Local companieshave a highercompetition, andcountry becomesdependent Theyimplement barriersto trade.Increasedexports sothe economywill grow.Intentionallylowering thevalue of acountry'scurrency withina FED Morevariety offoreigngoods.Price for which thecurrency of acountry can beexchanged foranother country'scurrency.The country isnot exportingenough so theyare wastingmore that whatthey winWhenthere isdeficithappening.a reductionin the valueof an asset,made by themarket.financedeficit incurrentaccountMorevariety ofgoods in aneconomyTariffsMore supplythan demand,or havingmore exportsthan importsCapitalaccountTrade of physicalproducts includingnatural services,(such as crude oil,and cars)NoTo increaseexports andimports a rise inthe value of onecurrencyagainst other.Internationaltrade inservices. (suchas insurance,and banking)peggedfloatexchangerateDepending onone certaingood andmake the bestout of it.When theamount ofexport is equalto the amountof imports. (X-M) : 0Theconsumerwill havemore choicesWhen there ismore importsthan exports(X - M ) < 0Indicatoreconomy'shealthTrading thesame amountof exportsthan imports(X-M) : 0Local companieshave a highercompetition, andcountry becomesdependent Theyimplement barriersto trade.Increasedexports sothe economywill grow.Intentionallylowering thevalue of acountry'scurrency withina FEDMorevariety offoreigngoods.Price for which thecurrency of acountry can beexchanged foranother country'scurrency.The country isnot exportingenough so theyare wastingmore that whatthey winWhenthere isdeficithappening.a reductionin the valueof an asset,made by themarket.financedeficit incurrentaccountMorevariety ofgoods in aneconomyTariffsMore supplythan demand,or havingmore exportsthan importsCapitalaccountTrade of physicalproducts includingnatural services,(such as crude oil,and cars)NoTo increaseexports andimports a rise inthe value of onecurrencyagainst other.Internationaltrade inservices. (suchas insurance,and banking)peggedfloatexchangerateDepending onone certaingood andmake the bestout of it.When theamount ofexport is equalto the amountof imports. (X-M) : 0Theconsumerwill havemore choicesWhen there ismore importsthan exports(X - M ) < 0Indicatoreconomy'shealthTrading thesame amountof exportsthan imports(X-M) : 0

ECO KILLER - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Local companies have a higher competition, and country becomes dependent They implement barriers to trade.
  2. Increased exports so the economy will grow.
  3. Intentionally lowering the value of a country's currency within a FED
  4. More variety of foreign goods.
  5. Price for which the currency of a country can be exchanged for another country's currency.
  6. The country is not exporting enough so they are wasting more that what they win
  7. When there is deficit happening.
  8. a reduction in the value of an asset, made by the market.
  9. finance deficit in current account
  10. More variety of goods in an economy
  11. Tariffs
  12. More supply than demand, or having more exports than imports
  13. Capital account
  14. Trade of physical products including natural services, (such as crude oil, and cars)
  15. No
  16. To increase exports and imports a rise in the value of one currency against other.
  17. International trade in services. (such as insurance, and banking)
  18. pegged float exchange rate
  19. Depending on one certain good and make the best out of it.
  20. When the amount of export is equal to the amount of imports. (X-M) : 0
  21. The consumer will have more choices
  22. When there is more imports than exports (X - M ) < 0
  23. Indicator economy's health
  24. Trading the same amount of exports than imports (X-M) : 0