Share a gospelmessage withsomeonethrough text orsocial mediaPost onsocial mediayourtestimony ofJesus ChristRead "ThePower of anEverydayMissionary"bookDedicateone FastSunday for amissionaryopportunityIntroduceyourself to aneighbor thatyou don'tknowInvite afriend to anactivity orserviceproject Shareyourtestimonyin churchInvite themissionarieson aministeringvisitDo a churchexchangewithsomeone of adifferent faithPray for amissionaryexperienceeveryday fora weekPost on yourneighborhoodsocial media pagean invitation to achurch serviceprojectIn aconversation,share withsomeone whatyou did thatSundayInvite afriend to a2nd activityor serviceprojectE-mail amissionaryserving fromour wardTell a friend ofanother faiththat you are amember ofthe churchPreform anact ofservice fora neighborVisitsomeonethat you feelprompted tovisitHave apicture of thetemple athome orworkInvite afriend to a3rd activityor serviceprojectFeed the full-timemissionaries inyour home withsomeone not ofour faithGive a Bookof Mormonto someoneof a differentfaithShare a"missionarymoment" in RS,Priesthood , orSunday SchoolShare atreat withaneighbor  Complete a 4-generationpedigree chartand share it witha neighborAttend adiscussionwith the full-timemissionariesShare a gospelmessage withsomeonethrough text orsocial mediaPost onsocial mediayourtestimony ofJesus ChristRead "ThePower of anEverydayMissionary"bookDedicateone FastSunday for amissionaryopportunityIntroduceyourself to aneighbor thatyou don'tknowInvite afriend to anactivity orserviceproject Shareyourtestimonyin churchInvite themissionarieson aministeringvisitDo a churchexchangewithsomeone of adifferent faithPray for amissionaryexperienceeveryday fora weekPost on yourneighborhoodsocial media pagean invitation to achurch serviceprojectIn aconversation,share withsomeone whatyou did thatSundayInvite afriend to a2nd activityor serviceprojectE-mail amissionaryserving fromour wardTell a friend ofanother faiththat you are amember ofthe churchPreform anact ofservice fora neighborVisitsomeonethat you feelprompted tovisitHave apicture of thetemple athome orworkInvite afriend to a3rd activityor serviceprojectFeed the full-timemissionaries inyour home withsomeone not ofour faithGive a Bookof Mormonto someoneof a differentfaithShare a"missionarymoment" in RS,Priesthood , orSunday SchoolShare atreat withaneighbor  Complete a 4-generationpedigree chartand share it witha neighborAttend adiscussionwith the full-timemissionaries

2023 Nocatee Ward Mission Plan - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Share a gospel message with someone through text or social media
  2. Post on social media your testimony of Jesus Christ
  3. Read "The Power of an Everyday Missionary" book
  4. Dedicate one Fast Sunday for a missionary opportunity
  5. Introduce yourself to a neighbor that you don't know
  6. Invite a friend to an activity or service project
  7. Share your testimony in church
  8. Invite the missionaries on a ministering visit
  9. Do a church exchange with someone of a different faith
  10. Pray for a missionary experience everyday for a week
  11. Post on your neighborhood social media page an invitation to a church service project
  12. In a conversation, share with someone what you did that Sunday
  13. Invite a friend to a 2nd activity or service project
  14. E-mail a missionary serving from our ward
  15. Tell a friend of another faith that you are a member of the church
  16. Preform an act of service for a neighbor
  17. Visit someone that you feel prompted to visit
  18. Have a picture of the temple at home or work
  19. Invite a friend to a 3rd activity or service project
  20. Feed the full-time missionaries in your home with someone not of our faith
  21. Give a Book of Mormon to someone of a different faith
  22. Share a "missionary moment" in RS, Priesthood , or Sunday School
  23. Share a treat with a neighbor
  24. Complete a 4-generation pedigree chart and share it with a neighbor
  25. Attend a discussion with the full-time missionaries