What newspapersponsored thefirst-ever TimesSquare NewYear's Eve party?700poundsHow muchdid the firstTimesSquare NYEball weigh?ToexercisemoreWhat was themost popularNew Year'sresolutionback in 2020?1907When did theNew Year'sEve Ball firstdrop in TimesSquare?What do peoplein the SouthernUnited Stateseat for good luckon New Year'sEve?When did LEDlights firstappear on theTimes SquareNYE Ball?How many LEDmodules are inthe TimesSquare NewYear's EveBall?When werecomputer controlsintroduced to theTimes SquareNew Year's EveBall?32256How manytotal LEDlights are inthe TimesSquare ball?How manyversions of theTimes SquareNYE Ball havethere been?Aboutone tonHow muchconfetti isdropped inTimes Squareon New Year'sEve?How manycolors canthe TimesSquare NYEball display?1TimesSquareWhat is theaddress of theWaterford CrystalTimes SquareNew Year's EveBall?11875poundsHow muchdoes theTimesSquare ballweigh?When did theWaterfordCrystal TimesSquare NewYear's Eve Balldebut?Smashing apeppermintversion of whatanimal isconsidered goodluck in New York?2688How manytriangles totalare there onthe TimesSquare ball?1942and1943What two yearsdid the TimesSquare NewYear's Eve Ballnot drop?When didpartiers firstcelebrateNYE in TimesSquare?What metalreplaced iron inthe TimesSquare NewYear's EveBall?1920When was thesecond TimesSquare NYEballintroduced?1833When wasthe first "timeball" drop onrecord?How many lightbulbs coveredthe first TimesSquare NYEball?About sixtons(12,000pounds)How much doesWaterfordCrystal TimesSquare NewYear's Eve Ballweigh?RobertBurnsWho iscredited withwriting thepoem "AuldLang Syne?"About1billionHow many peopletune watch theWaterford CrystalTimes Square NewYear's Eve Ball dropeach year?12feetHow large isthe TimeSquare NYEball indiameter?WaterfordCrystalsWhat are thetriangles onthe TimesSquare ballmade from?7feetHow tall are thenumerals on theWaterford CrystalTimes SquareNew Year's EveBall?What newspapersponsored thefirst-ever TimesSquare NewYear's Eve party?700poundsHow muchdid the firstTimesSquare NYEball weigh?ToexercisemoreWhat was themost popularNew Year'sresolutionback in 2020?1907When did theNew Year'sEve Ball firstdrop in TimesSquare?What do peoplein the SouthernUnited Stateseat for good luckon New Year'sEve?When did LEDlights firstappear on theTimes SquareNYE Ball?How many LEDmodules are inthe TimesSquare NewYear's EveBall?When werecomputer controlsintroduced to theTimes SquareNew Year's EveBall?32256How manytotal LEDlights are inthe TimesSquare ball?How manyversions of theTimes SquareNYE Ball havethere been?Aboutone tonHow muchconfetti isdropped inTimes Squareon New Year'sEve?How manycolors canthe TimesSquare NYEball display?1TimesSquareWhat is theaddress of theWaterford CrystalTimes SquareNew Year's EveBall?11875poundsHow muchdoes theTimesSquare ballweigh?When did theWaterfordCrystal TimesSquare NewYear's Eve Balldebut?Smashing apeppermintversion of whatanimal isconsidered goodluck in New York?2688How manytriangles totalare there onthe TimesSquare ball?1942and1943What two yearsdid the TimesSquare NewYear's Eve Ballnot drop?When didpartiers firstcelebrateNYE in TimesSquare?What metalreplaced iron inthe TimesSquare NewYear's EveBall?1920When was thesecond TimesSquare NYEballintroduced?1833When wasthe first "timeball" drop onrecord?How many lightbulbs coveredthe first TimesSquare NYEball?About sixtons(12,000pounds)How much doesWaterfordCrystal TimesSquare NewYear's Eve Ballweigh?RobertBurnsWho iscredited withwriting thepoem "AuldLang Syne?"About1billionHow many peopletune watch theWaterford CrystalTimes Square NewYear's Eve Ball dropeach year?12feetHow large isthe TimeSquare NYEball indiameter?WaterfordCrystalsWhat are thetriangles onthe TimesSquare ballmade from?7feetHow tall are thenumerals on theWaterford CrystalTimes SquareNew Year's EveBall?

New Year's Eve Trivia - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. What newspaper sponsored the first-ever Times Square New Year's Eve party?
  2. How much did the first Times Square NYE ball weigh?
    700 pounds
  3. What was the most popular New Year's resolution back in 2020?
    To exercise more
  4. When did the New Year's Eve Ball first drop in Times Square?
  5. What do people in the Southern United States eat for good luck on New Year's Eve?
  6. When did LED lights first appear on the Times Square NYE Ball?
  7. How many LED modules are in the Times Square New Year's Eve Ball?
  8. When were computer controls introduced to the Times Square New Year's Eve Ball?
  9. How many total LED lights are in the Times Square ball?
  10. How many versions of the Times Square NYE Ball have there been?
  11. How much confetti is dropped in Times Square on New Year's Eve?
    About one ton
  12. How many colors can the Times Square NYE ball display?
  13. What is the address of the Waterford Crystal Times Square New Year's Eve Ball?
    1 Times Square
  14. How much does the Times Square ball weigh?
    11875 pounds
  15. When did the Waterford Crystal Times Square New Year's Eve Ball debut?
  16. Smashing a peppermint version of what animal is considered good luck in New York?
  17. How many triangles total are there on the Times Square ball?
  18. What two years did the Times Square New Year's Eve Ball not drop?
    1942 and 1943
  19. When did partiers first celebrate NYE in Times Square?
  20. What metal replaced iron in the Times Square New Year's Eve Ball?
  21. When was the second Times Square NYE ball introduced?
  22. When was the first "time ball" drop on record?
  23. How many light bulbs covered the first Times Square NYE ball?
  24. How much does Waterford Crystal Times Square New Year's Eve Ball weigh?
    About six tons (12,000 pounds)
  25. Who is credited with writing the poem "Auld Lang Syne?"
    Robert Burns
  26. How many people tune watch the Waterford Crystal Times Square New Year's Eve Ball drop each year?
    About 1 billion
  27. How large is the Time Square NYE ball in diameter?
    12 feet
  28. What are the triangles on the Times Square ball made from?
    Waterford Crystals
  29. How tall are the numerals on the Waterford Crystal Times Square New Year's Eve Ball?
    7 feet