ConfluencePlatform used bySC811 as a team'Workspace,' housingblogs, posts, trainingdocuments, andother importantinformationPolygontoolTool used for markingside-by-sideproperties or singleparcels whoseproperty boundariesexceed the perimeterof the drawn shapeUnknownThe term enteredwithin the'Street/Address'field of a notice forutility right-of-ways,and alleyways,rampsVerificationThe readingaloud of allinformation ona notice beforeprocessingAddress inInstructionsButton tocheck whenside-by-sideproperties areto be locatedMedianThe grassy and/orconcrete areasometimesseparating adivided roadway orhighwayAddServiceAreaSecondary actionperformed when acaller wishes to adda member operatorto the noticeRemarkSecondary actionperformed when themarkings are nolonger visible as aresult of weatherand/or if the markingswere destroyed byanother companyDispositionThe transfercodeselected atthe end ofeach callMagnifyingGlassIcon/tool on themap that allowsyou to search foran address orlocation byentering a searchtermNoShowSecondary actionperformed when amember has notresponded and hasan OPEN CODEafter the 3 fullworking days havepastDisclaimerStatement to beread aloud andconfirmed by thecaller whenprocessing allemergency noticesCircletoolTool used for markingsingle properties onthe map, so long asthe propertyboundaries do notexceed the perimeterof the drawn shapeRampThis specific 'Work-Along-a-Road'worksite is listed asan UNKNOWN withinthe 'Street/Address'field of the noticeExactixThe platformused by SC811for the creationandmaintenance oflocate noticesResendSecondary actionperformed after the 3full working dayshave past and themarkings areincomplete, incorrect,or not visibleAdditionalInformationSecondary actionperformed when acaller wishes to addnon-pertinentinformation (gatecode, dogs in yard,call before arrival,etc)CancelSecondary actionperformed whendigging will not takeplace and/or if anerror was made on anotice that needs tobe correctedUtilityRight-of-WayThis is one type ofworksite thatrequires use of theDraw Line toolwhen marking the811 mapRulerIcon/tool on themap that allowsyou to measurethe distance fromone location toanotherMulti-SaveToolAllow the user tomap more than1320 ft at a time,creating allnotices in aseries at onceDrawLinetoolTool used formarking lineardistances,including themarking ofroadways, on the811 mapUpdateSecondary action isperformed when acaller requests thelocate be extendedand markings are stillvisibleAlleywayThis is one type ofworksite thatrequires use of theDraw Line toolwhen marking the811 mapConfluencePlatform used bySC811 as a team'Workspace,' housingblogs, posts, trainingdocuments, andother importantinformationPolygontoolTool used for markingside-by-sideproperties or singleparcels whoseproperty boundariesexceed the perimeterof the drawn shapeUnknownThe term enteredwithin the'Street/Address'field of a notice forutility right-of-ways,and alleyways,rampsVerificationThe readingaloud of allinformation ona notice beforeprocessingAddress inInstructionsButton tocheck whenside-by-sideproperties areto be locatedMedianThe grassy and/orconcrete areasometimesseparating adivided roadway orhighwayAddServiceAreaSecondary actionperformed when acaller wishes to adda member operatorto the noticeRemarkSecondary actionperformed when themarkings are nolonger visible as aresult of weatherand/or if the markingswere destroyed byanother companyDispositionThe transfercodeselected atthe end ofeach callMagnifyingGlassIcon/tool on themap that allowsyou to search foran address orlocation byentering a searchtermNoShowSecondary actionperformed when amember has notresponded and hasan OPEN CODEafter the 3 fullworking days havepastDisclaimerStatement to beread aloud andconfirmed by thecaller whenprocessing allemergency noticesCircletoolTool used for markingsingle properties onthe map, so long asthe propertyboundaries do notexceed the perimeterof the drawn shapeRampThis specific 'Work-Along-a-Road'worksite is listed asan UNKNOWN withinthe 'Street/Address'field of the noticeExactixThe platformused by SC811for the creationandmaintenance oflocate noticesResendSecondary actionperformed after the 3full working dayshave past and themarkings areincomplete, incorrect,or not visibleAdditionalInformationSecondary actionperformed when acaller wishes to addnon-pertinentinformation (gatecode, dogs in yard,call before arrival,etc)CancelSecondary actionperformed whendigging will not takeplace and/or if anerror was made on anotice that needs tobe correctedUtilityRight-of-WayThis is one type ofworksite thatrequires use of theDraw Line toolwhen marking the811 mapRulerIcon/tool on themap that allowsyou to measurethe distance fromone location toanotherMulti-SaveToolAllow the user tomap more than1320 ft at a time,creating allnotices in aseries at onceDrawLinetoolTool used formarking lineardistances,including themarking ofroadways, on the811 mapUpdateSecondary action isperformed when acaller requests thelocate be extendedand markings are stillvisibleAlleywayThis is one type ofworksite thatrequires use of theDraw Line toolwhen marking the811 map

SC811 - Find the Answer on Your BINGO Card! - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Platform used by SC811 as a team 'Workspace,' housing blogs, posts, training documents, and other important information
  2. Tool used for marking side-by-side properties or single parcels whose property boundaries exceed the perimeter of the drawn shape
    Polygon tool
  3. The term entered within the 'Street/Address' field of a notice for utility right-of-ways, and alleyways, ramps
  4. The reading aloud of all information on a notice before processing
  5. Button to check when side-by-side properties are to be located
    Address in Instructions
  6. The grassy and/or concrete area sometimes separating a divided roadway or highway
  7. Secondary action performed when a caller wishes to add a member operator to the notice
    Add Service Area
  8. Secondary action performed when the markings are no longer visible as a result of weather and/or if the markings were destroyed by another company
  9. The transfer code selected at the end of each call
  10. Icon/tool on the map that allows you to search for an address or location by entering a search term
    Magnifying Glass
  11. Secondary action performed when a member has not responded and has an OPEN CODE after the 3 full working days have past
    No Show
  12. Statement to be read aloud and confirmed by the caller when processing all emergency notices
  13. Tool used for marking single properties on the map, so long as the property boundaries do not exceed the perimeter of the drawn shape
    Circle tool
  14. This specific 'Work-Along-a-Road' worksite is listed as an UNKNOWN within the 'Street/Address' field of the notice
  15. The platform used by SC811 for the creation and maintenance of locate notices
  16. Secondary action performed after the 3 full working days have past and the markings are incomplete, incorrect, or not visible
  17. Secondary action performed when a caller wishes to add non-pertinent information (gate code, dogs in yard, call before arrival, etc)
    Additional Information
  18. Secondary action performed when digging will not take place and/or if an error was made on a notice that needs to be corrected
  19. This is one type of worksite that requires use of the Draw Line tool when marking the 811 map
    Utility Right-of-Way
  20. Icon/tool on the map that allows you to measure the distance from one location to another
  21. Allow the user to map more than 1320 ft at a time, creating all notices in a series at once
    Multi-Save Tool
  22. Tool used for marking linear distances, including the marking of roadways, on the 811 map
    Draw Line tool
  23. Secondary action is performed when a caller requests the locate be extended and markings are still visible
  24. This is one type of worksite that requires use of the Draw Line tool when marking the 811 map