam fromgoing to King Balak.Who was it:Answer: The angel ofthe Lord 69 - 4. Were idolsonly a problem backin Bible times or dowe still have idolstoday?Answer: There arestill idol today 64 - 1. God told Moses thathe would not get to enterinto the promised landbecause of hisdisobedience. But God hadMoses go somewhere sothat he could see thepromised land before hedied. Where did Moses go?Answers: a mountain 69 - 6. What werethe 10 special lawsGod gave to Mosesand the Israelites?Answer: The TenCommandments 69 - 1. As theyounger people grewup, they were not toldabout God. Why wasthis a bad thing?Answer: They did notknow or trust God 62 - 4. When the Israelitesbecame impatient andcomplained to Moses, Godsent something through thecamp that killed somepeople. What was it?Answer: Fiery Serpents 62 - 1. 250 othermen who camewith them want tobe? Hint: It wasAaron’s job.Answer: Priests67 - 1. At the battle ofJericho, who tried tobe sneaky and tookthings he shouldn’thave taken?Answer: Achan. 61 - 1. God promiseda land to His peoplethat was flowing with“milk and honey.”What did that mean?Answer: It was goodland64 - 6. What did thespies tell Rahab tohang fromher window so theywould know where herhouse was during thebattle?Answer: A scarlet cord 67 - 5. Why did theIsraelites lose thefirst battle at Ai?Answer: Becauseof Achan’s sin 66 - 3. What didJoshua and the armydo on the seventhday?Answer: Marchedseven times aroundthe city and thenshouted 64 - 5. What didRahab believe abouttheIsraelites’ God whenshe heard about Hismiracles?Answer: That he wasthe one true God. 68 - 6. Who wasthe descendantfrom Abraham’sfamily that wouldbless all families ofthe earth?Answer: Jesus 64 - 4. How didRahab help thespies escape?Answer: She letthem down fromher window with arope 61 - 2. Howmany spies didMoses send intothe promisedland?Answer: 12 65 - 2. God said thepriests should go firstcrossing the JordanRiver. What did Godtell them to carry?Answer: The Ark ofthe covenant 69 - 5. What kinds of thingscan be idols to us today?Answer: Will vary but mayinclude watching TV,playing sports or videogames, being good atplaying an instrument,getting new clothes, toys,etc 68 - 4. Who didCaleb need tofight against toget the hillcountry?Answer: Giants 61- 5. The peoplelet _____ takeover and it causedthem to disobey.Answer: Fear 66 - 4. What did Goddo when Joshua andhis army shouted andthe priests blew thetrumpets?Answer: He made thewalls fall down flat 66 - 2. Whatelse did sevenpriests do asthey marched?Answer: Blewthe trumpets. 69 - 2. What did thepeople still living inthe land invite theIsraelites to do?Answer: Worshiptheir idols 65 - 3. When thepriests got to theedge of the water,what did they have todo to show theirfaith?Answer: Put their feetinto the water 67 -6. God helpedIsrael by making thekings and theirarmies panic. Thenwhat did God throwdown on them?Answer: Hailstones. 64 - 2. Joshua wouldlead the Israelitesinto the promisedland. How manyspies did he send tocheck out Jericho?Answer: Two 65 - 1. What didthe Israelites haveto cross to go intothe promisedland?Answer: JordanRiver 

Unit 7 BINGO - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. 62 - 6. What did Moses and Aaron actually do to the rock? Answer: Struck it
  2. 63 - 6.Who saved Balaam’s life by speaking to him? Answers: Balaam’s donkey
  3. 67 - 7. Why did Joshua want to keep the sun up? Answer: So the enemy couldn’t hide in the dark, and he could catch them
  4. 68 - 1. Who were the descendants of Abraham that received the promised land? Answer: The Israelites
  5. 66 - 1. What were the army and the priests commanded to do every morning for six days? Answer: March around the city of Jericho
  6. 61 - 4. Name one fruit that the spies brought back from the land Answer: Grapes, Figs, Pomegranates
  7. 63 - 5.When the donkey saw the angel in the way and there was nowhere to turn, what did it do? Answer: Laid down in the road
  8. 64 - 3. There was a women helped the spies and hid them on her roof. Who was that? Answer: Rahab
  9. 62 - 2. What happened to the 250 leaders who were trying to act like priests? Answer: Fire from the Lord burned them up
  10. 68 - 5. Did Caleb win or lose his battle against the giants? Answer: He won
  11. 67 - 3. Achan saw the cloak, silver and gold and wanted it for himself. What is it called when we want something that belongs to someone else? It’s the tenth commandment. Answer: Coveting
  12. 68 - 2. Who was faithful to help the Israelites win against all these soldiers? Answer: God
  13. 63 - 2. King Balak want to hire Balaam, who was a false prophet, to curse the Israelites. What animal did Balaam ride? Answer: A donkey
  14. 66 - 5.What did the army do after the walls fell down? Answer: Ran up into the city.
  15. 61 - 3. There were two of the 12 spies who had faith in God’s promises and tried to convince the people to obey God. Who were they? Answer: Joshua & Caleb
  16. 63 - 4. What was the Angel standing between King Balak and Balaam holding? Answer: A Sword
  17. 65 - 4. When the priests stepped into the river, what did God do so the Israelites could cross? Answer: Made the water stop flowing
  18. 67 - 2.What items did Achan take? Answer: Cloak, silver, and some gold
  19. 62 - 5. What did God tell Moses and Aaron to do to get water from the rock? Answer: Speak to the rock
  20. 62 - 3. Korah, Dathan, & Abiram were 3 men who rebelled against God & Moses. How did God punish them? Answer: He opened the ground and it swallowed them
  21. 65 - 5.What did Joshua stack in the middle of the river where the priests were standing? Answer: Stones
  22. 67 - 4. Achan stole the gold and silver when it should have been given to God. What commandment did he break? It’s the eighth commandment: Answer: You shall not steal
  23. 61 - 6. How many years did the Israelites have to wander the wilderness as punishment for disobedience? Answer: 40
  24. 68 - 3. Who wanted the hill country for his own land? Answer: Caleb
  25. 68 - 7. What did our memory verse, what did God tell Joshua to be? Answer: Strong and courageous
  26. 65 - 6. The Israelites put the 12 stones in the middle of the river as a memorial. What does a memorial do? Answer: It helps us remember
  27. 66 - 6.Who did Joshua send to get Rahab and her family safely out of the city? Answer: The two spies
  28. 69 - 3. God sent punishment when the Israelites worshiped false gods. What did God want the people to do? Answer: Cry out to him for help
  29. 63 - 3. Someone stood in the road to block Balaam from going to King Balak. Who was it: Answer: The angel of the Lord
  30. 69 - 4. Were idols only a problem back in Bible times or do we still have idols today? Answer: There are still idol today
  31. 64 - 1. God told Moses that he would not get to enter into the promised land because of his disobedience. But God had Moses go somewhere so that he could see the promised land before he died. Where did Moses go? Answers: a mountain
  32. 69 - 6. What were the 10 special laws God gave to Moses and the Israelites? Answer: The Ten Commandments
  33. 69 - 1. As the younger people grew up, they were not told about God. Why was this a bad thing? Answer: They did not know or trust God
  34. 62 - 4. When the Israelites became impatient and complained to Moses, God sent something through the camp that killed some people. What was it? Answer: Fiery Serpents
  35. 62 - 1. 250 other men who came with them want to be? Hint: It was Aaron’s job. Answer: Priests
  36. 67 - 1. At the battle of Jericho, who tried to be sneaky and took things he shouldn’t have taken? Answer: Achan.
  37. 61 - 1. God promised a land to His people that was flowing with “milk and honey.” What did that mean? Answer: It was good land
  38. 64 - 6. What did the spies tell Rahab to hang from her window so they would know where her house was during the battle? Answer: A scarlet cord
  39. 67 - 5. Why did the Israelites lose the first battle at Ai? Answer: Because of Achan’s sin
  40. 66 - 3. What did Joshua and the army do on the seventh day? Answer: Marched seven times around the city and then shouted
  41. 64 - 5. What did Rahab believe about the Israelites’ God when she heard about His miracles? Answer: That he was the one true God.
  42. 68 - 6. Who was the descendant from Abraham’s family that would bless all families of the earth? Answer: Jesus
  43. 64 - 4. How did Rahab help the spies escape? Answer: She let them down from her window with a rope
  44. 61 - 2. How many spies did Moses send into the promised land? Answer: 12
  45. 65 - 2. God said the priests should go first crossing the Jordan River. What did God tell them to carry? Answer: The Ark of the covenant
  46. 69 - 5. What kinds of things can be idols to us today? Answer: Will vary but may include watching TV, playing sports or video games, being good at playing an instrument, getting new clothes, toys, etc
  47. 68 - 4. Who did Caleb need to fight against to get the hill country? Answer: Giants
  48. 61- 5. The people let _____ take over and it caused them to disobey. Answer: Fear
  49. 66 - 4. What did God do when Joshua and his army shouted and the priests blew the trumpets? Answer: He made the walls fall down flat
  50. 66 - 2. What else did seven priests do as they marched? Answer: Blew the trumpets.
  51. 69 - 2. What did the people still living in the land invite the Israelites to do? Answer: Worship their idols
  52. 65 - 3. When the priests got to the edge of the water, what did they have to do to show their faith? Answer: Put their feet into the water
  53. 67 -6. God helped Israel by making the kings and their armies panic. Then what did God throw down on them? Answer: Hailstones.
  54. 64 - 2. Joshua would lead the Israelites into the promised land. How many spies did he send to check out Jericho? Answer: Two
  55. 65 - 1. What did the Israelites have to cross to go into the promised land? Answer: Jordan River