this group ofpeoplewould weartheir hair inshort bobsthis group ofpeople areseen as themajority of theAmericanLabour forceother rich peoplethought theydidn’t haveclass, prestigeand traditionsthis group ofpeople lookdown onnew moneythis group ofpeople don’tneed to workfor theirmoneythis group ofpeople wouldwear hatsand flashyheadpiecesthis group ofpeople wasoften involvedin organizedcrimethis group ofpeople takepride in theirnewfoundwealththis group ofpeopleachieved theAmericanDreamthis group ofpeople includeindividuals likeBill Gates andSteve Jobsthis group ofpeopleinheritedtheir wealththis group ofpeople failedto achievethe Americandreamthis group ofpeople like tofollow trendsand whateveris popularthis group ofpeople tookadvantage ofprohibition tobootlegthis group ofpeople wouldstop at nomeans togain moneythis group ofpeoplenormallywork low-paying jobsthis group ofpeople had theability tomanipulategovernmentofficialsthis group ofpeople whosuffered froma decline inincomethis group ofpeople work infields thatrequire limitedskill andphysical labourthis group ofpeople throwsophisticatedparties thatrequireinvitationswomenstarteddrinkingthis group ofpeople like toflaunt theirwealth andthrow lavishpartiesthis group ofpeopleincluded thenotorious AlCaponewomenwould wearshorter a-linedressesthis group ofpeople help tokeep theAmericanDream alive forotherswomenstarted goingout andpartying anddancingthis group ofpeoplewould oftenthreatenpeopleThis group ofpeople includethe Ford andRockefellerfamilyThis group ofpeople comefrom wealthyfamiliesthis group ofpeoplewould weartheir hair inshort bobsthis group ofpeople areseen as themajority of theAmericanLabour forceother rich peoplethought theydidn’t haveclass, prestigeand traditionsthis group ofpeople lookdown onnew moneythis group ofpeople don’tneed to workfor theirmoneythis group ofpeople wouldwear hatsand flashyheadpiecesthis group ofpeople wasoften involvedin organizedcrimethis group ofpeople takepride in theirnewfoundwealththis group ofpeopleachieved theAmericanDreamthis group ofpeople includeindividuals likeBill Gates andSteve Jobsthis group ofpeopleinheritedtheir wealththis group ofpeople failedto achievethe Americandreamthis group ofpeople like tofollow trendsand whateveris popularthis group ofpeople tookadvantage ofprohibition tobootlegthis group ofpeople wouldstop at nomeans togain moneythis group ofpeoplenormallywork low-paying jobsthis group ofpeople had theability tomanipulategovernmentofficialsthis group ofpeople whosuffered froma decline inincomethis group ofpeople work infields thatrequire limitedskill andphysical labourthis group ofpeople throwsophisticatedparties thatrequireinvitationswomenstarteddrinkingthis group ofpeople like toflaunt theirwealth andthrow lavishpartiesthis group ofpeopleincluded thenotorious AlCaponewomenwould wearshorter a-linedressesthis group ofpeople help tokeep theAmericanDream alive forotherswomenstarted goingout andpartying anddancingthis group ofpeoplewould oftenthreatenpeopleThis group ofpeople includethe Ford andRockefellerfamilyThis group ofpeople comefrom wealthyfamilies

jazz age bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. this group of people would wear their hair in short bobs
  2. this group of people are seen as the majority of the American Labour force
  3. other rich people thought they didn’t have class, prestige and traditions
  4. this group of people look down on new money
  5. this group of people don’t need to work for their money
  6. this group of people would wear hats and flashy headpieces
  7. this group of people was often involved in organized crime
  8. this group of people take pride in their newfound wealth
  9. this group of people achieved the American Dream
  10. this group of people include individuals like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs
  11. this group of people inherited their wealth
  12. this group of people failed to achieve the American dream
  13. this group of people like to follow trends and whatever is popular
  14. this group of people took advantage of prohibition to bootleg
  15. this group of people would stop at no means to gain money
  16. this group of people normally work low-paying jobs
  17. this group of people had the ability to manipulate government officials
  18. this group of people who suffered from a decline in income
  19. this group of people work in fields that require limited skill and physical labour
  20. this group of people throw sophisticated parties that require invitations
  21. women started drinking
  22. this group of people like to flaunt their wealth and throw lavish parties
  23. this group of people included the notorious Al Capone
  24. women would wear shorter a-line dresses
  25. this group of people help to keep the American Dream alive for others
  26. women started going out and partying and dancing
  27. this group of people would often threaten people
  28. This group of people include the Ford and Rockefeller family
  29. This group of people come from wealthy families