Definereverenceof natureWhat impact hasclimate changehad on the FlintandChattahoocheeRivers? Use theword“meanders”in asentence.Why isn’tswimmingallowed inLakeSeminole?Use thewordholiest in asentence.According to thetext, why was theconstruction of theCordele PowerDam a big deal?  What is thepurpose ofmental pictureone of FlintRiver text? What do reservoirscreated by damsin the river offerlocal residents?  State twomain ideasof Gangestext. Provide anantonym forthe word“unimpeded”Why does thetext mentionthat a tactfulawarenesscampaign willbe needed?State twocentralideas ofFlint text. How does theauthor’s use ofdescription in thesecond mentalpicture of Gangescontribute to theoverall meaning ofthe text?What are theTWO biggestissues facing thehealth andsafety of theGanges River?What legislationwas passed that ledto the constructionof the Jim WoodruffLock and DamProject? Provide asynonym forthe worddevoteesDefineexcrete According to thetext, what does thestate governmentdo to preservepilgrimage sites? Provide asynonym forthe wordconfluenceThe last mentalpicture ofGanges textillustrates whichtext structure?Why do somepeople “castthe ashes oftheir dead inthe river?” According tothe text, why isthe waterquality in theGanges anissue? What text structuredoes the authoruse whendiscussing LakeBlackshear andLake Seminole? What text structureis present inmental picturethree of “The FlintRiver WaterBasin”?Definereverenceof natureWhat impact hasclimate changehad on the FlintandChattahoocheeRivers? Use theword“meanders”in asentence.Why isn’tswimmingallowed inLakeSeminole?Use thewordholiest in asentence.According to thetext, why was theconstruction of theCordele PowerDam a big deal?  What is thepurpose ofmental pictureone of FlintRiver text? What do reservoirscreated by damsin the river offerlocal residents?  State twomain ideasof Gangestext. Provide anantonym forthe word“unimpeded”Why does thetext mentionthat a tactfulawarenesscampaign willbe needed?State twocentralideas ofFlint text. How does theauthor’s use ofdescription in thesecond mentalpicture of Gangescontribute to theoverall meaning ofthe text?What are theTWO biggestissues facing thehealth andsafety of theGanges River?What legislationwas passed that ledto the constructionof the Jim WoodruffLock and DamProject? Provide asynonym forthe worddevoteesDefineexcrete According to thetext, what does thestate governmentdo to preservepilgrimage sites? Provide asynonym forthe wordconfluenceThe last mentalpicture ofGanges textillustrates whichtext structure?Why do somepeople “castthe ashes oftheir dead inthe river?” According tothe text, why isthe waterquality in theGanges anissue? What text structuredoes the authoruse whendiscussing LakeBlackshear andLake Seminole? What text structureis present inmental picturethree of “The FlintRiver WaterBasin”?

Writing to Win: River Ganges and Flint River - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Define reverence of nature
  2. What impact has climate change had on the Flint and Chattahoochee Rivers?
  3. Use the word “meanders” in a sentence.
  4. Why isn’t swimming allowed in Lake Seminole?
  5. Use the word holiest in a sentence.
  6. According to the text, why was the construction of the Cordele Power Dam a big deal?
  7. What is the purpose of mental picture one of Flint River text?
  8. What do reservoirs created by dams in the river offer local residents?
  9. State two main ideas of Ganges text.
  10. Provide an antonym for the word “unimpeded”
  11. Why does the text mention that a tactful awareness campaign will be needed?
  12. State two central ideas of Flint text.
  13. How does the author’s use of description in the second mental picture of Ganges contribute to the overall meaning of the text?
  14. What are the TWO biggest issues facing the health and safety of the Ganges River?
  15. What legislation was passed that led to the construction of the Jim Woodruff Lock and Dam Project?
  16. Provide a synonym for the word devotees
  17. Define excrete
  18. According to the text, what does the state government do to preserve pilgrimage sites?
  19. Provide a synonym for the word confluence
  20. The last mental picture of Ganges text illustrates which text structure?
  21. Why do some people “cast the ashes of their dead in the river?”
  22. According to the text, why is the water quality in the Ganges an issue?
  23. What text structure does the author use when discussing Lake Blackshear and Lake Seminole?
  24. What text structure is present in mental picture three of “The Flint River Water Basin”?