Change anassignedsong in amajor key toa minor keyMake uplyrics for anassignedsong withoutwords100%happy practice(parent initialsrequired)Use pencil towrite in thebeats of anyassigned songPlay aChristmassong from alead sheet(attached)Relearn an oldrecital pieceand bring it toyour next pianolesson to playfor Mrs. HunterLearn a newsong to playfor Mrs.Hunter at yournext lessonRevisit anold favoritesong andplay it likeyou mean itComposea songto play atyour nextlessonSightreada song ofMrs. Hunter'schoosingBe preparedto play a duetfrom yourChristmasbookMemorize asong that isassigned andplay it formemory at yournext lessonPractice a songwith the PianoMaestro appand be able toplay it at yournext lessonBe preparedto count anysong outloudAsk toplay theKeyboardRacePerform forfriends andrelatives(parent initialsrequired)"Enhance" one ofyour assignedsongs by adding abombastic endingor create a newbeginningPractice one songfor an entire practicesession (How longdid it take untilsomeone asked youto stop playing thatsong?)Play a kazoowhile youplay a song--a twofer!Teach a non-pianoplaying sibling orparent how to play"Jingle Bells"(parent initialsrequired)Watch aYouTube videoof JenniferEklund playinga song (songtitle required)Practicetwice inone dayTry to nameall the staffnotes in lessthan oneminuteGo to aconcert(attach theprogram)Change anassignedsong in amajor key toa minor keyMake uplyrics for anassignedsong withoutwords100%happy practice(parent initialsrequired)Use pencil towrite in thebeats of anyassigned songPlay aChristmassong from alead sheet(attached)Relearn an oldrecital pieceand bring it toyour next pianolesson to playfor Mrs. HunterLearn a newsong to playfor Mrs.Hunter at yournext lessonRevisit anold favoritesong andplay it likeyou mean itComposea songto play atyour nextlessonSightreada song ofMrs. Hunter'schoosingBe preparedto play a duetfrom yourChristmasbookMemorize asong that isassigned andplay it formemory at yournext lessonPractice a songwith the PianoMaestro appand be able toplay it at yournext lessonBe preparedto count anysong outloudAsk toplay theKeyboardRacePerform forfriends andrelatives(parent initialsrequired)"Enhance" one ofyour assignedsongs by adding abombastic endingor create a newbeginningPractice one songfor an entire practicesession (How longdid it take untilsomeone asked youto stop playing thatsong?)Play a kazoowhile youplay a song--a twofer!Teach a non-pianoplaying sibling orparent how to play"Jingle Bells"(parent initialsrequired)Watch aYouTube videoof JenniferEklund playinga song (songtitle required)Practicetwice inone dayTry to nameall the staffnotes in lessthan oneminuteGo to aconcert(attach theprogram)

RING IN 2016 Practice Contest - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Change an assigned song in a major key to a minor key
  2. Make up lyrics for an assigned song without words
  3. 100% happy practice (parent initials required)
  4. Use pencil to write in the beats of any assigned song
  5. Play a Christmas song from a lead sheet (attached)
  6. Relearn an old recital piece and bring it to your next piano lesson to play for Mrs. Hunter
  7. Learn a new song to play for Mrs. Hunter at your next lesson
  8. Revisit an old favorite song and play it like you mean it
  9. Compose a song to play at your next lesson
  10. Sightread a song of Mrs. Hunter's choosing
  11. Be prepared to play a duet from your Christmas book
  12. Memorize a song that is assigned and play it for memory at your next lesson
  13. Practice a song with the Piano Maestro app and be able to play it at your next lesson
  14. Be prepared to count any song out loud
  15. Ask to play the Keyboard Race
  16. Perform for friends and relatives (parent initials required)
  17. "Enhance" one of your assigned songs by adding a bombastic ending or create a new beginning
  18. Practice one song for an entire practice session (How long did it take until someone asked you to stop playing that song?)
  19. Play a kazoo while you play a song--a twofer!
  20. Teach a non-piano playing sibling or parent how to play "Jingle Bells" (parent initials required)
  21. Watch a YouTube video of Jennifer Eklund playing a song (song title required)
  22. Practice twice in one day
  23. Try to name all the staff notes in less than one minute
  24. Go to a concert (attach the program)