What item doesTom kick withhis foot while inthe swamp?____________What jobdoes Tomagree to dofor the devil?__________Who is theauthor of thestory?__________What does Tom'swife take with herto bribe the devilto buy her soul?______________What item inthe storyrepresents thesouls of men?___________What jobdoes Tomrefuse to dofor the devil?__________What isfound in theapron ofTom's wife?__________What otherstory have weread by thesame author?___________Whatbecomes ofTom'spossessions?___________Give an exampleof how the authormakes fun ofmarriage.______________On what part ofTom's body doesthe devil leavehis mark?_____________Whose treasuredoes the deviloffer Tom inexchange for hissoul?______________What type of workmakes fun of humannature in anexaggerated way butreveals the harshreality?______________What do Tomand his wifehide fromeach other?___________What animalof Tom's doeshe not feedproperly?___________ Why doesTom refusethe devil'soffer at first?___________Give anexample of howthe authormakes fun ofgreedy people?_____________What does Tomtry to do to freehimself from thedevil's claim?_____________What literarytime perioddoes this storyrepresent?___________When the devilcomes to claimTom, what item ishe looking for butcan't find?______________What was oddabout the houseTom bought withthe devil'smoney?_____________In what citydoes thestory takeplace?___________ Give the twonames thedevil goesby.__________What item doesTom kick withhis foot while inthe swamp?____________What jobdoes Tomagree to dofor the devil?__________Who is theauthor of thestory?__________What does Tom'swife take with herto bribe the devilto buy her soul?______________What item inthe storyrepresents thesouls of men?___________What jobdoes Tomrefuse to dofor the devil?__________What isfound in theapron ofTom's wife?__________What otherstory have weread by thesame author?___________Whatbecomes ofTom'spossessions?___________Give an exampleof how the authormakes fun ofmarriage.______________On what part ofTom's body doesthe devil leavehis mark?_____________Whose treasuredoes the deviloffer Tom inexchange for hissoul?______________What type of workmakes fun of humannature in anexaggerated way butreveals the harshreality?______________What do Tomand his wifehide fromeach other?___________What animalof Tom's doeshe not feedproperly?___________ Why doesTom refusethe devil'soffer at first?___________Give anexample of howthe authormakes fun ofgreedy people?_____________What does Tomtry to do to freehimself from thedevil's claim?_____________What literarytime perioddoes this storyrepresent?___________When the devilcomes to claimTom, what item ishe looking for butcan't find?______________What was oddabout the houseTom bought withthe devil'smoney?_____________In what citydoes thestory takeplace?___________ Give the twonames thedevil goesby.__________

The Devil and Tom Walker - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. What item does Tom kick with his foot while in the swamp? ____________
  2. What job does Tom agree to do for the devil? __________
  3. Who is the author of the story? __________
  4. What does Tom's wife take with her to bribe the devil to buy her soul? ______________
  5. What item in the story represents the souls of men? ___________
  6. What job does Tom refuse to do for the devil? __________
  7. What is found in the apron of Tom's wife? __________
  8. What other story have we read by the same author? ___________
  9. What becomes of Tom's possessions? ___________
  10. Give an example of how the author makes fun of marriage. ______________
  11. On what part of Tom's body does the devil leave his mark? _____________
  12. Whose treasure does the devil offer Tom in exchange for his soul? ______________
  13. What type of work makes fun of human nature in an exaggerated way but reveals the harsh reality? ______________
  14. What do Tom and his wife hide from each other? ___________
  15. What animal of Tom's does he not feed properly?___________
  16. Why does Tom refuse the devil's offer at first? ___________
  17. Give an example of how the author makes fun of greedy people? _____________
  18. What does Tom try to do to free himself from the devil's claim? _____________
  19. What literary time period does this story represent? ___________
  20. When the devil comes to claim Tom, what item is he looking for but can't find? ______________
  21. What was odd about the house Tom bought with the devil's money? _____________
  22. In what city does the story take place? ___________
  23. Give the two names the devil goes by. __________