FamousRussiancomposer ofthe 1812OverturetransportationlinkingVladivostokwith MoscowRussian leaderwho grantedmore economicand politicalfreedomAfter almost 70years ofCommunistRule, the SovietUnion broke upin this year:Deep lake inRussia; holds~20% of theworld's supplyof unfrozenfreshwaterCompetition(1940s-1980s) forworld influencebetween theSoviet Union andthe U.S.Ancient form ofChristianitypracticed inEastern Europeand RussiaRussian czar whopromoted Europeanculture. He wantedhis nobles to dress inEuropean style, andhe even had a "beardtax"!ground thatis frozenmost or allyearAIR pollution from powerplants, factories, and cars;WATER pollution fromfertilizer, industrial wastes,buried, chemical weapons;SOIL issues from clear-cutting forests; chemicalfertilizer buildup;NUCLEAR threatRussia'sEuropeanpartThe first area ofUkraine seizedby Putin in 2014,against the willof the people:frigid terrain innorthern &eastern Russia,rich in naturalresourcesAn ethnicgroup seekingindependencefrom Russia:largestethnicgroup inRussiaTerm meaning tochange theeconomy to relymore onmanufacturing,less on farmingpeasantslegally bound towork and liveon land ownedby his masterLeader of theFrench armythat invadedRussia in1812Where thegovernmentmakes all theeconomicdecisions.System ofancient traderoutesconnectingEurope to AsiaRussia's twomostimportantnorthwesternports:How long ittakes tocross Russiaby trainNuclear power plantexplosion in Pripyat,Ukraine that spewednuclear waste forhundreds of miles.Today it remains an"exclusion zone" andnot habitable.World'slargest lake(notfreshwater!)In 1985 Gorbachevrelaxed Soviet controlover the economy byintroducing________, a new"openness"cold,treeless areaof northernSiberia;Brutal Dictatorwho wanted totransformRussia into anindustrial giantLake Baikalis so largeand deep thatit is biggerthan…RussianCzar whofreed theserfs in 1861Number ofRussian timezones today(reducedfrom 11)She married Peterthe Great’sgrandson; sheexpanded Russiaby 200,000 milesRussia's onlyBaltic port thatis ice-free year-round;(separated fromRussia)This type ofeconomy (wherepeople can runtheir ownbusinesses) iscalled:longestriver inEuropeRussiaattacksUkraine tobegin ongoingconflict thereAfter the fall of theSoviet Union,Russian peoplewere able todecide whatbusinesses to start& run.Stalinforcedcommunismon themearlyrulers ofRussiaHorsemen whoswept throughthe city of Kievin the 1200s,removing thewealth & powerFull name ofthe SovietUnion orU.S.S.R.:CapitalofRussiarelatingto thecityCompared toan AmericanPresident,RussianPresident Putinhas:One of Russia'soldest cities,founded byPeter the Greatin the 1700sAnother ofGorbachev'spolicies was_____, arestructuring of theRussian economy:hugeevergreenforestDuring the RussianRevolution, Lenin &the Bolsheviks tookover. They put thisnew political andsocial system inplacefromagingpowerplantsFirstAbsoluteCzar;ruthless andcruelforced laborcamps inSiberia;imprisonedthose opposingStalinRussianleader thatendedMongol ruleTwo mountainranges rise inwestern Russia:the Urals and the______ MountainsWhen doesVladimir Putin'scurrent term asPresident ofRussia end?Czar forced togive up thethrone in 1917,during theRussianRevolutionFamousRussiancomposer ofthe 1812OverturetransportationlinkingVladivostokwith MoscowRussian leaderwho grantedmore economicand politicalfreedomAfter almost 70years ofCommunistRule, the SovietUnion broke upin this year:Deep lake inRussia; holds~20% of theworld's supplyof unfrozenfreshwaterCompetition(1940s-1980s) forworld influencebetween theSoviet Union andthe U.S.Ancient form ofChristianitypracticed inEastern Europeand RussiaRussian czar whopromoted Europeanculture. He wantedhis nobles to dress inEuropean style, andhe even had a "beardtax"!ground thatis frozenmost or allyearAIR pollution from powerplants, factories, and cars;WATER pollution fromfertilizer, industrial wastes,buried, chemical weapons;SOIL issues from clear-cutting forests; chemicalfertilizer buildup;NUCLEAR threatRussia'sEuropeanpartThe first area ofUkraine seizedby Putin in 2014,against the willof the people:frigid terrain innorthern &eastern Russia,rich in naturalresourcesAn ethnicgroup seekingindependencefrom Russia:largestethnicgroup inRussiaTerm meaning tochange theeconomy to relymore onmanufacturing,less on farmingpeasantslegally bound towork and liveon land ownedby his masterLeader of theFrench armythat invadedRussia in1812Where thegovernmentmakes all theeconomicdecisions.System ofancient traderoutesconnectingEurope to AsiaRussia's twomostimportantnorthwesternports:How long ittakes tocross Russiaby trainNuclear power plantexplosion in Pripyat,Ukraine that spewednuclear waste forhundreds of miles.Today it remains an"exclusion zone" andnot habitable.World'slargest lake(notfreshwater!)In 1985 Gorbachevrelaxed Soviet controlover the economy byintroducing________, a new"openness"cold,treeless areaof northernSiberia;Brutal Dictatorwho wanted totransformRussia into anindustrial giantLake Baikalis so largeand deep thatit is biggerthan…RussianCzar whofreed theserfs in 1861Number ofRussian timezones today(reducedfrom 11)She married Peterthe Great’sgrandson; sheexpanded Russiaby 200,000 milesRussia's onlyBaltic port thatis ice-free year-round;(separated fromRussia)This type ofeconomy (wherepeople can runtheir ownbusinesses) iscalled:longestriver inEuropeRussiaattacksUkraine tobegin ongoingconflict thereAfter the fall of theSoviet Union,Russian peoplewere able todecide whatbusinesses to start& run.Stalinforcedcommunismon themearlyrulers ofRussiaHorsemen whoswept throughthe city of Kievin the 1200s,removing thewealth & powerFull name ofthe SovietUnion orU.S.S.R.:CapitalofRussiarelatingto thecityCompared toan AmericanPresident,RussianPresident Putinhas:One of Russia'soldest cities,founded byPeter the Greatin the 1700sAnother ofGorbachev'spolicies was_____, arestructuring of theRussian economy:hugeevergreenforestDuring the RussianRevolution, Lenin &the Bolsheviks tookover. They put thisnew political andsocial system inplacefromagingpowerplantsFirstAbsoluteCzar;ruthless andcruelforced laborcamps inSiberia;imprisonedthose opposingStalinRussianleader thatendedMongol ruleTwo mountainranges rise inwestern Russia:the Urals and the______ MountainsWhen doesVladimir Putin'scurrent term asPresident ofRussia end?Czar forced togive up thethrone in 1917,during theRussianRevolution

Russia & its Neighbors - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Famous Russian composer of the 1812 Overture
  2. transportation linking Vladivostok with Moscow
  3. Russian leader who granted more economic and political freedom
  4. After almost 70 years of Communist Rule, the Soviet Union broke up in this year:
  5. Deep lake in Russia; holds ~20% of the world's supply of unfrozen freshwater
  6. Competition (1940s-1980s) for world influence between the Soviet Union and the U.S.
  7. Ancient form of Christianity practiced in Eastern Europe and Russia
  8. Russian czar who promoted European culture. He wanted his nobles to dress in European style, and he even had a "beard tax"!
  9. ground that is frozen most or all year
  10. AIR pollution from power plants, factories, and cars; WATER pollution from fertilizer, industrial wastes, buried, chemical weapons; SOIL issues from clear-cutting forests; chemical fertilizer buildup; NUCLEAR threat
  11. Russia's European part
  12. The first area of Ukraine seized by Putin in 2014, against the will of the people:
  13. frigid terrain in northern & eastern Russia, rich in natural resources
  14. An ethnic group seeking independence from Russia:
  15. largest ethnic group in Russia
  16. Term meaning to change the economy to rely more on manufacturing, less on farming
  17. peasants legally bound to work and live on land owned by his master
  18. Leader of the French army that invaded Russia in 1812
  19. Where the government makes all the economic decisions.
  20. System of ancient trade routes connecting Europe to Asia
  21. Russia's two most important northwestern ports:
  22. How long it takes to cross Russia by train
  23. Nuclear power plant explosion in Pripyat, Ukraine that spewed nuclear waste for hundreds of miles. Today it remains an "exclusion zone" and not habitable.
  24. World's largest lake (not freshwater!)
  25. In 1985 Gorbachev relaxed Soviet control over the economy by introducing ________, a new "openness"
  26. cold, treeless area of northern Siberia;
  27. Brutal Dictator who wanted to transform Russia into an industrial giant
  28. Lake Baikal is so large and deep that it is bigger than…
  29. Russian Czar who freed the serfs in 1861
  30. Number of Russian time zones today (reduced from 11)
  31. She married Peter the Great’s grandson; she expanded Russia by 200,000 miles
  32. Russia's only Baltic port that is ice-free year-round; (separated from Russia)
  33. This type of economy (where people can run their own businesses) is called:
  34. longest river in Europe
  35. Russia attacks Ukraine to begin ongoing conflict there
  36. After the fall of the Soviet Union, Russian people were able to decide what businesses to start & run.
  37. Stalin forced communism on them
  38. early rulers of Russia
  39. Horsemen who swept through the city of Kiev in the 1200s, removing the wealth & power
  40. Full name of the Soviet Union or U.S.S.R.:
  41. Capital of Russia
  42. relating to the city
  43. Compared to an American President, Russian President Putin has:
  44. One of Russia's oldest cities, founded by Peter the Great in the 1700s
  45. Another of Gorbachev's policies was _____, a restructuring of the Russian economy:
  46. huge evergreen forest
  47. During the Russian Revolution, Lenin & the Bolsheviks took over. They put this new political and social system in place
  48. from aging power plants
  49. First Absolute Czar; ruthless and cruel
  50. forced labor camps in Siberia; imprisoned those opposing Stalin
  51. Russian leader that ended Mongol rule
  52. Two mountain ranges rise in western Russia: the Urals and the ______ Mountains
  53. When does Vladimir Putin's current term as President of Russia end?
  54. Czar forced to give up the throne in 1917, during the Russian Revolution