Take a selfietogether andpost it on IGorFB Find a new PFmember andtakea selfietogether Find a partnerand do jumpingjacks togetherfor5 times Find apartner toDance otsootso togetherAsk someonetheir favoritesong andsing ittogetherFind a PFwhohas a facialhairFind a PFwhoplays amusicalinstrument Find a PFwhohas written ablog Find a PFwhowas born inJuneFind a PFwhohas an oldersisterFind a PFdoes yoga orgoes to gymFind a PFwhohas a petdog  A PF wholoves to playvideo gamesFind a PFwhoIs lefthandedSomeone wholoves todance   Rides amotorcycleFind a PF hasbeen in anairplane   Find a PFhasmade aYouTubevideo Find a bookworm and ask arecommendationFind apartnerand make aheartsign togetherSomeonewholovesJollibeeFind someoneand give eachother a hug  Find a PFwholoveshopiaFind a PFwhoIs an onlychild Take a selfietogether andpost it on IGorFB Find a new PFmember andtakea selfietogether Find a partnerand do jumpingjacks togetherfor5 times Find apartner toDance otsootso togetherAsk someonetheir favoritesong andsing ittogetherFind a PFwhohas a facialhairFind a PFwhoplays amusicalinstrument Find a PFwhohas written ablog Find a PFwhowas born inJuneFind a PFwhohas an oldersisterFind a PFdoes yoga orgoes to gymFind a PFwhohas a petdog  A PF wholoves to playvideo gamesFind a PFwhoIs lefthandedSomeone wholoves todance   Rides amotorcycleFind a PF hasbeen in anairplane   Find a PFhasmade aYouTubevideo Find a bookworm and ask arecommendationFind apartnerand make aheartsign togetherSomeonewholovesJollibeeFind someoneand give eachother a hug  Find a PFwholoveshopiaFind a PFwhoIs an onlychild 

Human Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Take a selfie together and post it on IG or FB
  2. Find a new PF member and take a selfie together
  3. Find a partner and do jumping jacks together for 5 times
  4. Find a partner to Dance otso otso together
  5. Ask someone their favorite song and sing it together
  6. Find a PF who has a facial hair
  7. Find a PF who plays a musical instrument
  8. Find a PF who has written a blog
  9. Find a PF who was born in June
  10. Find a PF who has an older sister
  11. Find a PF does yoga or goes to gym
  12. Find a PF who has a pet dog
  13. A PF who loves to play video games
  14. Find a PF who Is left handed
  15. Someone who loves to dance
  16. Rides a motorcycle
  17. Find a PF has been in an airplane
  18. Find a PF has made a YouTube video
  19. Find a book worm and ask a recommendation
  20. Find a partner and make a heart sign together
  21. Someone who loves Jollibee
  22. Find someone and give each other a hug
  23. Find a PF who loves hopia
  24. Find a PF who Is an only child