-a lengthydiscussionsabout flyingandfear/frequency- The table isjust an 8-topwith an extrachairwedged in- A dad asksthe otherdad abouttheir job-conversationabout sports- Andy starts telling astory then realiseshalfway through he’sgoing to embarrasshimself more thananyone else- The table isjust an 8-topwith an extrachairwedged in-Johnathontries to startaconversationwith Andy- Someonebrings upthe Europetrip- We’restill at therestaurantat 2:00 - Allens are latebecause Andydidn’t wake upin time- JJ puts hisAirPods inand zonesout-somebody sayssomething aboutus havingkids/gettingmarried out ofnowhere- the parentsdiscuss howthey met/datingapps thesedays- Parents tellembarrassingstory fromchildhood- A mom makesa commentabout how theirkids are growingup too fast- Tim tries tostart aconversationwith JJ- Haileysays “yourmom”- Someonebrings up howmuch we’vealreadytraveled thisyear- Hailey andAndy windup arguingaboutsomething-the waiter hasto come backmore than twicefor everyone tobe ready toorder-conversationaboutHailey’s orAndy’s futureA mothershedstears-there is anawkwardmomentaround thebill- Nick or Kimtells theirparent(s) tostop telling astory-a lengthydiscussionsabout flyingandfear/frequency- The table isjust an 8-topwith an extrachairwedged in- A dad asksthe otherdad abouttheir job-conversationabout sports- Andy starts telling astory then realiseshalfway through he’sgoing to embarrasshimself more thananyone else- The table isjust an 8-topwith an extrachairwedged in-Johnathontries to startaconversationwith Andy- Someonebrings upthe Europetrip- We’restill at therestaurantat 2:00 - Allens are latebecause Andydidn’t wake upin time- JJ puts hisAirPods inand zonesout-somebody sayssomething aboutus havingkids/gettingmarried out ofnowhere- the parentsdiscuss howthey met/datingapps thesedays- Parents tellembarrassingstory fromchildhood- A mom makesa commentabout how theirkids are growingup too fast- Tim tries tostart aconversationwith JJ- Haileysays “yourmom”- Someonebrings up howmuch we’vealreadytraveled thisyear- Hailey andAndy windup arguingaboutsomething-the waiter hasto come backmore than twicefor everyone tobe ready toorder-conversationaboutHailey’s orAndy’s futureA mothershedstears-there is anawkwardmomentaround thebill- Nick or Kimtells theirparent(s) tostop telling astory

The Parents Meet - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. -a lengthy discussions about flying and fear/frequency
  2. - The table is just an 8-top with an extra chair wedged in
  3. - A dad asks the other dad about their job
  4. -conversation about sports
  5. - Andy starts telling a story then realises halfway through he’s going to embarrass himself more than anyone else
  6. - The table is just an 8-top with an extra chair wedged in
  7. -Johnathon tries to start a conversation with Andy
  8. - Someone brings up the Europe trip
  9. - We’re still at the restaurant at 2:00
  10. - Allens are late because Andy didn’t wake up in time
  11. - JJ puts his AirPods in and zones out
  12. -somebody says something about us having kids/getting married out of nowhere
  13. - the parents discuss how they met/dating apps these days
  14. - Parents tell embarrassing story from childhood
  15. - A mom makes a comment about how their kids are growing up too fast
  16. - Tim tries to start a conversation with JJ
  17. - Hailey says “your mom”
  18. - Someone brings up how much we’ve already traveled this year
  19. - Hailey and Andy wind up arguing about something
  20. -the waiter has to come back more than twice for everyone to be ready to order
  21. -conversation about Hailey’s or Andy’s future
  22. A mother sheds tears
  23. -there is an awkward moment around the bill
  24. - Nick or Kim tells their parent(s) to stop telling a story