There will besome sort ofdrama at theballA Zatishfamilymember willbe at thePrelimariesSomeone is gonnabe caught usingenchantments andwe're going tohave to do a PSAA TrimosTeacher willqualify forthe OlympicsThe Blue RingSmugglers will bedoing somethingsketchy during theweek fo thePreliminariesVargas maycome tocheer onTang for herboxing matchA TrimosStudent willqualify forthe OlympicsTang andGundrin will bepaired for theirLegendaryBoxing MatchA student ofthe Seminarywill participatein tehPreliminariesEurydice andOrpheus willperform liveat the ballThere will benewdevelopmentsin the searchfor MarvelaKyra willreconsiderhow she feelsabout Ash andTang togetherFlare willplace intheOlympicsThere will belove dramaonce again inthe GoldenDawn groupWe might seeAviva deal withrule breakersduring thePreliminariesA GoldenDawnmember willqualify forthe OlympicsThe Blue RingSmugglersmay evenprovidesteriodsAmelia will makesomeone aspecial outfit forthe ball or thePreliminariesIf there is atorch ceremony,then Flare willbe the one tolight the torchNicanor familymember will beparticipating inthe PreliminariesSteelwoodCameoA member ofthe Solfamily willmake acameoAshCameoCedric willsell hisgoods duringthe events inthe standsThere will besome sort ofdrama at theballA Zatishfamilymember willbe at thePrelimariesSomeone is gonnabe caught usingenchantments andwe're going tohave to do a PSAA TrimosTeacher willqualify forthe OlympicsThe Blue RingSmugglers will bedoing somethingsketchy during theweek fo thePreliminariesVargas maycome tocheer onTang for herboxing matchA TrimosStudent willqualify forthe OlympicsTang andGundrin will bepaired for theirLegendaryBoxing MatchA student ofthe Seminarywill participatein tehPreliminariesEurydice andOrpheus willperform liveat the ballThere will benewdevelopmentsin the searchfor MarvelaKyra willreconsiderhow she feelsabout Ash andTang togetherFlare willplace intheOlympicsThere will belove dramaonce again inthe GoldenDawn groupWe might seeAviva deal withrule breakersduring thePreliminariesA GoldenDawnmember willqualify forthe OlympicsThe Blue RingSmugglersmay evenprovidesteriodsAmelia will makesomeone aspecial outfit forthe ball or thePreliminariesIf there is atorch ceremony,then Flare willbe the one tolight the torchNicanor familymember will beparticipating inthe PreliminariesSteelwoodCameoA member ofthe Solfamily willmake acameoAshCameoCedric willsell hisgoods duringthe events inthe stands

The Preliminaries - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. There will be some sort of drama at the ball
  2. A Zatish family member will be at the Prelimaries
  3. Someone is gonna be caught using enchantments and we're going to have to do a PSA
  4. A Trimos Teacher will qualify for the Olympics
  5. The Blue Ring Smugglers will be doing something sketchy during the week fo the Preliminaries
  6. Vargas may come to cheer on Tang for her boxing match
  7. A Trimos Student will qualify for the Olympics
  8. Tang and Gundrin will be paired for their Legendary Boxing Match
  9. A student of the Seminary will participate in teh Preliminaries
  10. Eurydice and Orpheus will perform live at the ball
  11. There will be new developments in the search for Marvela
  12. Kyra will reconsider how she feels about Ash and Tang together
  13. Flare will place in the Olympics
  14. There will be love drama once again in the Golden Dawn group
  15. We might see Aviva deal with rule breakers during the Preliminaries
  16. A Golden Dawn member will qualify for the Olympics
  17. The Blue Ring Smugglers may even provide steriods
  18. Amelia will make someone a special outfit for the ball or the Preliminaries
  19. If there is a torch ceremony, then Flare will be the one to light the torch
  20. Nicanor family member will be participating in the Preliminaries
  21. Steelwood Cameo
  22. A member of the Sol family will make a cameo
  23. Ash Cameo
  24. Cedric will sell his goods during the events in the stands