Throw a bucketof water outsideof the house tothrow out theevilBe loud to wardoff evil spiritsfrom followingyou into thenew year.Eat sobanoodlesforlongevityDon't cry forany reasonor you willhave a yearof sadnessCarry anemptysuitcase fora year full ofadventure.Step with yourright foot first toguarantee thatyou will start theyear on the rightfootKiss thefirst personyou see atmidnight.Wear polkadots forprosperity inthe new yearBurn ascarecrowOpen doors andwindows atmidnight to letthe old year outand the newyear inDon't cleanyour house toavoid washingaway yourluckDon'tloan outmoneyDon't washlaundry oryou will washsomeone outof your familyClean yourhouse tosweepnegativityaway.Eatpickledherring forprosperityEat collardgreensand black-eyed peasEat 12grapes atmidnightStay in yourhouse untilsomeonefrom outsideenters it.Light a red(love), yellow(finance), andgreen (health)candle beforemidnightWear yellowunderwearfor wealth inthe new yearStock yourcabinets so youdon't haveempty cabinetsthrough the yearDon't eatchicken onNYE or yourgood luckwill fly awayEatporkWake upearly and itwill be easierto do the restof the yearRun aroundyour house 7times forgood luck inthe new year.Eat ringshaped foodto bring goodfortune fullcircleHavecash inyourwalletWear redunderwear tofind love inthe newyear.Don't eatlobster onNYE or youwill have lotsof setbacks.Throw a bucketof water outsideof the house tothrow out theevilBe loud to wardoff evil spiritsfrom followingyou into thenew year.Eat sobanoodlesforlongevityDon't cry forany reasonor you willhave a yearof sadnessCarry anemptysuitcase fora year full ofadventure.Step with yourright foot first toguarantee thatyou will start theyear on the rightfootKiss thefirst personyou see atmidnight.Wear polkadots forprosperity inthe new yearBurn ascarecrowOpen doors andwindows atmidnight to letthe old year outand the newyear inDon't cleanyour house toavoid washingaway yourluckDon'tloan outmoneyDon't washlaundry oryou will washsomeone outof your familyClean yourhouse tosweepnegativityaway.Eatpickledherring forprosperityEat collardgreensand black-eyed peasEat 12grapes atmidnightStay in yourhouse untilsomeonefrom outsideenters it.Light a red(love), yellow(finance), andgreen (health)candle beforemidnightWear yellowunderwearfor wealth inthe new yearStock yourcabinets so youdon't haveempty cabinetsthrough the yearDon't eatchicken onNYE or yourgood luckwill fly awayEatporkWake upearly and itwill be easierto do the restof the yearRun aroundyour house 7times forgood luck inthe new year.Eat ringshaped foodto bring goodfortune fullcircleHavecash inyourwalletWear redunderwear tofind love inthe newyear.Don't eatlobster onNYE or youwill have lotsof setbacks.

New Year's Superstitions - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Throw a bucket of water outside of the house to throw out the evil
  2. Be loud to ward off evil spirits from following you into the new year.
  3. Eat soba noodles for longevity
  4. Don't cry for any reason or you will have a year of sadness
  5. Carry an empty suitcase for a year full of adventure.
  6. Step with your right foot first to guarantee that you will start the year on the right foot
  7. Kiss the first person you see at midnight.
  8. Wear polka dots for prosperity in the new year
  9. Burn a scarecrow
  10. Open doors and windows at midnight to let the old year out and the new year in
  11. Don't clean your house to avoid washing away your luck
  12. Don't loan out money
  13. Don't wash laundry or you will wash someone out of your family
  14. Clean your house to sweep negativity away.
  15. Eat pickled herring for prosperity
  16. Eat collard greens and black-eyed peas
  17. Eat 12 grapes at midnight
  18. Stay in your house until someone from outside enters it.
  19. Light a red (love), yellow (finance), and green (health) candle before midnight
  20. Wear yellow underwear for wealth in the new year
  21. Stock your cabinets so you don't have empty cabinets through the year
  22. Don't eat chicken on NYE or your good luck will fly away
  23. Eat pork
  24. Wake up early and it will be easier to do the rest of the year
  25. Run around your house 7 times for good luck in the new year.
  26. Eat ring shaped food to bring good fortune full circle
  27. Have cash in your wallet
  28. Wear red underwear to find love in the new year.
  29. Don't eat lobster on NYE or you will have lots of setbacks.