5.) How manyspecies ofprimate live inthe Heart ofBorneo3.) Name 1cause ofdeforestation19.) Whatslow movingmammal"hangs out" inthe amazon22.) WhatAustraliantree is akoala'sfavorite food16.) Whatcontinentis The CongoRainforestlocated10.) Name 1animal that livesinthe understoryof therainforest13.) Whatcommon spicecomes from thebark of a treein this rainforest24.) How manygallons ofwater does ittake to produce1 avocado4.) Name 1animal thatlives in theAmazon25.) Name aNON-FOODproduct wederive fromthe rainforest18.) Whatinsectpollinatesthe BanyanTree20.) WhatAmazonianbirdhas a largecolorful bill6.) Name 1foodwe derivefrom therainforest7.) Namethe toplayer of therainforest9.) Whatcontinent isThe ValdivianRainforestlocated17.) Whatname do theindigenouspeople from theHeart of Borneogo by12.) What'sthe secondlargestrainforest inthe world11.) Name ananimal thatlivesin the ValdivianRainforest23.) What isone way wecanconserve therainforest21.) Howmany peoplecall theCongo Basinhome 1.) Name 1 ofthe4 rainforestsrepresented inour greenhouse8.) Name 1plantthat originatesfrom theAmazon15.) Whatrainforestdoes thepoison dartfrog call home2.) Name 1animal thatlives on theforest floor14.) What's thepractice ofgrowing plantswith fish wastecalled5.) How manyspecies ofprimate live inthe Heart ofBorneo3.) Name 1cause ofdeforestation19.) Whatslow movingmammal"hangs out" inthe amazon22.) WhatAustraliantree is akoala'sfavorite food16.) Whatcontinentis The CongoRainforestlocated10.) Name 1animal that livesinthe understoryof therainforest13.) Whatcommon spicecomes from thebark of a treein this rainforest24.) How manygallons ofwater does ittake to produce1 avocado4.) Name 1animal thatlives in theAmazon25.) Name aNON-FOODproduct wederive fromthe rainforest18.) Whatinsectpollinatesthe BanyanTree20.) WhatAmazonianbirdhas a largecolorful bill6.) Name 1foodwe derivefrom therainforest7.) Namethe toplayer of therainforest9.) Whatcontinent isThe ValdivianRainforestlocated17.) Whatname do theindigenouspeople from theHeart of Borneogo by12.) What'sthe secondlargestrainforest inthe world11.) Name ananimal thatlivesin the ValdivianRainforest23.) What isone way wecanconserve therainforest21.) Howmany peoplecall theCongo Basinhome 1.) Name 1 ofthe4 rainforestsrepresented inour greenhouse8.) Name 1plantthat originatesfrom theAmazon15.) Whatrainforestdoes thepoison dartfrog call home2.) Name 1animal thatlives on theforest floor14.) What's thepractice ofgrowing plantswith fish wastecalled

Rainforest BINGO! - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. 5.) How many species of primate live in the Heart of Borneo
  2. 3.) Name 1 cause of deforestation
  3. 19.) What slow moving mammal "hangs out" in the amazon
  4. 22.) What Australian tree is a koala's favorite food
  5. 16.) What continent is The Congo Rainforest located
  6. 10.) Name 1 animal that lives in the understory of the rainforest
  7. 13.) What common spice comes from the bark of a tree in this rainforest
  8. 24.) How many gallons of water does it take to produce 1 avocado
  9. 4.) Name 1 animal that lives in the Amazon
  10. 25.) Name a NON-FOOD product we derive from the rainforest
  11. 18.) What insect pollinates the Banyan Tree
  12. 20.) What Amazonian bird has a large colorful bill
  13. 6.) Name 1 food we derive from the rainforest
  14. 7.) Name the top layer of the rainforest
  15. 9.) What continent is The Valdivian Rainforest located
  16. 17.) What name do the indigenous people from the Heart of Borneo go by
  17. 12.) What's the second largest rainforest in the world
  18. 11.) Name an animal that lives in the Valdivian Rainforest
  19. 23.) What is one way we can conserve the rainforest
  20. 21.) How many people call the Congo Basin home
  21. 1.) Name 1 of the 4 rainforests represented in our greenhouse
  22. 8.) Name 1 plant that originates from the Amazon
  23. 15.) What rainforest does the poison dart frog call home
  24. 2.) Name 1 animal that lives on the forest floor
  25. 14.) What's the practice of growing plants with fish waste called