Earns an"A" on asciencetest or lab!Everyone inclass has theirindependentreadingbooks!Time ManagementBONUS!You stay in class(ex. bathroom, getwater, etc.) for awhole week!Time ManagementBONUS!You stay in class(ex. bathroom, getwater, etc.) for awhole week!Entireclassarrives ontimeParticipatein "GoodThings"Mr.Garrettvisitsclass!You arrive toclass on timeeveryday upto ProgressReports!Earns an"A" on amath test!Genuinelycomplimentsor helpsanotherstudentEarns an"A" on awritingassignment!Everyone'sphone is inthe class'cell pocketTime ManagementBONUS!You stay in class(ex. bathroom, getwater, etc.) for awhole week!Earns an"A" on ahistoryproject!You bring yourIndependentReading BookeverydayYou get helpfrom a Pioneersteacher outsideof class timeYou arrive toclass on timefor an entireweekGenuinelycomplimentsa staffmemberWhole classturns in orcompletesAssignment/Homework When Mr. Gvisits, youexplain theLessonObjectiveParticipatesin ASBSpirit Days!Earns an"A" on asciencetest or lab!Everyone inclass has theirindependentreadingbooks!Time ManagementBONUS!You stay in class(ex. bathroom, getwater, etc.) for awhole week!Time ManagementBONUS!You stay in class(ex. bathroom, getwater, etc.) for awhole week!Entireclassarrives ontimeParticipatein "GoodThings"Mr.Garrettvisitsclass!You arrive toclass on timeeveryday upto ProgressReports!Earns an"A" on amath test!Genuinelycomplimentsor helpsanotherstudentEarns an"A" on awritingassignment!Everyone'sphone is inthe class'cell pocketTime ManagementBONUS!You stay in class(ex. bathroom, getwater, etc.) for awhole week!Earns an"A" on ahistoryproject!You bring yourIndependentReading BookeverydayYou get helpfrom a Pioneersteacher outsideof class timeYou arrive toclass on timefor an entireweekGenuinelycomplimentsa staffmemberWhole classturns in orcompletesAssignment/Homework When Mr. Gvisits, youexplain theLessonObjectiveParticipatesin ASBSpirit Days!

Team Pioneers BINGO! Challenge - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Earns an "A" on a science test or lab!
  2. Everyone in class has their independent reading books!
  3. Time Management BONUS! You stay in class (ex. bathroom, get water, etc.) for a whole week!
  4. Time Management BONUS! You stay in class (ex. bathroom, get water, etc.) for a whole week!
  5. Entire class arrives on time
  6. Participate in "Good Things"
  7. Mr. Garrett visits class!
  8. You arrive to class on time everyday up to Progress Reports!
  9. Earns an "A" on a math test!
  10. Genuinely compliments or helps another student
  11. Earns an "A" on a writing assignment!
  12. Everyone's phone is in the class' cell pocket
  13. Time Management BONUS! You stay in class (ex. bathroom, get water, etc.) for a whole week!
  14. Earns an "A" on a history project!
  15. You bring your Independent Reading Book everyday
  16. You get help from a Pioneers teacher outside of class time
  17. You arrive to class on time for an entire week
  18. Genuinely compliments a staff member
  19. Whole class turns in or completes Assignment /Homework
  20. When Mr. G visits, you explain the Lesson Objective
  21. Participates in ASB Spirit Days!