We don'twant/need athird partybetween us.The decision toform a unionwill affecteveryone at thecompany.Union scaleis unrealisticfor ourorganization.Have youdone yourresearch intothe union?The unionjust wantsyourmoney.The unioncan imposea contractwithout avote.Your card is alegally-bindingdocument;ask for itback!We believe inunions, unionsare great, butwe don't needone here.We'll loseour flexibilitybecause ofstrict unionrules.Give us achance towork withouta union.Unionmembershipis on thedecline.With a union,you won't beable to talkdirectly to yourmanageranymore.Union ruleswill protectbad musiciansfrom beingfired.You couldlose all ofyour currentbenefits.We'reafamily.We can'tgive youbonuses ifyou're in aunion.The unionwill destroyour uniqueculture.The unionmay forceyou to goon strike.Dues could bethousands ofdollars—youcould buy somuch with thatmoney!Unionsspend yourmoney onpolitics.The companydoes nothave to agreeto any uniondemand.Why didn'tyou cometo us first?If youunionize,we'll have tocut staff orservices.The unioncontract couldbe worse thanwhat youhave now.We don'twant/need athird partybetween us.The decision toform a unionwill affecteveryone at thecompany.Union scaleis unrealisticfor ourorganization.Have youdone yourresearch intothe union?The unionjust wantsyourmoney.The unioncan imposea contractwithout avote.Your card is alegally-bindingdocument;ask for itback!We believe inunions, unionsare great, butwe don't needone here.We'll loseour flexibilitybecause ofstrict unionrules.Give us achance towork withouta union.Unionmembershipis on thedecline.With a union,you won't beable to talkdirectly to yourmanageranymore.Union ruleswill protectbad musiciansfrom beingfired.You couldlose all ofyour currentbenefits.We'reafamily.We can'tgive youbonuses ifyou're in aunion.The unionwill destroyour uniqueculture.The unionmay forceyou to goon strike.Dues could bethousands ofdollars—youcould buy somuch with thatmoney!Unionsspend yourmoney onpolitics.The companydoes nothave to agreeto any uniondemand.Why didn'tyou cometo us first?If youunionize,we'll have tocut staff orservices.The unioncontract couldbe worse thanwhat youhave now.

Musician union-busting bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. We don't want/need a third party between us.
  2. The decision to form a union will affect everyone at the company.
  3. Union scale is unrealistic for our organization.
  4. Have you done your research into the union?
  5. The union just wants your money.
  6. The union can impose a contract without a vote.
  7. Your card is a legally-binding document; ask for it back!
  8. We believe in unions, unions are great, but we don't need one here.
  9. We'll lose our flexibility because of strict union rules.
  10. Give us a chance to work without a union.
  11. Union membership is on the decline.
  12. With a union, you won't be able to talk directly to your manager anymore.
  13. Union rules will protect bad musicians from being fired.
  14. You could lose all of your current benefits.
  15. We're a family.
  16. We can't give you bonuses if you're in a union.
  17. The union will destroy our unique culture.
  18. The union may force you to go on strike.
  19. Dues could be thousands of dollars—you could buy so much with that money!
  20. Unions spend your money on politics.
  21. The company does not have to agree to any union demand.
  22. Why didn't you come to us first?
  23. If you unionize, we'll have to cut staff or services.
  24. The union contract could be worse than what you have now.