are yousupposed towashutensilsthoroughlyThoroughlywash utensilsyou used toprepare food toavoid crosscontamination.are yousupposed towashvegetables andfruitsthoroughlywash raw fruitsad vegetablesthoroughlyunder coldwaterwhat foods arein therefrigerator orin a microwaveoven.thaw frozenfoods in therefrigeratoror inmicrowave, are yousupposed towash cuttingboards aftercutting rawmeat.wash cuttingboards aftercutting rawmeat.Do you haveto use thesame knifeforeverythingDo you haveto wipe ofspills rightawayAlways cleanup spillsquickly afteryou spillthemare yousupposed tokeep hot foodshots and coldfoods cold.keep hotfoods hotand coldfoods is goodto reachinto hotovensNeverreach intohot ovens.are yousupposed towash yourhands beforehandling food.always washyour hands withwarm soapywater beforeyou handlefoodare yousupposed tokeep all kitchensurfaces clean.keep allkitchensurfacescleanare yousupposed tosmoke or chewum in any are notsupposed tosmoke or chewum in any foodproductionareas.Do you haveto use thesame boardforeverythingDon't use thesame cuttingboard foreverythingdo youalways haveto have tohave a spotfor hot pans.always havespotprepared forhot pansCanbacteriaget intocracksbacteriacan getintocracksuse separatetowels fordrying handsand dishes.Are yousupposed touse separatetowels whendrying things.are yousupposed tocook foodthoroughly to killany harmfulbacteriacooks foodsthoroughly tokill anyharmfulbacteria.Are yousupposed towear dirtyclosed whilecleaning.wear l cleanclothes whenyou workwith food.can you dothe dishes ifyour handsare dirtyNever do thedishes ifyour handsare dirtyDo you washyour handson top offood.Neverwash youhands ontop food.areemployeessupposed towearrestrains.emplyeesshouldwear hairrestrains.Do youuse adull knifeDon't usea dullknife.are coffeecupssupposed tobe soakedcoffee cupsaresupposed tobe soaked,Do you putgarbagenext tofood.Never putgarbagenext tofoodwhen areyousupposed toclean youspoon?use a cleanspoon everytime you tastefood duringcookingare yousupposed towashutensilsthoroughlyThoroughlywash utensilsyou used toprepare food toavoid crosscontamination.are yousupposed towashvegetables andfruitsthoroughlywash raw fruitsad vegetablesthoroughlyunder coldwaterwhat foods arein therefrigerator orin a microwaveoven.thaw frozenfoods in therefrigeratoror inmicrowave, are yousupposed towash cuttingboards aftercutting rawmeat.wash cuttingboards aftercutting rawmeat.Do you haveto use thesame knifeforeverythingDo you haveto wipe ofspills rightawayAlways cleanup spillsquickly afteryou spillthemare yousupposed tokeep hot foodshots and coldfoods cold.keep hotfoods hotand coldfoods is goodto reachinto hotovensNeverreach intohot ovens.are yousupposed towash yourhands beforehandling food.always washyour hands withwarm soapywater beforeyou handlefoodare yousupposed tokeep all kitchensurfaces clean.keep allkitchensurfacescleanare yousupposed tosmoke or chewum in any are notsupposed tosmoke or chewum in any foodproductionareas.Do you haveto use thesame boardforeverythingDon't use thesame cuttingboard foreverythingdo youalways haveto have tohave a spotfor hot pans.always havespotprepared forhot pansCanbacteriaget intocracksbacteriacan getintocracksuse separatetowels fordrying handsand dishes.Are yousupposed touse separatetowels whendrying things.are yousupposed tocook foodthoroughly to killany harmfulbacteriacooks foodsthoroughly tokill anyharmfulbacteria.Are yousupposed towear dirtyclosed whilecleaning.wear l cleanclothes whenyou workwith food.can you dothe dishes ifyour handsare dirtyNever do thedishes ifyour handsare dirtyDo you washyour handson top offood.Neverwash youhands ontop food.areemployeessupposed towearrestrains.emplyeesshouldwear hairrestrains.Do youuse adull knifeDon't usea dullknife.are coffeecupssupposed tobe soakedcoffee cupsaresupposed tobe soaked,Do you putgarbagenext tofood.Never putgarbagenext tofoodwhen areyousupposed toclean youspoon?use a cleanspoon everytime you tastefood duringcooking

Untitled Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Thoroughly wash utensils you used to prepare food to avoid cross contamination.
    are you supposed to wash utensils thoroughly
  2. wash raw fruits ad vegetables thoroughly under cold water
    are you supposed to wash vegetables and fruits thoroughly
  3. thaw frozen foods in the refrigerator or in microwave,
    what foods are in the refrigerator or in a microwave oven.
  4. wash cutting boards after cutting raw meat.
    are you supposed to wash cutting boards after cutting raw meat.
  5. Do you have to use the same knife for everything
  6. Always clean up spills quickly after you spill them
    Do you have to wipe of spills right away
  7. keep hot foods hot and cold foods cold.
    are you supposed to keep hot foods hots and cold foods cold.
  8. Never reach into hot ovens.
    it is good to reach into hot ovens
  9. always wash your hands with warm soapy water before you handle food
    are you supposed to wash your hands before handling food.
  10. keep all kitchen surfaces clean
    are you supposed to keep all kitchen surfaces clean.
  11. you are not supposed to smoke or chew um in any food production areas.
    are you supposed to smoke or chew um in any food production areas.
  12. Don't use the same cutting board for everything
    Do you have to use the same board for everything
  13. always have spot prepared for hot pans
    do you always have to have to have a spot for hot pans.
  14. bacteria can get into cracks
    Can bacteria get into cracks
  15. Are you supposed to use separate towels when drying things.
    use separate towels for drying hands and dishes.
  16. cooks foods thoroughly to kill any harmful bacteria.
    are you supposed to cook food thoroughly to kill any harmful bacteria
  17. wear l clean clothes when you work with food.
    Are you supposed to wear dirty closed while cleaning.
  18. Never do the dishes if your hands are dirty
    can you do the dishes if your hands are dirty
  19. Never wash you hands on top food.
    Do you wash your hands on top of food.
  20. emplyees should wear hair restrains.
    are employees supposed to wear restrains.
  21. Don't use a dull knife.
    Do you use a dull knife
  22. coffee cups are supposed to be soaked,
    are coffee cups supposed to be soaked
  23. Never put garbage next to food
    Do you put garbage next to food.
  24. use a clean spoon every time you taste food during cooking
    when are you supposed to clean you spoon?