Sue implyingthat Liv'sallergies arenot real Stellanasking if youget snow inBoston Sue eatingbaked goodsbeforedinner Sueredoingthe girls'hair Stellan askingabout the UShealth care systemand Johandefending it forsome reasonSuementioningthat Liv issingle andchildlessJohan or Petrainterrupting aconversation tocater to Isak'severy whim Suerearrangingstuff in thehouseHossbringing uphim and Suegetting backtogether Petra talking abouthow the Swedisheducational system iscollapsing because ofimmigrants Ewa andHossaccidentallykissing againHoss talkingabout howthere is noice inSwedenStellantaking outtools to fixsomethingStellanasking whatpeople thinkabout TrumpEwa talkingabout howwasteful it is tothrow out thewrapping paperevery yearEwa and Sueovercomplementingeach other to hidetheir insecurityHossreferringto Sue ashis wifeEwaaskingabout Liv'sallergiesStellan and Annemiesaying they will visitSue in Boston eventhough they nevervisited Marcus duringhis 8 years in the USPetra talkingabout thatone trip shetook to Israeldecades agoPetra tellinga story aboutthe king ofSwedenJohantalking aboutreal estatefor too longSuereferringto Hossas "pepe"Stellanasking aboutamericanchristmasfoodSue implyingthat Liv'sallergies arenot realStellanasking if youget snow inBostonSue eatingbaked goodsbeforedinnerSueredoingthe girls'hairStellan askingabout the UShealth care systemand Johandefending it forsome reasonSuementioningthat Liv issingle andchildlessJohan or Petrainterrupting aconversation tocater to Isak'severy whimSuerearrangingstuff in thehouseHossbringing uphim and Suegetting backtogetherPetra talking abouthow the Swedisheducational system iscollapsing because ofimmigrantsEwa andHossaccidentallykissing againHoss talkingabout howthere is noice inSwedenStellantaking outtools to fixsomethingStellanasking whatpeople thinkabout TrumpEwa talkingabout howwasteful it is tothrow out thewrapping paperevery yearEwa and Sueovercomplementingeach other to hidetheir insecurityHossreferringto Sue ashis wifeEwaaskingabout Liv'sallergiesStellan and Annemiesaying they will visitSue in Boston eventhough they nevervisited Marcus duringhis 8 years in the USPetra talkingabout thatone trip shetook to Israeldecades agoPetra tellinga story aboutthe king ofSwedenJohantalking aboutreal estatefor too longSuereferringto Hossas "pepe"Stellanasking aboutamericanchristmasfood

Coping with Family Christmas Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Sue implying that Liv's allergies are not real
  2. Stellan asking if you get snow in Boston
  3. Sue eating baked goods before dinner
  4. Sue redoing the girls' hair
  5. Stellan asking about the US health care system and Johan defending it for some reason
  6. Sue mentioning that Liv is single and childless
  7. Johan or Petra interrupting a conversation to cater to Isak's every whim
  8. Sue rearranging stuff in the house
  9. Hoss bringing up him and Sue getting back together
  10. Petra talking about how the Swedish educational system is collapsing because of immigrants
  11. Ewa and Hoss accidentally kissing again
  12. Hoss talking about how there is no ice in Sweden
  13. Stellan taking out tools to fix something
  14. Stellan asking what people think about Trump
  15. Ewa talking about how wasteful it is to throw out the wrapping paper every year
  16. Ewa and Sue overcomplementing each other to hide their insecurity
  17. Hoss referring to Sue as his wife
  18. Ewa asking about Liv's allergies
  19. Stellan and Annemie saying they will visit Sue in Boston even though they never visited Marcus during his 8 years in the US
  20. Petra talking about that one trip she took to Israel decades ago
  21. Petra telling a story about the king of Sweden
  22. Johan talking about real estate for too long
  23. Sue referring to Hoss as "pepe"
  24. Stellan asking about american christmas food