I have apersonalcollection of1,222 books.Town ofbirth:InvercargillI have 14adoptedsiblingsMe and mytwo sistersare allmarried toMichaelsI dislocated myhip at DisneyWorld and hadto be taken outof the park in anambulance.You can askme to writeyourweddingplace cards!I've handdeliveredpuppies inmy bathtub.My Family ownsone of the biggestshrimp farms anddistribution centersin Mexico.I am aprofessionalultimatefrisbeerefereei got towork withLeonardoDiCaprioMy height is6'3", but I comefrom a familythat averagesaround the 5 ftmarkI hold arecord at myUniversity forsoccerI washomeschooledthrough highschoolI plannedmyweddingin a week.TravelAdventurerof 8+CountriesI have agreenhouse/gardenin the backyard andthe best vegetablesI've grown havebeen eaten by amouseMy sister andI share thesame birthdayhowever weare not twins.I'vefostered40+ dogsand cats.I havenevereatenArbysMy dogwas acollegemascot.I haveowned 11differenttypes ofpets.I was bornin Kyiv,UkraineI'm apercussionist,with a specialityin LatinPercussion.I do notdrinkcoffee orteaI was onthe tvshow blinddate twiceI got to walk intheThanksgivingDay paradewith my team.My dream job asa child was to bea Packerscheerleader anda SundaySchool teacherI coached JimmyGaroppolo in middleschool football Iwas homeschooledthrough high schoolI'm writingandillustrating achildren'sbookMy job incollege wasworking as aPizza DeliveryDriver.I was amajorettein middleschool.My hair wascurly whenyounger, mymom cut it and itgrown straightever since.I've neverbeen to aCrackerBarrel.Met DavidSpade at a deltaco while i wason my seniorditch dayI'm asecond-degree blackbelt inmartial arts.I'mCanadian!I onceplayedcompetitivehockeyI own 75+pairs ofsneakers inmy collection5 of my 7siblingsareadoptedI sang in aBoy's choirfrom the ageof 8 to 14I was aChicagoBulls BallGirl for a fewyears.I tried out forthe TitanCheerleadersI bite off thepointy tips offrench fries.I've swambetweencontinentsbefore!I playtheguitar.I worked atthe happiestplace onearthI went toschool tobe a RN.I've livedin thePhilippinesI upcycle oldfurniture inmy sparetime.I attendedthe firstInaugural atStapleCenter,I have adognamedJagerOnce upon a time Iwas a working actorin Los Angeles.Worked three dayson a film with SteveMartin, Dan Aykroydand Phil Hartman.I have been toover 15 Hansonconcerts andusually see themannually with mysister.I grew up on afarm in thecountry, raisedchickens & pigsbut now am a citygirl & live in thesuburbsMy favoritefood is SaraLee poundcake.My house wasbuilt beforeGeorgeWashingtonwas bornI was on ahome makeover show inmy mid-teens.I do notlikeleftovers.I was a clubDJ throughmuch ofcollege and inmy early 20's.I makegames asa hobbyI started graduateschool when myson was anewborn andfinished when hewas two.I have familymembers whowere stunt men inwell known TVshows & Movies inthe 80's-90's.I was painted onthe cover of arestaurant menuand bottle ofwine as a teenDuring this WorldCup and the last,people would stop totell me how much Iremind them of LionelMessi and somewould ask to take apicture with me.I'm oneof sevenchildren.Won 3rdplace at achili cookoff contest.I was a Referee fora professional videogame league, thatmillions of peoplewatch each year.Ate bigmacsthroughout mylast pregnancy.Never had onebefore or aftermy pregnancyMy first liveconcert wasThe BeachBoys at ColtState Park in1983.I have over 50smart homedevicesinstalled in myhome.I have afull sleevetattooBrokeboth mybig toes atone timeI am atwin.In high school, Ionce won a freethrow shootingcontest at abasketball camp vs.over 300 otherparticipants.I'vecatered aweddingSometimeswhen it is justme in the car, Ilike to listen togangster rap.I want toretire inMexicoGrowing up,I wanted tobe the firstwoman onMars.I'm reallygood attechnicalday tradingI have raced atButtonwillowRaceway, WillowSprings Racewayand AutoclubSpeedway.I am ahuge DukebasketballfanI have avideogametattoo.I haveofficiated5weddings.I have mettwopresidents ofthe UnitedStates.I pride myselfon knowingall of myfriends'coffee orders.I wouldrather visit anational parkthan a beachI have afear ofspidersFavoritefood ispeanutbutterI played highschoolbasketballwith CarmeloAnthonyI can nameevery singleKaty Perrysong everwritten.I own 6dachshunddogsI linedance.I am ahugeDeadpoolfan!My parentshave famouscartooncharacternames.I was anextra in themovieStarshipTroopers.I joined aDragonBoat teamthis year.In high school, Iplayed on the golfteam and was hitdirectly in the mouthwith a golf ball from ateammate's drive onan opposite hole.I climbeda 14er inColoradoI wentswimmingwith sharks -cage freeMy familymembers aresome of theoriginal settlersfor the State ofNew JerseyI always leave atleast one bite offood on my plate -I can never justfinish the last bite,even if it's small!So weird.I had a one-page featurein MaximMagazine.My brotherand sisterare namedJack & JillI canplaydrumsI used to volunteerfor the swat team andsheriffs department. Iwould hide in abuilding, takehostages, and try notto get arrested.One of my(distant)relatives haswon theWorld Series.I have beento 47 statesand 15countriesI'mambidextrousI've beenpeppersprayed for ajobrequirementOur bandperformed forChicago's MayorCampaign, the lateHaroldWashington.I likeSneakers.I ran ahalfmarathonMy cousin is anactor and hascontributed to boththe Star Trek andStar Warsfranchises.My first job at 14was working atan animalhospital aftervolunteeringthere for a year.Played violin inElementary andpiano, cannotplay anyinstruments nowI have nosense ofsmellMy grandmotherwent to gradeschool in a oneroom schoolhouse withPresident LBJI candeadlift250poundsRode SpaceMountainwith all thelights on.I would rathersleep in a tentin thewilderness thana 5 star resort.I played gamesat a party withVince Vaughnand JonFavreau.I am a crazyplant lady &have over 30house plantsWhen I was10 years old,I was anextra on theshow "ER."My aunt wasthe winner ofthe 1955Miss AmericaPageantAs a sidehustle, Iplay azebraI used toplayprofessionalsoccer.I used to bea middleschoolteacher.I'mHungarian/speakHungarianJeff Timmonsfrom 98Degrees livedin myneighborhoodgrowing up.I love collegefootball andfollow SECteamscloselyI have a pinkTesla, 1 month ayear a pink dog,and am going tobuild a pinkhouse.I have livedin 5 differentstates in 5yearsI played twodifferent collegesports: footballfor 2 years andthen rugby for 3years.My dreamis to liveinMontanaFree!I've summittedMt Whiney--14,500 ft,highest peak inthe contiguousUnited States.I lived inAustraliafor a year.I playedthe violinfor 15yearsI makemusicboxes.I amfluent inItalian.My Grandfatherinvented therecipe for theBaby Ruthcandy bar.I was a blackdiamondlevel skier by6 years old.I have apersonalcollection of1,222 books.Town ofbirth:InvercargillI have 14adoptedsiblingsMe and mytwo sistersare allmarried toMichaelsI dislocated myhip at DisneyWorld and hadto be taken outof the park in anambulance.You can askme to writeyourweddingplace cards!I've handdeliveredpuppies inmy bathtub.My Family ownsone of the biggestshrimp farms anddistribution centersin Mexico.I am aprofessionalultimatefrisbeerefereei got towork withLeonardoDiCaprioMy height is6'3", but I comefrom a familythat averagesaround the 5 ftmarkI hold arecord at myUniversity forsoccerI washomeschooledthrough highschoolI plannedmyweddingin a week.TravelAdventurerof 8+CountriesI have agreenhouse/gardenin the backyard andthe best vegetablesI've grown havebeen eaten by amouseMy sister andI share thesame birthdayhowever weare not twins.I'vefostered40+ dogsand cats.I havenevereatenArbysMy dogwas acollegemascot.I haveowned 11differenttypes ofpets.I was bornin Kyiv,UkraineI'm apercussionist,with a specialityin LatinPercussion.I do notdrinkcoffee orteaI was onthe tvshow blinddate twiceI got to walk intheThanksgivingDay paradewith my team.My dream job asa child was to bea Packerscheerleader anda SundaySchool teacherI coached JimmyGaroppolo in middleschool football Iwas homeschooledthrough high schoolI'm writingandillustrating achildren'sbookMy job incollege wasworking as aPizza DeliveryDriver.I was amajorettein middleschool.My hair wascurly whenyounger, mymom cut it and itgrown straightever since.I've neverbeen to aCrackerBarrel.Met DavidSpade at a deltaco while i wason my seniorditch dayI'm asecond-degree blackbelt inmartial arts.I'mCanadian!I onceplayedcompetitivehockeyI own 75+pairs ofsneakers inmy collection5 of my 7siblingsareadoptedI sang in aBoy's choirfrom the ageof 8 to 14I was aChicagoBulls BallGirl for a fewyears.I tried out forthe TitanCheerleadersI bite off thepointy tips offrench fries.I've swambetweencontinentsbefore!I playtheguitar.I worked atthe happiestplace onearthI went toschool tobe a RN.I've livedin thePhilippinesI upcycle oldfurniture inmy sparetime.I attendedthe firstInaugural atStapleCenter,I have adognamedJagerOnce upon a time Iwas a working actorin Los Angeles.Worked three dayson a film with SteveMartin, Dan Aykroydand Phil Hartman.I have been toover 15 Hansonconcerts andusually see themannually with mysister.I grew up on afarm in thecountry, raisedchickens & pigsbut now am a citygirl & live in thesuburbsMy favoritefood is SaraLee poundcake.My house wasbuilt beforeGeorgeWashingtonwas bornI was on ahome makeover show inmy mid-teens.I do notlikeleftovers.I was a clubDJ throughmuch ofcollege and inmy early 20's.I makegames asa hobbyI started graduateschool when myson was anewborn andfinished when hewas two.I have familymembers whowere stunt men inwell known TVshows & Movies inthe 80's-90's.I was painted onthe cover of arestaurant menuand bottle ofwine as a teenDuring this WorldCup and the last,people would stop totell me how much Iremind them of LionelMessi and somewould ask to take apicture with me.I'm oneof sevenchildren.Won 3rdplace at achili cookoff contest.I was a Referee fora professional videogame league, thatmillions of peoplewatch each year.Ate bigmacsthroughout mylast pregnancy.Never had onebefore or aftermy pregnancyMy first liveconcert wasThe BeachBoys at ColtState Park in1983.I have over 50smart homedevicesinstalled in myhome.I have afull sleevetattooBrokeboth mybig toes atone timeI am atwin.In high school, Ionce won a freethrow shootingcontest at abasketball camp vs.over 300 otherparticipants.I'vecatered aweddingSometimeswhen it is justme in the car, Ilike to listen togangster rap.I want toretire inMexicoGrowing up,I wanted tobe the firstwoman onMars.I'm reallygood attechnicalday tradingI have raced atButtonwillowRaceway, WillowSprings Racewayand AutoclubSpeedway.I am ahuge DukebasketballfanI have avideogametattoo.I haveofficiated5weddings.I have mettwopresidents ofthe UnitedStates.I pride myselfon knowingall of myfriends'coffee orders.I wouldrather visit anational parkthan a beachI have afear ofspidersFavoritefood ispeanutbutterI played highschoolbasketballwith CarmeloAnthonyI can nameevery singleKaty Perrysong everwritten.I own 6dachshunddogsI linedance.I am ahugeDeadpoolfan!My parentshave famouscartooncharacternames.I was anextra in themovieStarshipTroopers.I joined aDragonBoat teamthis year.In high school, Iplayed on the golfteam and was hitdirectly in the mouthwith a golf ball from ateammate's drive onan opposite hole.I climbeda 14er inColoradoI wentswimmingwith sharks -cage freeMy familymembers aresome of theoriginal settlersfor the State ofNew JerseyI always leave atleast one bite offood on my plate -I can never justfinish the last bite,even if it's small!So weird.I had a one-page featurein MaximMagazine.My brotherand sisterare namedJack & JillI canplaydrumsI used to volunteerfor the swat team andsheriffs department. Iwould hide in abuilding, takehostages, and try notto get arrested.One of my(distant)relatives haswon theWorld Series.I have beento 47 statesand 15countriesI'mambidextrousI've beenpeppersprayed for ajobrequirementOur bandperformed forChicago's MayorCampaign, the lateHaroldWashington.I likeSneakers.I ran ahalfmarathonMy cousin is anactor and hascontributed to boththe Star Trek andStar Warsfranchises.My first job at 14was working atan animalhospital aftervolunteeringthere for a year.Played violin inElementary andpiano, cannotplay anyinstruments nowI have nosense ofsmellMy grandmotherwent to gradeschool in a oneroom schoolhouse withPresident LBJI candeadlift250poundsRode SpaceMountainwith all thelights on.I would rathersleep in a tentin thewilderness thana 5 star resort.I played gamesat a party withVince Vaughnand JonFavreau.I am a crazyplant lady &have over 30house plantsWhen I was10 years old,I was anextra on theshow "ER."My aunt wasthe winner ofthe 1955Miss AmericaPageantAs a sidehustle, Iplay azebraI used toplayprofessionalsoccer.I used to bea middleschoolteacher.I'mHungarian/speakHungarianJeff Timmonsfrom 98Degrees livedin myneighborhoodgrowing up.I love collegefootball andfollow SECteamscloselyI have a pinkTesla, 1 month ayear a pink dog,and am going tobuild a pinkhouse.I have livedin 5 differentstates in 5yearsI played twodifferent collegesports: footballfor 2 years andthen rugby for 3years.My dreamis to liveinMontanaFree!I've summittedMt Whiney--14,500 ft,highest peak inthe contiguousUnited States.I lived inAustraliafor a year.I playedthe violinfor 15yearsI makemusicboxes.I amfluent inItalian.My Grandfatherinvented therecipe for theBaby Ruthcandy bar.I was a blackdiamondlevel skier by6 years old.

2023 RKO! - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. I have a personal collection of 1,222 books.
  2. Town of birth: Invercargill
  3. I have 14 adopted siblings
  4. Me and my two sisters are all married to Michaels
  5. I dislocated my hip at Disney World and had to be taken out of the park in an ambulance.
  6. You can ask me to write your wedding place cards!
  7. I've hand delivered puppies in my bathtub.
  8. My Family owns one of the biggest shrimp farms and distribution centers in Mexico.
  9. I am a professional ultimate frisbee referee
  10. i got to work with Leonardo DiCaprio
  11. My height is 6'3", but I come from a family that averages around the 5 ft mark
  12. I hold a record at my University for soccer
  13. I was homeschooled through high school
  14. I planned my wedding in a week.
  15. Travel Adventurer of 8+ Countries
  16. I have a greenhouse/garden in the backyard and the best vegetables I've grown have been eaten by a mouse
  17. My sister and I share the same birthday however we are not twins.
  18. I've fostered 40+ dogs and cats.
  19. I have never eaten Arbys
  20. My dog was a college mascot.
  21. I have owned 11 different types of pets.
  22. I was born in Kyiv, Ukraine
  23. I'm a percussionist, with a speciality in Latin Percussion.
  24. I do not drink coffee or tea
  25. I was on the tv show blind date twice
  26. I got to walk in the Thanksgiving Day parade with my team.
  27. My dream job as a child was to be a Packers cheerleader and a Sunday School teacher
  28. I coached Jimmy Garoppolo in middle school football I was homeschooled through high school
  29. I'm writing and illustrating a children's book
  30. My job in college was working as a Pizza Delivery Driver.
  31. I was a majorette in middle school.
  32. My hair was curly when younger, my mom cut it and it grown straight ever since.
  33. I've never been to a Cracker Barrel.
  34. Met David Spade at a del taco while i was on my senior ditch day
  35. I'm a second-degree black belt in martial arts.
  36. I'm Canadian!
  37. I once played competitive hockey
  38. I own 75+ pairs of sneakers in my collection
  39. 5 of my 7 siblings are adopted
  40. I sang in a Boy's choir from the age of 8 to 14
  41. I was a Chicago Bulls Ball Girl for a few years.
  42. I tried out for the Titan Cheerleaders
  43. I bite off the pointy tips of french fries.
  44. I've swam between continents before!
  45. I play the guitar.
  46. I worked at the happiest place on earth
  47. I went to school to be a RN.
  48. I've lived in the Philippines
  49. I upcycle old furniture in my spare time.
  50. I attended the first Inaugural at Staple Center,
  51. I have a dog named Jager
  52. Once upon a time I was a working actor in Los Angeles. Worked three days on a film with Steve Martin, Dan Aykroyd and Phil Hartman.
  53. I have been to over 15 Hanson concerts and usually see them annually with my sister.
  54. I grew up on a farm in the country, raised chickens & pigs but now am a city girl & live in the suburbs
  55. My favorite food is Sara Lee pound cake.
  56. My house was built before George Washington was born
  57. I was on a home make over show in my mid-teens.
  58. I do not like leftovers.
  59. I was a club DJ through much of college and in my early 20's.
  60. I make games as a hobby
  61. I started graduate school when my son was a newborn and finished when he was two.
  62. I have family members who were stunt men in well known TV shows & Movies in the 80's-90's.
  63. I was painted on the cover of a restaurant menu and bottle of wine as a teen
  64. During this World Cup and the last, people would stop to tell me how much I remind them of Lionel Messi and some would ask to take a picture with me.
  65. I'm one of seven children.
  66. Won 3rd place at a chili cook off contest.
  67. I was a Referee for a professional video game league, that millions of people watch each year.
  68. Ate bigmacs throughout my last pregnancy. Never had one before or after my pregnancy
  69. My first live concert was The Beach Boys at Colt State Park in 1983.
  70. I have over 50 smart home devices installed in my home.
  71. I have a full sleeve tattoo
  72. Broke both my big toes at one time
  73. I am a twin.
  74. In high school, I once won a free throw shooting contest at a basketball camp vs. over 300 other participants.
  75. I've catered a wedding
  76. Sometimes when it is just me in the car, I like to listen to gangster rap.
  77. I want to retire in Mexico
  78. Growing up, I wanted to be the first woman on Mars.
  79. I'm really good at technical day trading
  80. I have raced at Buttonwillow Raceway, Willow Springs Raceway and Autoclub Speedway.
  81. I am a huge Duke basketball fan
  82. I have a video game tattoo.
  83. I have officiated 5 weddings.
  84. I have met two presidents of the United States.
  85. I pride myself on knowing all of my friends' coffee orders.
  86. I would rather visit a national park than a beach
  87. I have a fear of spiders
  88. Favorite food is peanut butter
  89. I played high school basketball with Carmelo Anthony
  90. I can name every single Katy Perry song ever written.
  91. I own 6 dachshund dogs
  92. I line dance.
  93. I am a huge Deadpool fan!
  94. My parents have famous cartoon character names.
  95. I was an extra in the movie Starship Troopers.
  96. I joined a Dragon Boat team this year.
  97. In high school, I played on the golf team and was hit directly in the mouth with a golf ball from a teammate's drive on an opposite hole.
  98. I climbed a 14er in Colorado
  99. I went swimming with sharks - cage free
  100. My family members are some of the original settlers for the State of New Jersey
  101. I always leave at least one bite of food on my plate - I can never just finish the last bite, even if it's small! So weird.
  102. I had a one-page feature in Maxim Magazine.
  103. My brother and sister are named Jack & Jill
  104. I can play drums
  105. I used to volunteer for the swat team and sheriffs department. I would hide in a building, take hostages, and try not to get arrested.
  106. One of my (distant) relatives has won the World Series.
  107. I have been to 47 states and 15 countries
  108. I'm ambidextrous
  109. I've been pepper sprayed for a job requirement
  110. Our band performed for Chicago's Mayor Campaign, the late Harold Washington.
  111. I like Sneakers.
  112. I ran a half marathon
  113. My cousin is an actor and has contributed to both the Star Trek and Star Wars franchises.
  114. My first job at 14 was working at an animal hospital after volunteering there for a year.
  115. Played violin in Elementary and piano, cannot play any instruments now
  116. I have no sense of smell
  117. My grandmother went to grade school in a one room school house with President LBJ
  118. I can deadlift 250 pounds
  119. Rode Space Mountain with all the lights on.
  120. I would rather sleep in a tent in the wilderness than a 5 star resort.
  121. I played games at a party with Vince Vaughn and Jon Favreau.
  122. I am a crazy plant lady & have over 30 house plants
  123. When I was 10 years old, I was an extra on the show "ER."
  124. My aunt was the winner of the 1955 Miss America Pageant
  125. As a side hustle, I play a zebra
  126. I used to play professional soccer.
  127. I used to be a middle school teacher.
  128. I'm Hungarian/speak Hungarian
  129. Jeff Timmons from 98 Degrees lived in my neighborhood growing up.
  130. I love college football and follow SEC teams closely
  131. I have a pink Tesla, 1 month a year a pink dog, and am going to build a pink house.
  132. I have lived in 5 different states in 5 years
  133. I played two different college sports: football for 2 years and then rugby for 3 years.
  134. My dream is to live in Montana
  135. Free!
  136. I've summitted Mt Whiney--14,500 ft, highest peak in the contiguous United States.
  137. I lived in Australia for a year.
  138. I played the violin for 15 years
  139. I make music boxes.
  140. I am fluent in Italian.
  141. My Grandfather invented the recipe for the Baby Ruth candy bar.
  142. I was a black diamond level skier by 6 years old.