The LouisianaPurchasestarted whatidea for theUS?ManifestDestinythe power of courtsto decide thevalidity of acts ofthe legislative andexecutive branchesof government.JudicialReviewLand theUS boughtfromFranceLouisianaPurchaserestrictive lawsdesigned to limit thefreedom of AfricanAmericans and ensuretheir availability as acheap labor force afterslavery was abolishedduring the Civil War.BlackCodesthe action or an act ofabolishing a system,practice, or institution. a person who favors theabolition of a practice orinstitution, especiallycapital punishment or(formerly) slavery.Abolition/AbolitionistWas was theeffect of theLouisianaPurchase onUnited Statesterritory?Doubleditthe action or stateof setting someoneor something apartfrom other peopleor things or beingset apart.Segregationthe fact or processof being set freefrom legal, social,or politicalrestrictions;liberation.Emancipationan official pardonfor people whohave beenconvicted ofpolitical offensesAmnestyHow farwest didLewis andClark get?PacificOceana tax or duty tobe paid on aparticular classof imports orexports.TariffsNM was notpart of theLouisianaPurchaseFalsea tendency to bemore concerned withthe interests of yourparticular group orregion than with theproblems andinterests of the largergroup, country, etc.SectionalismThe Louisianaterritory stretchedfrom the Gulf ofMexico in thesouth to where inthe north?CanadaName ofLewis &Clark'sExpeditionCorps ofDiscoveryPresidentthat sentLewis & Clarkon theirexpeditionThomasJeffersonmilitarygovernment,involving thesuspension ofordinary law.MartialLawcharge (theholder of apublic office)withmisconduct.ImpeachWas atranslator andguide for theLewis & ClarkExpeditionSacagaweaAt first, Jeffersonwas onlyinterested ingetting NewOrleans from theFrench.TrueAmount thatthe US paidFrance forthe LouisianaTerritory15MillionDollarsto give control of(something) to anotherperson, group,government, etc. the formal giving up ofrights, property, orterritory by a state. Cede /Cessionidentification withone's own nation andsupport for itsinterests, especiallyto the exclusion ordetriment of theinterests of othernations.Nationalismthe rightto vote inpoliticalelectionsSuffrageThe LouisianaPurchasestarted whatidea for theUS?ManifestDestinythe power of courtsto decide thevalidity of acts ofthe legislative andexecutive branchesof government.JudicialReviewLand theUS boughtfromFranceLouisianaPurchaserestrictive lawsdesigned to limit thefreedom of AfricanAmericans and ensuretheir availability as acheap labor force afterslavery was abolishedduring the Civil War.BlackCodesthe action or an act ofabolishing a system,practice, or institution. a person who favors theabolition of a practice orinstitution, especiallycapital punishment or(formerly) slavery.Abolition/AbolitionistWas was theeffect of theLouisianaPurchase onUnited Statesterritory?Doubleditthe action or stateof setting someoneor something apartfrom other peopleor things or beingset apart.Segregationthe fact or processof being set freefrom legal, social,or politicalrestrictions;liberation.Emancipationan official pardonfor people whohave beenconvicted ofpolitical offensesAmnestyHow farwest didLewis andClark get?PacificOceana tax or duty tobe paid on aparticular classof imports orexports.TariffsNM was notpart of theLouisianaPurchaseFalsea tendency to bemore concerned withthe interests of yourparticular group orregion than with theproblems andinterests of the largergroup, country, etc.SectionalismThe Louisianaterritory stretchedfrom the Gulf ofMexico in thesouth to where inthe north?CanadaName ofLewis &Clark'sExpeditionCorps ofDiscoveryPresidentthat sentLewis & Clarkon theirexpeditionThomasJeffersonmilitarygovernment,involving thesuspension ofordinary law.MartialLawcharge (theholder of apublic office)withmisconduct.ImpeachWas atranslator andguide for theLewis & ClarkExpeditionSacagaweaAt first, Jeffersonwas onlyinterested ingetting NewOrleans from theFrench.TrueAmount thatthe US paidFrance forthe LouisianaTerritory15MillionDollarsto give control of(something) to anotherperson, group,government, etc. the formal giving up ofrights, property, orterritory by a state. Cede /Cessionidentification withone's own nation andsupport for itsinterests, especiallyto the exclusion ordetriment of theinterests of othernations.Nationalismthe rightto vote inpoliticalelectionsSuffrage

8th 3rd 9-Wks Vocabulary - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Manifest Destiny
    The Louisiana Purchase started what idea for the US?
  2. Judicial Review
    the power of courts to decide the validity of acts of the legislative and executive branches of government.
  3. Louisiana Purchase
    Land the US bought from France
  4. Black Codes
    restrictive laws designed to limit the freedom of African Americans and ensure their availability as a cheap labor force after slavery was abolished during the Civil War.
  5. Abolition/ Abolitionist
    the action or an act of abolishing a system, practice, or institution. a person who favors the abolition of a practice or institution, especially capital punishment or (formerly) slavery.
  6. Doubled it
    Was was the effect of the Louisiana Purchase on United States territory?
  7. Segregation
    the action or state of setting someone or something apart from other people or things or being set apart.
  8. Emancipation
    the fact or process of being set free from legal, social, or political restrictions; liberation.
  9. Amnesty
    an official pardon for people who have been convicted of political offenses
  10. Pacific Ocean
    How far west did Lewis and Clark get?
  11. Tariffs
    a tax or duty to be paid on a particular class of imports or exports.
  12. False
    NM was not part of the Louisiana Purchase
  13. Sectionalism
    a tendency to be more concerned with the interests of your particular group or region than with the problems and interests of the larger group, country, etc.
  14. Canada
    The Louisiana territory stretched from the Gulf of Mexico in the south to where in the north?
  15. Corps of Discovery
    Name of Lewis & Clark's Expedition
  16. Thomas Jefferson
    President that sent Lewis & Clark on their expedition
  17. Martial Law
    military government, involving the suspension of ordinary law.
  18. Impeach
    charge (the holder of a public office) with misconduct.
  19. Sacagawea
    Was a translator and guide for the Lewis & Clark Expedition
  20. True
    At first, Jefferson was only interested in getting New Orleans from the French.
  21. 15 Million Dollars
    Amount that the US paid France for the Louisiana Territory
  22. Cede / Cession
    to give control of (something) to another person, group, government, etc. the formal giving up of rights, property, or territory by a state.
  23. Nationalism
    identification with one's own nation and support for its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations.
  24. Suffrage
    the right to vote in political elections