Acting in faithto follow aprophet'scounsel willbring usblessings.8.We can continueto trust Godwhen we don'tknow thereasons for ourtrials.13.If we trust inthe Lord, Hewill direct ourpath.21.His heartwas turnedfrom theLord.7.His power isgreater thanthe power ofmen and theirfalse gods.9.They wantedto be like allof the othernations.2.Lustfuldesires canlead toserious sin.5.Risk herlife tosave theJews.12.He obeyedthe propheteven in thesimplethings.10.TheMillennium.15.Thestrengthof theLord.3.TheAtonementof JesusChrist.28.Isaiah29:13-1423.Our ability torecognizethe Lord'svoice cangrow.1.The Lord willbless allpeople andsend themHis Spirit.19.The Lordloves us andwill neverforget us.14.Prophetsandrevelation.26.Commandments(tithing).27.By doingtemple workfor ourancestors.20.If we keep theLord's laws,then He willbless usphysically andspiritually.16.Attempting todirect God'swork withoutauthority bringsspiritual death.4.Malachi4:5-625.It will rollforth andeventuallycover theentire earth.17.Isaiah1:1822.Acting in faithto follow aprophet'scounsel willbring usblessings.8.We can continueto trust Godwhen we don'tknow thereasons for ourtrials.13.If we trust inthe Lord, Hewill direct ourpath.21.His heartwas turnedfrom theLord.7.His power isgreater thanthe power ofmen and theirfalse gods.9.They wantedto be like allof the othernations.2.Lustfuldesires canlead toserious sin.5.Risk herlife tosave theJews.12.He obeyedthe propheteven in thesimplethings.10.TheMillennium.15.Thestrengthof theLord.3.TheAtonementof JesusChrist.28.Isaiah29:13-1423.Our ability torecognizethe Lord'svoice cangrow.1.The Lord willbless allpeople andsend themHis Spirit.19.The Lordloves us andwill neverforget us.14.Prophetsandrevelation.26.Commandments(tithing).27.By doingtemple workfor ourancestors.20.If we keep theLord's laws,then He willbless usphysically andspiritually.16.Attempting todirect God'swork withoutauthority bringsspiritual death.4.Malachi4:5-625.It will rollforth andeventuallycover theentire earth.17.Isaiah1:1822.

Old Testament - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. 8.
    Acting in faith to follow a prophet's counsel will bring us blessings.
  2. 13.
    We can continue to trust God when we don't know the reasons for our trials.
  3. 21.
    If we trust in the Lord, He will direct our path.
  4. 7.
    His heart was turned from the Lord.
  5. 9.
    His power is greater than the power of men and their false gods.
  6. 2.
    They wanted to be like all of the other nations.
  7. 5.
    Lustful desires can lead to serious sin.
  8. 12.
    Risk her life to save the Jews.
  9. 10.
    He obeyed the prophet even in the simple things.
  10. 15.
    The Millennium.
  11. 3.
    The strength of the Lord.
  12. 28.
    The Atonement of Jesus Christ.
  13. 23.
    Isaiah 29:13-14
  14. 1.
    Our ability to recognize the Lord's voice can grow.
  15. 19.
    The Lord will bless all people and send them His Spirit.
  16. 14.
    The Lord loves us and will never forget us.
  17. 26.
    Prophets and revelation.
  18. 27.
    Commandments (tithing).
  19. 20.
    By doing temple work for our ancestors.
  20. 16.
    If we keep the Lord's laws, then He will bless us physically and spiritually.
  21. 4.
    Attempting to direct God's work without authority brings spiritual death.
  22. 25.
    Malachi 4:5-6
  23. 17.
    It will roll forth and eventually cover the entire earth.
  24. 22.
    Isaiah 1:18