LouisianaTerritoryThis territoryacquired bythe UnitedStates fromthe FrenchFalseTrue or False?The colonistswantedimmediateindependencefrom Britain.GildedAgeThis was anage oftechnologicalinnovation andpoliticalcorruptionNativistPromoting orprotecting theinterests of nativeor indigenousinhabitants overthose of immigrantsCottonGinThis inventionled to increaseddemand forslavery in theSouthProprietaryColonyA type ofsettlement wherethe Britishawarded hugetracts of land inthe New World..WestwardExpansionNew territorycreateddivision overthe issue ofslaveryEmancipationProclamationThis declared "that allpersons held asslaves" within therebellious states "are,and henceforwardshall be free."Marburyv.MadisonThisestablished theprinciple ofjudicial reviewin the UnitedStatesSevenYear'sWarThis eventled tomassivedebt in the13 colonies.Trail ofTearsThis was aresult ofJackson'senforcement ofthe IndianRemoval ActProgressiveMovementPolitical movementinterested infurthering social andpolitical reform,curbing politicalcorruptionShermanAnti-Trust ActThis helpedto monitormonopoliesin the US.GreatCompromiseThis establishedthe United Stateslegislature as abicameral, or two-house law-makingbodyPlessy v.FergusonThis legallyestablishedsegregationin the US.Shay'sRebellionThis eventcalled attentionto theweaknesses ofthe Articles ofConfederation.JamestownThe VirginiaCompanyfoundedwhat first cityin Virginia? LiteracyTestAn example ofways votingrights wererestricted duringReconstructionTheNorthWho had theadvantage ofmore peopleand suppliesduring the CivilWar?TrueTrue or False?The Articles ofConfederationdid NOT give thefederal gov. theright to tax.MarketRevolutionThis led to theadvent ofrailroads,steamboats,steam engines,and industrialmachinery.DawesActThis authorized thePresident to break upreservation land intosmall allotments tobe parceled out toindividualsPresidentialReconstructionThis plan after theCivil War gave theSouth a free hand inregulating thetransition fromslavery to freedom15thAmendmentThis grantedthe right tovote tofreedmenLouisianaTerritoryThis territoryacquired bythe UnitedStates fromthe FrenchFalseTrue or False?The colonistswantedimmediateindependencefrom Britain.GildedAgeThis was anage oftechnologicalinnovation andpoliticalcorruptionNativistPromoting orprotecting theinterests of nativeor indigenousinhabitants overthose of immigrantsCottonGinThis inventionled to increaseddemand forslavery in theSouthProprietaryColonyA type ofsettlement wherethe Britishawarded hugetracts of land inthe New World..WestwardExpansionNew territorycreateddivision overthe issue ofslaveryEmancipationProclamationThis declared "that allpersons held asslaves" within therebellious states "are,and henceforwardshall be free."Marburyv.MadisonThisestablished theprinciple ofjudicial reviewin the UnitedStatesSevenYear'sWarThis eventled tomassivedebt in the13 colonies.Trail ofTearsThis was aresult ofJackson'senforcement ofthe IndianRemoval ActProgressiveMovementPolitical movementinterested infurthering social andpolitical reform,curbing politicalcorruptionShermanAnti-Trust ActThis helpedto monitormonopoliesin the US.GreatCompromiseThis establishedthe United Stateslegislature as abicameral, or two-house law-makingbodyPlessy v.FergusonThis legallyestablishedsegregationin the US.Shay'sRebellionThis eventcalled attentionto theweaknesses ofthe Articles ofConfederation.JamestownThe VirginiaCompanyfoundedwhat first cityin Virginia? LiteracyTestAn example ofways votingrights wererestricted duringReconstructionTheNorthWho had theadvantage ofmore peopleand suppliesduring the CivilWar?TrueTrue or False?The Articles ofConfederationdid NOT give thefederal gov. theright to tax.MarketRevolutionThis led to theadvent ofrailroads,steamboats,steam engines,and industrialmachinery.DawesActThis authorized thePresident to break upreservation land intosmall allotments tobe parceled out toindividualsPresidentialReconstructionThis plan after theCivil War gave theSouth a free hand inregulating thetransition fromslavery to freedom15thAmendmentThis grantedthe right tovote tofreedmen

Semester Exam Review - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. This territory acquired by the United States from the French
    Louisiana Territory
  2. True or False? The colonists wanted immediate independence from Britain.
  3. This was an age of technological innovation and political corruption
    Gilded Age
  4. Promoting or protecting the interests of native or indigenous inhabitants over those of immigrants
  5. This invention led to increased demand for slavery in the South
    Cotton Gin
  6. A type of settlement where the British awarded huge tracts of land in the New World..
    Proprietary Colony
  7. New territory created division over the issue of slavery
    Westward Expansion
  8. This declared "that all persons held as slaves" within the rebellious states "are, and henceforward shall be free."
    Emancipation Proclamation
  9. This established the principle of judicial review in the United States
    Marbury v. Madison
  10. This event led to massive debt in the 13 colonies.
    Seven Year's War
  11. This was a result of Jackson's enforcement of the Indian Removal Act
    Trail of Tears
  12. Political movement interested in furthering social and political reform, curbing political corruption
    Progressive Movement
  13. This helped to monitor monopolies in the US.
    Sherman Anti-Trust Act
  14. This established the United States legislature as a bicameral, or two-house law-making body
    Great Compromise
  15. This legally established segregation in the US.
    Plessy v. Ferguson
  16. This event called attention to the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation.
    Shay's Rebellion
  17. The Virginia Company founded what first city in Virginia?
  18. An example of ways voting rights were restricted during Reconstruction
    Literacy Test
  19. Who had the advantage of more people and supplies during the Civil War?
    The North
  20. True or False? The Articles of Confederation did NOT give the federal gov. the right to tax.
  21. This led to the advent of railroads, steamboats, steam engines, and industrial machinery.
    Market Revolution
  22. This authorized the President to break up reservation land into small allotments to be parceled out to individuals
    Dawes Act
  23. This plan after the Civil War gave the South a free hand in regulating the transition from slavery to freedom
    Presidential Reconstruction
  24. This granted the right to vote to freedmen
    15th Amendment