ProfessorFaber'soldprofessionEarplugsWhat doesFaber wearwhile ridingthe subwayjets?SimileIn regards to her children,Mrs. Bowles says, “I put upwith them when they comehome three days amonth; it’s not bad at all.You heave them into the‘parlor’ and turn the switch.It’s just like washingclothes”(Bradbury 96). Thisis an example ofMrs.BowlesRefusesto visitMildredagainPersonificationWhile Montag is ridingon the train, “the trainradio vomited uponMontag” (Bradbury 79).This is anexample of what kindof figurative language?WarSeems tobeescalatingin societySalamanderThefiretruckBurneditAfter readingthe book ofpoetry, what didMontag do withthe book?Childrearing isa burdenWhat can be inferred whenMrs. Bowles says, “I put upwith them when they comehome three days amonth; it’s not bad at all.You heave them into the‘parlor’ and turn the switch.It’s just like washingclothes”?FaberThe personMontagseeks forhelpBibleAstolenItemBeattyisDrivingWhat isdifferent aboutthe fire truckon the way tothe call?Society willquestionFirefightersWhy doMontag andFaber thinktheir plan willwork?No choice inradioprogrammingWhat can beinferred aboutthe quote "thetrain radiovomited uponMontag"?Montag'sHouseThedestinationfor thealarmPlant booksin thehouses offirefightersWhat isMontag andFaber'sPlan?Mrs.PhelpsCriesupon hearthe poemBushesWhereMontaghides thebooksParkWhere doFaber andMontagfirst meet?ProfessorFaber'soldprofessionEarplugsWhat doesFaber wearwhile ridingthe subwayjets?SimileIn regards to her children,Mrs. Bowles says, “I put upwith them when they comehome three days amonth; it’s not bad at all.You heave them into the‘parlor’ and turn the switch.It’s just like washingclothes”(Bradbury 96). Thisis an example ofMrs.BowlesRefusesto visitMildredagainPersonificationWhile Montag is ridingon the train, “the trainradio vomited uponMontag” (Bradbury 79).This is anexample of what kindof figurative language?WarSeems tobeescalatingin societySalamanderThefiretruckBurneditAfter readingthe book ofpoetry, what didMontag do withthe book?Childrearing isa burdenWhat can be inferred whenMrs. Bowles says, “I put upwith them when they comehome three days amonth; it’s not bad at all.You heave them into the‘parlor’ and turn the switch.It’s just like washingclothes”?FaberThe personMontagseeks forhelpBibleAstolenItemBeattyisDrivingWhat isdifferent aboutthe fire truckon the way tothe call?Society willquestionFirefightersWhy doMontag andFaber thinktheir plan willwork?No choice inradioprogrammingWhat can beinferred aboutthe quote "thetrain radiovomited uponMontag"?Montag'sHouseThedestinationfor thealarmPlant booksin thehouses offirefightersWhat isMontag andFaber'sPlan?Mrs.PhelpsCriesupon hearthe poemBushesWhereMontaghides thebooksParkWhere doFaber andMontagfirst meet?

Fahrenheit 451 Part 2 - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Faber's old profession
  2. What does Faber wear while riding the subway jets?
  3. In regards to her children, Mrs. Bowles says, “I put up with them when they come home three days a month; it’s not bad at all. You heave them into the ‘parlor’ and turn the switch. It’s just like washing clothes”(Bradbury 96). This is an example of
  4. Refuses to visit Mildred again
    Mrs. Bowles
  5. While Montag is riding on the train, “the train radio vomited upon Montag” (Bradbury 79). This is an example of what kind of figurative language?
  6. Seems to be escalating in society
  7. The fire truck
  8. After reading the book of poetry, what did Montag do with the book?
    Burned it
  9. What can be inferred when Mrs. Bowles says, “I put up with them when they come home three days a month; it’s not bad at all. You heave them into the ‘parlor’ and turn the switch. It’s just like washing clothes”?
    Child rearing is a burden
  10. The person Montag seeks for help
  11. A stolen Item
  12. What is different about the fire truck on the way to the call?
    Beatty is Driving
  13. Why do Montag and Faber think their plan will work?
    Society will question Firefighters
  14. What can be inferred about the quote "the train radio vomited upon Montag"?
    No choice in radio programming
  15. The destination for the alarm
    Montag's House
  16. What is Montag and Faber's Plan?
    Plant books in the houses of firefighters
  17. Cries upon hear the poem
    Mrs. Phelps
  18. Where Montag hides the books
  19. Where do Faber and Montag first meet?