Talk Teach someone alesson using yournotes. Act like yourfavorite teacher. Youare successful if yourstudent can do aquestion correctly.Connect Find 4-5 questions inyour notes or practicethat are similar. Canyou describe what issimilar? Is there also asimilarity in how theyare solved?IXL Your teacher canprovide you with IXLlessons that go alongwith the skill set. Try toimprove your smartscore by working alittle bit every day.Compare Were you taught twostrategies -or- can youthink of a shortcut for someproblems? Try 4-5problems using twostrategies compare theanswers and decide witchis the best strategy for youTest Teachers often assignpractice tests or reviewtasks Try to complete thesewith the help of your notes.Try to find the correctsection of notes that wouldhelp with each question.Independent Re-try questions fromyour notes. Work themout without peeking. Ifyou get stuck, goahead and look overthe answer for help."Telephone" Pick a problem. The firstperson completes the firstpart or step, the secondperson takes the paper anddoes one more part. Workthis way until the problemis done. Check youranswer as a group.Challenge Find a Khan Academylesson that goes alongwith the skill set. Takethe hints first, but thentry to get 4 in a rowwithout help.  I can! Review your notes. Rateyour level of confidence ona scale of 1-5. Once youare done, go back andreview those skills with thelowest scores. After somepractice, rate yourselfagain.Talk Teach someone alesson using yournotes. Act like yourfavorite teacher. Youare successful if yourstudent can do aquestion correctly.Connect Find 4-5 questions inyour notes or practicethat are similar. Canyou describe what issimilar? Is there also asimilarity in how theyare solved?IXL Your teacher canprovide you with IXLlessons that go alongwith the skill set. Try toimprove your smartscore by working alittle bit every day.Compare Were you taught twostrategies -or- can youthink of a shortcut for someproblems? Try 4-5problems using twostrategies compare theanswers and decide witchis the best strategy for youTest Teachers often assignpractice tests or reviewtasks Try to complete thesewith the help of your notes.Try to find the correctsection of notes that wouldhelp with each question.Independent Re-try questions fromyour notes. Work themout without peeking. Ifyou get stuck, goahead and look overthe answer for help."Telephone" Pick a problem. The firstperson completes the firstpart or step, the secondperson takes the paper anddoes one more part. Workthis way until the problemis done. Check youranswer as a group.Challenge Find a Khan Academylesson that goes alongwith the skill set. Takethe hints first, but thentry to get 4 in a rowwithout help.  I can! Review your notes. Rateyour level of confidence ona scale of 1-5. Once youare done, go back andreview those skills with thelowest scores. After somepractice, rate yourselfagain.

Study Strategies Tic Tac Toe - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. T-Talk Teach someone a lesson using your notes. Act like your favorite teacher. You are successful if your student can do a question correctly.
  2. C-Connect Find 4-5 questions in your notes or practice that are similar. Can you describe what is similar? Is there also a similarity in how they are solved?
  3. I-IXL Your teacher can provide you with IXL lessons that go along with the skill set. Try to improve your smart score by working a little bit every day.
  4. C-Compare Were you taught two strategies -or- can you think of a shortcut for some problems? Try 4-5 problems using two strategies compare the answers and decide witch is the best strategy for you
  5. T-Test Teachers often assign practice tests or review tasks Try to complete these with the help of your notes. Try to find the correct section of notes that would help with each question.
  6. I-Independent Re-try questions from your notes. Work them out without peeking. If you get stuck, go ahead and look over the answer for help.
  7. T-"Telephone" Pick a problem. The first person completes the first part or step, the second person takes the paper and does one more part. Work this way until the problem is done. Check your answer as a group.
  8. C-Challenge Find a Khan Academy lesson that goes along with the skill set. Take the hints first, but then try to get 4 in a row without help.
  9. I-I can! Review your notes. Rate your level of confidence on a scale of 1-5. Once you are done, go back and review those skills with the lowest scores. After some practice, rate yourself again.