Action:Take threeadditionaljello shotsAction: Eat agingerbreadcookieseductivelyduring aconversationConversation:Someoneplans ongoing skiingAction: Talkthrough agingerbreadcookie forfive minutesAction: Asksomeone whatthey wantChristmas. Thensay, "great, I'm notgetting you that."Action:Drink acup of hotchocolateAction: Eat aspoonful ofany sauce inthe fridge.Action:Take anadditionaljello shotAction: Singa christmasrap songsolo onkaraokeAction: Singa christmassong solo onkaraokeAction:Sing akaraokesong soloConversation:Someonetalks aboutthe codefreezeAction:Completely singa song you don'tknow onkaraoke byyourself.Action:Take twoadditionaljello shotsObserve:Someonesays HoHo HoAction: WriteHo Ho Ho onyour face inpen or markerfor the rest ofthe nightAction: Have abite of pumpkinpie covered ingochujangspicy sauceAction:Sharpen acandy cane andthreatensomeone with itAction: Chugany drinkfrom the minifridgeConversation:Someone talksabout being on-call over thewinter break.Observe:Someonerequests thedreidel songon karaokeObserve:Someone hasa full blownconversationabout workAction:RandomlyQUACK loudlyand don't tellanyone whyObserve:Someonesings MariahCareykaraokeAction: Makea whippedcream beardAction: Write Drakeon your forehead inpermanent markerand leave it on forthe rest of the nightObserve: Countthe number ofsnowflakes inthe room ____Action: Have agingerbreadcookie coveredin gochujangspicy sauceObserve:Someoneshows up ina santa hatAction: Stick twomarshmallows inyour nose and geteveryone'sattentionConversation:Samanthabrings upstandupcomedyAction: Do thechubby bunnychallenge(askhost if you don'tknow what it is)Action: Go up tosomeone wearinga nice shirt andsay "love your uglysweater" and walkawayConversation:Elaine talksabout animeAction:Take threeadditionaljello shotsAction: Eat agingerbreadcookieseductivelyduring aconversationConversation:Someoneplans ongoing skiingAction: Talkthrough agingerbreadcookie forfive minutesAction: Asksomeone whatthey wantChristmas. Thensay, "great, I'm notgetting you that."Action:Drink acup of hotchocolateAction: Eat aspoonful ofany sauce inthe fridge.Action:Take anadditionaljello shotAction: Singa christmasrap songsolo onkaraokeAction: Singa christmassong solo onkaraokeAction:Sing akaraokesong soloConversation:Someonetalks aboutthe codefreezeAction:Completely singa song you don'tknow onkaraoke byyourself.Action:Take twoadditionaljello shotsObserve:Someonesays HoHo HoAction: WriteHo Ho Ho onyour face inpen or markerfor the rest ofthe nightAction: Have abite of pumpkinpie covered ingochujangspicy sauceAction:Sharpen acandy cane andthreatensomeone with itAction: Chugany drinkfrom the minifridgeConversation:Someone talksabout being on-call over thewinter break.Observe:Someonerequests thedreidel songon karaokeObserve:Someone hasa full blownconversationabout workAction:RandomlyQUACK loudlyand don't tellanyone whyObserve:Someonesings MariahCareykaraokeAction: Makea whippedcream beardAction: Write Drakeon your forehead inpermanent markerand leave it on forthe rest of the nightObserve: Countthe number ofsnowflakes inthe room ____Action: Have agingerbreadcookie coveredin gochujangspicy sauceObserve:Someoneshows up ina santa hatAction: Stick twomarshmallows inyour nose and geteveryone'sattentionConversation:Samanthabrings upstandupcomedyAction: Do thechubby bunnychallenge(askhost if you don'tknow what it is)Action: Go up tosomeone wearinga nice shirt andsay "love your uglysweater" and walkawayConversation:Elaine talksabout anime

Untitled Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Action: Take three additional jello shots
  2. Action: Eat a gingerbread cookie seductively during a conversation
  3. Conversation: Someone plans on going skiing
  4. Action: Talk through a gingerbread cookie for five minutes
  5. Action: Ask someone what they want Christmas. Then say, "great, I'm not getting you that."
  6. Action: Drink a cup of hot chocolate
  7. Action: Eat a spoonful of any sauce in the fridge.
  8. Action: Take an additional jello shot
  9. Action: Sing a christmas rap song solo on karaoke
  10. Action: Sing a christmas song solo on karaoke
  11. Action: Sing a karaoke song solo
  12. Conversation: Someone talks about the code freeze
  13. Action: Completely sing a song you don't know on karaoke by yourself.
  14. Action: Take two additional jello shots
  15. Observe: Someone says Ho Ho Ho
  16. Action: Write Ho Ho Ho on your face in pen or marker for the rest of the night
  17. Action: Have a bite of pumpkin pie covered in gochujang spicy sauce
  18. Action: Sharpen a candy cane and threaten someone with it
  19. Action: Chug any drink from the mini fridge
  20. Conversation: Someone talks about being on-call over the winter break.
  21. Observe: Someone requests the dreidel song on karaoke
  22. Observe: Someone has a full blown conversation about work
  23. Action: Randomly QUACK loudly and don't tell anyone why
  24. Observe: Someone sings Mariah Carey karaoke
  25. Action: Make a whipped cream beard
  26. Action: Write Drake on your forehead in permanent marker and leave it on for the rest of the night
  27. Observe: Count the number of snowflakes in the room ____
  28. Action: Have a gingerbread cookie covered in gochujang spicy sauce
  29. Observe: Someone shows up in a santa hat
  30. Action: Stick two marshmallows in your nose and get everyone's attention
  31. Conversation: Samantha brings up standup comedy
  32. Action: Do the chubby bunny challenge(ask host if you don't know what it is)
  33. Action: Go up to someone wearing a nice shirt and say "love your ugly sweater" and walk away
  34. Conversation: Elaine talks about anime