Anycarnivorousanimal.An animalhunted orcaptured byanother forfood.Reciprocalaction,effect, orinfluence.Amicroorganism,especially abacterium thatcausesdisease.Invariable/permanet/ constant.The followingof one thingafter another;succession.Very dry,especially havingless precipitationthan is needed tosupport most treesor woody plants.To live, toexist or besituatedwithin.The process bywhich the surfaceof the earth isworn away by theaction of water,glaciers, winds,waves, etc.The act orprocess ofdeteriorating.An organismthat feeds onotherorganisms in afood chain.An organismthat serves as asource of foodfor otherorganisms in afood chain.Eventhough /Although /In spite of.Parts orsubstancesremaining fromanimals or plantslife that occur inthe earth's crust.A period of dryweather,especially along one that isinjurious tocrops.The horses, cattle,sheep, and otheruseful animalskept or raised on afarm or ranch.A series ofobjectsconnectedone after theother.To use toomuch or toooften /excessiveuse.Present ingreatquantity;more thanadequate.The artificialapplication ofwater to land toassist in theproduction ofcrops.Wrong orimproper use;misapplication.Notappropriate;not properor suitable.The act offragmentingor the stateof beingfragmented.Anythingserving toconnect onepart or thingwith another; abond or tie.Anycarnivorousanimal.An animalhunted orcaptured byanother forfood.Reciprocalaction,effect, orinfluence.Amicroorganism,especially abacterium thatcausesdisease.Invariable/permanet/ constant.The followingof one thingafter another;succession.Very dry,especially havingless precipitationthan is needed tosupport most treesor woody plants.To live, toexist or besituatedwithin.The process bywhich the surfaceof the earth isworn away by theaction of water,glaciers, winds,waves, etc.The act orprocess ofdeteriorating.An organismthat feeds onotherorganisms in afood chain.An organismthat serves as asource of foodfor otherorganisms in afood chain.Eventhough /Although /In spite of.Parts orsubstancesremaining fromanimals or plantslife that occur inthe earth's crust.A period of dryweather,especially along one that isinjurious tocrops.The horses, cattle,sheep, and otheruseful animalskept or raised on afarm or ranch.A series ofobjectsconnectedone after theother.To use toomuch or toooften /excessiveuse.Present ingreatquantity;more thanadequate.The artificialapplication ofwater to land toassist in theproduction ofcrops.Wrong orimproper use;misapplication.Notappropriate;not properor suitable.The act offragmentingor the stateof beingfragmented.Anythingserving toconnect onepart or thingwith another; abond or tie.

Unti 3: The soil and grasslands - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Any carnivorous animal.
  2. An animal hunted or captured by another for food.
  3. Reciprocal action, effect, or influence.
  4. A microorganism, especially a bacterium that causes disease.
  5. Invariable / permanet / constant.
  6. The following of one thing after another; succession.
  7. Very dry, especially having less precipitation than is needed to support most trees or woody plants.
  8. To live, to exist or be situated within.
  9. The process by which the surface of the earth is worn away by the action of water, glaciers, winds, waves, etc.
  10. The act or process of deteriorating.
  11. An organism that feeds on other organisms in a food chain.
  12. An organism that serves as a source of food for other organisms in a food chain.
  13. Even though / Although / In spite of.
  14. Parts or substances remaining from animals or plants life that occur in the earth's crust.
  15. A period of dry weather, especially a long one that is injurious to crops.
  16. The horses, cattle, sheep, and other useful animals kept or raised on a farm or ranch.
  17. A series of objects connected one after the other.
  18. To use too much or too often / excessive use.
  19. Present in great quantity; more than adequate.
  20. The artificial application of water to land to assist in the production of crops.
  21. Wrong or improper use; misapplication.
  22. Not appropriate; not proper or suitable.
  23. The act of fragmenting or the state of being fragmented.
  24. Anything serving to connect one part or thing with another; a bond or tie.