Read thewords of afavoritecarol, thensing it.Sing "Joy to theWorld," andthink of one wayto prepare roomin your heart forJesus.Read Psalm 23,and thank God forthe GoodShepherd whowas born onChristmas.Look up picturesonline of whatBethlehem lookslike now, and prayfor peace in theHoly Land.Pray for apolitician youdidn't vote for,or a personyou don't like.Noticesomeonespeakingkind words.________Pray for aperson youare standingin linebehindNoticesomeone whocould use asmile, and thensmile at them!Watch the starscome out tonight,and thank God forspeaking to humansin so many differentways.Watch thesun rise, andthank Godfor the gift ofa new day.Givesomethingaway thatsomeone elsecould use.____Dosomethingnice forsomeonesecretly.____Noticesomeone whois afraid, andpray for God'speace tocomfort them.Look online andlisten to TheHound + The Fox'sversion of "WhatChild is This/Childof the Poor."ReadIsaiah 11:6-9,and pray for theKingdom of Godto come onearth.Pray for asituation youhear abouton the news.Look forsomethingbeautiful inGod'screation.____Read the story ofMary's visit withthe angel (Luke1:26-38) and sayYes! as manytimes as you cantoday.Pray for aneighbor,whether youknow themor not.____Read thewords of afavoritecarol, thensing it.Sing "Joy to theWorld," andthink of one wayto prepare roomin your heart forJesus.Read Psalm 23,and thank God forthe GoodShepherd whowas born onChristmas.Look up picturesonline of whatBethlehem lookslike now, and prayfor peace in theHoly Land.Pray for apolitician youdidn't vote for,or a personyou don't like.Noticesomeonespeakingkind words.________Pray for aperson youare standingin linebehindNoticesomeone whocould use asmile, and thensmile at them!Watch the starscome out tonight,and thank God forspeaking to humansin so many differentways.Watch thesun rise, andthank Godfor the gift ofa new day.Givesomethingaway thatsomeone elsecould use.____Dosomethingnice forsomeonesecretly.____Noticesomeone whois afraid, andpray for God'speace tocomfort them.Look online andlisten to TheHound + The Fox'sversion of "WhatChild is This/Childof the Poor."ReadIsaiah 11:6-9,and pray for theKingdom of Godto come onearth.Pray for asituation youhear abouton the news.Look forsomethingbeautiful inGod'screation.____Read the story ofMary's visit withthe angel (Luke1:26-38) and sayYes! as manytimes as you cantoday.Pray for aneighbor,whether youknow themor not.____

Advent Journey to Bethlehem - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Read the words of a favorite carol, then sing it.
  2. Sing "Joy to the World," and think of one way to prepare room in your heart for Jesus.
  3. Read Psalm 23, and thank God for the Good Shepherd who was born on Christmas.
  4. Look up pictures online of what Bethlehem looks like now, and pray for peace in the Holy Land.
  5. Pray for a politician you didn't vote for, or a person you don't like.
  6. Notice someone speaking kind words.
  7. ____
  8. ____
  9. Pray for a person you are standing in line behind
  10. Notice someone who could use a smile, and then smile at them!
  11. Watch the stars come out tonight, and thank God for speaking to humans in so many different ways.
  12. Watch the sun rise, and thank God for the gift of a new day.
  13. Give something away that someone else could use.
  14. ____
  15. Do something nice for someone secretly.
  16. ____
  17. Notice someone who is afraid, and pray for God's peace to comfort them.
  18. Look online and listen to The Hound + The Fox's version of "What Child is This/Child of the Poor."
  19. Read Isaiah 11:6-9, and pray for the Kingdom of God to come on earth.
  20. Pray for a situation you hear about on the news.
  21. Look for something beautiful in God's creation.
  22. ____
  23. Read the story of Mary's visit with the angel (Luke 1:26-38) and say Yes! as many times as you can today.
  24. Pray for a neighbor, whether you know them or not.
  25. ____